The next Kirby thread is here. Also, we discuss what the next game will be like and how new/returningg characters will fir into it and add to the ever growing continuity of the Kirby series.
Kirby Thread
How do you think a 03 could end up topping 02's appearance in Kirby 64?
You should have started with that drawing of Kirby doing the GIGA SCREWDRIVER BREAKER.
How much blood can we put in the game before its rated M?
>Incidentally, the mask's design is a heavily altered version of Dark Mind's mask from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. If you look reeeeeally closely, you might be able to see the similarities. Some very eagle-eyed players may have noticed already!
>/kdlg/ can't sustain itself for more than 3 threads
>Kirby threads on Sup Forums always reach the post limit
More bloody and fucked up, but the obligatory Zero's should would have an humanoid form...a female humanoid form.
dumb littenposter
Damn, wish I had it. I would have done that otherwise though, lel.
I want to visit kirby threads but I know I'll be spoiled for Robobot, so I cant. Have a bump, though.
>there's a kirby general
Pretty sure kirby threads are not meant to last
Another Dimension has the best theme.
Good thing you didn't visit last thread.
Is on the other thread, close to the beginning.
i feel like drawing something kirby related. throw me a character.
>tfw dark mind's mask looks like Bowser
Ribbon or the Fairy Queen.
dark matter swordsman and galacta knight having a duel.
The Sup Forums threads are lasting longer because nobody has made a general since the last /kdlg/ two days ago
Was, everyone decided to let it die. Seems your right though, Kirby threads are much better in short rapid bursts than a long consistent general.
Dedede doing jazz for the soul
Some threads aren't meant to be generals.
>At the end, though, the mood shifts as Dedede puts on a power-amplifying mask (nobody knows where he got it...) and faces Kirby as the incredible Masked Dedede!
>the mood shifts
>(nobody knows where he got it...)
Because we have like one kirby thread every two nights?. Most of time people dont make a new one after bump-limit
My litten will btfo ur Rowlett tho
They would probably turn it into black liquid or something
Marx (with wings)
>littenfags being this edgy
Jokes on u tho I want Popplio
Tiff as Hillary and King Dedede as Trump. And if you can draw some more, Bernie as Marx.
I refuse to choose any until I know their final forms.
Is it bad that I want Marx in smash?
looks like somebody's needing The DeDeDick
Not like that, I was thinking in a young girl with long and white hair.
i want Dark Matter Blade so badly in Smash
i don't care if it going to set off more people over swords
>tfw Humanoid Zero
>looks almost human, but not quite
>gets more fucked up as the fight progresses
That could work
Something something all float down here.
Wot. Wrong post m80
O fuck, t'was I who posted to the wrong post. I'm quite retarded
>03 poses as a friendly humanoid figure
>as the first phase progresses their body breaks down, becoming paler and bleeding
>eventually sheds the human skin and becomes the horrible, bleeding, screaming eye we all love
id buy it
i want this tbqh senpai
one of these would be nice
Quickly Sup Forums, choose your character!
>dat thicc and tender 02 meat
If Kumazaki is directing, no. He'd fail miserably if he attempted to recapture the charm of DL/Adv/DL2/DL3/K64
Something like this, but with zero's bloody eyes.
>If Kumazaki is directing, no. He'd greatly improve K64's issues
That's really stupid, user. Why should someone written and designed around being completely alien in all aspects return as a humanoid? You really fail to understand the character, you just want it to become a cliche.
This is why Zero should stay dead, bringing him back would just ruin the trilogy.
Doesn't he say it was passed down through his family in KSSU?
The only problem that Kirby 64 has is that is too slow.
What do you mean by that? I know Triple Deluxe was a bit lack luster, but Planet Robobot is (apparently) one of the best Kirby games yet.
They say the biggest monsters are the humans, so why not use a human form to represent that? It would still use all the bloody things.
Why not do it yourself? Model was ripped from Robobot already
>Not wanting Zero to come back for the 25th anniversary game.
If it where any other game I would agree with you, but not even for the anniversary?
>Zero Blade.png
>no blade
Cool design though. If Zero somehow reforms that's how I'd want him to look, when he's not assuming his true form.
Seeing as HAL clearly lurks this board, they'll probably include him in Smash if we beg hard enough.
>tfw borbs are fit as fuck and you're killing yourslef with junkfood in front of a computer
How does Zero Two eat?
>mfw I'll hopefully be playing PR tomorrow evening
I'm hoping that Dark Mind will come back in next year's game as well. Nightmare has to be in because he was the first major villain, but it'd be nice to see somelike a fusion.
well...while the models are ripped they still have texture problems like the black spots being every where.
people are currently finding a way to fix the problem at VG Resource forums
He should only reappear in a firmly non-canon game like Air Ride 2 or something. The 25th anniversary should celebrate the series legacy, without hamfisting in old rogues who have finished their story.
Bet those borbs gets all the ladies. I'm so fucking jealous.
How could they have made Kirby 64 so slow when DL3 is like the fastest in the series? What caused this set-back?
Kumazaki is a trash director when we're comparing all of their artistic vision and creativity.
It's not, but it's good.
They're just completely different styles.
He stays pretty good up until the end of his games, where he just starts to throw nostolgia shit at the wall for the sake of just having it in there. Just look at the Dedede Tour from TD and the finale of PR in both modes.
I have a very very strange boner now
Thanks I guess
Lads, I just beat my first kirby game amazing mirror. I hunger for more I have a hacked 3ds. What next?
Why would a character removed from anything resembling humanity, who's not even supposed to be evil, become a "the biggest evil is man" trope
It's a fucking disgusting idea, your fanfiction is shit.
Are you hating on Dedede Tour, user?
This is out dated but here. If you like the Return to Dream Land route go to Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot. If you like Canvas Curse play Rainbow Curse. Also Mass Attack is a nice spin-off as well. In my opinion they're all pretty great & you can do whatever you want, Super Star is my personal favorite.
N-no not at all
It's a bit slow and long for my tastes, but I like that it wasn't just another Metaknightmare, and goddamn the finale to it was amazing
>No "Milky Way Wishes was awsome!"
I wish more Kirby games were as non linear as it was.
I fucking love this chart. I post it every time someone asks for kirby recommendations.
Shit needs to be updated sometime this generation
Why not do it now? We could if you wanted to.
because im busy recording all the stages of Mighty Number 9 to piss off a company.
My hands are tied up for the moment
You're doing gods work, thank you. Perhaps another time then
In all honesty, how's the game?
You know, it would be cool if Milky Way Wishes was expanded upon into it's full game like all the others pretty much were. It wouldn't rely on partners or special abilities or anything and it'd give the copy abilities themselves the full focus which could bring back nearly all the old abilities and make even more new ones since you'd be collecting them. The only issue with this I'd imagine is how easy it'd be to destroy everything once you get certain abilities.
Reminder that Kirby is completely aware of his surroundings, is self-reliant, has moderate intelligence, and has a fair bit of maturity. He isn't a baby by any means.
you can see the 2 threads here
It's pretty hard without god mode. 20 buckaroos on PSN as well so price wise it's truly not that bad.
there's full game content there. be warned if you care for spoilers
The playlist for the stages are set to private til I get them all, but the final boss is linked to the channel I posted in thread
How do you set up a game like MWW without having to go back into space? I feel like TD was the perfect opportunity to try something like that again with the dream stalk and it's different areas, but the linear experience prevailed
>my advice to knock out King Dedede
>Threatening to release the beta build if they don't meet the release date and delay again
You're a true hero, thank god I didn't back this shit show.
Bitch wants to box, then let's fucking box.
Eh I'd rather they have every opportunity to drag out development as long as possible, it's funnier that way.
Where is the user with the fairy Queen's art?
Hoping for more Zero stuff.
considering its basically complete of a game but from june last year of LAST YEAR that's what makes it a real threat