>Nintendo only remembers how to make games for half of their IP's
>their last console was a complete flop
>their next console will likely be their last
>Sega has been out of the console race for about 15 years
>almost all of their IP's have been forgotten
>they only release Sonic games (which are still struggling to find an identity), Hatsune Miku, and collections of Genesis ports
>Sony's PS4 is the leading console of the generation
>it's been out for 3 years and has roughly 5 relevant exclusives
>the Vita has been left for dead
>Microsoft's Xbox One has been out for 3 years as well
>2 relevant exclusives: another Halo FPS, and a collection of N64 ports
>PC gaming is completely monopolized by Valve's Steam service, whose quality requirements for games are so low that the PC is now drowning in $2 indie games made in unity for streamers to make silly faces into their webcam at for thousands of dollars
>the only PC games now are said indie titles and console multiplats.
>Valve no longer makes games
>Capcom is a complete shell of their former selves
>Mega Man is dead
>Resident Evil is struggling
>Konami is dead
>From Software is one the most respected developers on the scene right now
>they only know how to reskin a 2009 PS3 game
>Rockstar makes nothing other than GTA now, which gets a game once every 6-7 years
>Ubisoft is still releasing nothing but buggy shovelware
>Rare is a corpse that gets dug up every few months to get pissed on
>Square is still doing Final Fantasy
>haven't made one that pleased the fanbase since X, a PS2 launch title
>XV looks like Devil May Cry
>Bethesda knows how to make games for 2 series
>they play exactly the same except one uses swords and one uses guns
>released their first relevant game since 2011 late last year
>it fucking sucked.
>Activision owns the most popular IP in gaming
>it's a military FPS that has been getting reskinned yearly since 2007
Just fucking kill me already.