
>Nintendo only remembers how to make games for half of their IP's
>their last console was a complete flop
>their next console will likely be their last

>Sega has been out of the console race for about 15 years
>almost all of their IP's have been forgotten
>they only release Sonic games (which are still struggling to find an identity), Hatsune Miku, and collections of Genesis ports

>Sony's PS4 is the leading console of the generation
>it's been out for 3 years and has roughly 5 relevant exclusives
>the Vita has been left for dead

>Microsoft's Xbox One has been out for 3 years as well
>2 relevant exclusives: another Halo FPS, and a collection of N64 ports

>PC gaming is completely monopolized by Valve's Steam service, whose quality requirements for games are so low that the PC is now drowning in $2 indie games made in unity for streamers to make silly faces into their webcam at for thousands of dollars
>the only PC games now are said indie titles and console multiplats.
>Valve no longer makes games

>Capcom is a complete shell of their former selves
>Mega Man is dead
>Resident Evil is struggling

>Konami is dead

>From Software is one the most respected developers on the scene right now
>they only know how to reskin a 2009 PS3 game

>Rockstar makes nothing other than GTA now, which gets a game once every 6-7 years

>Ubisoft is still releasing nothing but buggy shovelware

>Rare is a corpse that gets dug up every few months to get pissed on

>Square is still doing Final Fantasy
>haven't made one that pleased the fanbase since X, a PS2 launch title
>XV looks like Devil May Cry

>Bethesda knows how to make games for 2 series
>they play exactly the same except one uses swords and one uses guns
>released their first relevant game since 2011 late last year
>it fucking sucked.

>Activision owns the most popular IP in gaming
>it's a military FPS that has been getting reskinned yearly since 2007

Just fucking kill me already.

I like Forza.

this is depressing enough to be on r9k...

>id saves gaming with a fantastic reboot of the most influential game ever

>haven't made one that pleased the fanbase since X, a PS2 launch title

type 0 was good, and lots of people play 14. 15 will be good and they're also making kingdom hearts

Sucks to be you, OP.

Look at all the games I'm buying this year.

Final Fantasy 15
Star Ocean 5
The Last Guardian
I am Setsuna
Dragon Quest 7 and 8
SMT IV:Apocalypse
Persona 5
Pokemon Sun and Moon



We need a crash. Or the appearance of the new entertainment media.


14 isn't played by FF fans, it's played by MMO players.

Play the yakuza games, user, they're fun as fuck

That's okay
A new age of gaming is emerging pionered by feminist hipsters promoting social justice
Just gotta look at the bright side of things. Let the old pass and welcome the new

oh. this pic.

does anyone have the rotom edit?

SJWs have no influence on the Japanese.

>Look the bright side.

So, the scraps?

the only bright side is that those fuckers are seeing that their 'progressive' ideals aren't actually working

>the PC is now drowning in $2 indie games made in unity for streamers to make silly faces into their webcam at for thousands of dollars

I never understand this complaint. If you don't want to play/watch this people then don't. It's the same way in any other situation in life. No one is forcing them on you.

Star Fox Zero was a pretty damn good game. They're still okay for me OP. I'm just not a big fan of 2D Marios lately.

>>Square is still doing Final Fantasy
>>haven't made one that pleased the fanbase since X, a PS2 launch title
>>XV looks like Devil May Cry
you forgot
>refuses to release Dragon Quest outside of Japan

where's DQMJ3?

>>Activision owns the most popular IP in gaming
>>it's a military FPS that has been getting reskinned yearly since 2007

If we include United Offensive, Call of Duty has been a yearly franchise since it's inception in 2003

NBA 2k games are good, is just the microtransactions make it take longer for people who don't want to spend money to unlock things

If you play them on PC you can use the cheat engine though

playing FF14 gave me the final fantasy itch. I just purchased the X and X2 steam versions like a sheep.

CoD's been around since 2001.