You donate or sub to streamers?

you donate or sub to streamers?

Other urls found in this thread:

obviously not,
if you do. fucking kill yourself.

Just one. Only because I've known her for a long time. I donate $200 every month to her because her lazy fucking boyfriend doesn't have a job, but you know, that's what friends are for.

try harder

Nice b8, that flustered me a little

No and you should feel bad for doing so

too forced. 4/10

I have a Giant Bomb and Vessel subscription. That's it.

I don't personally, but the people who do are overwhelmingly either Americans who want to pay for their entertainment, or sad nerds who think the streamer is their best friend.

Who is she?

As if they would donate when I am streaming. So no,

Only to female streamers
I mean I can afford to do it,I get a huge turn on when they write my name on white board,start crying because of happiness and stuff like that

I probably donated around $30k so far

>tfw you've donated over $12000 to the same twitch streamer over the years
>she now mentions you by name when you enter the chat
>you're constantly her stream boyfriend
We're all gonna make it, bros.

Are there any girl streamers who are
>good at vidya
>not whores
>not bullies

Yes but they all have penises.

To the only one who deserves it: BroTeam

I rarely watch streams and the most I'll do is follow.

>paying someone money to watch him play videogames
I'd rather invest that money into myself so I can play some videogames instead.


Made around 100 dollars last week.

>not knowing our girl Ephey

Mate we're not going to be mean to her, just want someone good and qt to watch.

>playing videogames
Get the fuck out of my board.

>Streamer puts up a goal to see how much money they can reach
>people in chat say "We did it!"

Why does Sup Forums get off on pretending to be pathetic?

I dont even watch any streamers and i honestly dont understand whats so fun about them.

Sure it may be interesting to watch professional players, but whats the appeal of some idiot who is just as bad as you playing vidya for hours while he talks about his life and screams like a retard?

Right, p-pretending.

I donate to cosplayers

>Streamer goes "Oh, I need 1000 subs, just for you so you can get more emotes in the chat ;^)"
>Said streamer throws mini-tantrum the next day when some people have unsubbed

Why she is so bald?


With the money she makes now she can afford some hair extensions.

>meeting those criteria
no user.

She doesn't need extensions, she needs hair plugs.

How can someone stoop so low?

>Making documentary essentially about herself how powerful and strong woman she is for abortion

jesus fucking christ

Unless you're Laci Green, proclaiming yourself to be a proud feminist is pretty much internet career suicide.

>all you have to do to become rich as a girl is play vidya with a camera on
>dont even have to be good at them

Literally living life on easy mode

Laci Green
Emma Watson
Zoe Quinn
Anita Sarkeesian

all millionaires and getting movie deals

yeah "career suicide" sure...

My girlfriend streams. I don't know what to think about it. Her viewers think I'm an asshole because I don't put up with them and ignore them most of the time. I can't really complain when she makes money for just doing what she would anyway except with a cam on though.

Emma Watson doesn't get big movie roles anymore.

Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian never had careers.

this meme is annoying. tell me about at least one remotely popular or rich girl streamer

People who make bank on twitch

>various lol, dota, csgo, and memestone pro players

literally white men only club

>Emma Watson
I really wonder why she's giving speeches to UN etc. about wage caps and stuff, given that she is one of the most powerful people on the planet, or atleast richest, so all that bullshit wouldn't affect her in the slightest

What's worse, she was just found out to be laundering money in those panama papers.

Every stream based around subs and donations has made me question what the fuck I'm supposed to be finding appealing about any of it, much less why they deserve any money for it.

They're just assholes pretending to have over the top reactions to everything, while brainwashing their viewers into thinking that paying them somehow makes them their friends.

There's also something incredibly low class about bragging about the amount of money you're making.

What's with these 'feminists' and having skeletons in their closets? Seriously

i watch but dont contribute at all.

they can eat shit.

Donated to a new streamer trying really hard and doing great content a few times.
He's still streaming and doing super well now.

shes prolly got man when she found out harry potter made more bucks then her

She's got that white girl guilt going. She got rich because a bunch of movie producers thought she'd grow into an attractive woman and now she's telling the whole world that the dudes who made her rich are the ones who are the debil

It was the white man who forced to, obvs

White women are the most oppressed people on the planet. Sometimes when they walk down the street they have to endure unsolicited compliments. You don't know what it's like.

>Giant Bomb
Absolutely disgusting.


Nah. I really only watch like one stream, and they only do shit sporadically and on Saturdays. I understand that it's a nice gesture to donate to someone who provides entertainment, but I really don't feel any need to throw money at the people I watch. If the source of entertainment is free then streamers have to understand it's mainly set up for fun/sharing rather than for profit.

It certainly doesn't help that I don't have too much disposable income to throw around at the moment, but that's a whole different matter.

why the fuck would i watch a retard playing a video game unless i'm being social?

was unable to play video games at one point due to physical injury so I watched one fairly obscure streamer for a good while and subbed/donated a few times

Which based popular streamers DON'T accept donations from their fanbase?

The only ones I can think of are Total Biscuit and Day9.

Yes, but only subbed whenever he streams a game I have missed and really wanted to catch the entirety off (as he has previous broadcasts set to subs only).

I have also donated ONCE to him, but I wanted to see how it feels.. It led with a major feeling of disappointment and that I wasted 5$, sure it wasn't much but donating 5$ for attention left me feeling very disappointed, I won't be doing that again.

Cryaotic doesn't accept donations to my knowledge. He does the whole subscriber bullshit but doesn't take donations.

whats her twitch

They're lazy shitters with terrible content.

Just buy a woman a drink in a random bar next time, there's at least the slight chance she'll suck your dick for real

>previous broadcasts set to subs only

what a fucking jew

I am subbed to Adam Koebel. I enjoy his commentary and I have played a tabletop game he designed without giving a dime, so I am paying someone who provided content I enjoyed. This is how the free market works - if you like something, support the people who created it so that you can have more of it in the future.

newLegacyInc used to have donations off and only turned them back on because fans demanded it. They usually take them for charity streams too.

Don't really want Sup Forums bullying her, sorry dude.

>I'm only letting you give me money because you demand it!

Do people actually buy that bullshit?

Wasn't donating such attention, but yeah. Those 5 $ would be better spend on that.
At the very least he's pretty entertaining.
If the video don't skip just head to 1:34

The donation links were kill before that for a long time so it's p believable

>Get bored, decide to look at some streams
>Top streams are always e-sports and shit
>Look for people playing interesting games
>Always speed-runs
>Look for new games
>Multiple streams where the game isn't even playing and a girl is just talking to the camera
>Finally find someone playing LISA, blind playthrough, doesn't seem to be too shitty
>Watch for a few minutes
>Someone subscribes
>Two separate animations pop up on screen, loud sound effect goes off, streamer pauses the game to get up and dance
>Close stream

Some part of me genuinely wants to enjoy streams since there are so many people playing vidya at least one person has to be interesting/entertaining. But goddamn, I feel like I'm sifting through mounds of shit just to find something mediocre. I fucking envy people who find entertainment from just watching someone play matches of mobas mindlessly, because I just can't do it.

Make it stop
Make it end

In other words, he wanted to seem like a cool guy until he realized that he's not making as much money anymore.

Some people REALLY want to pay money for something that is free

That sounds terrible. Why is twitch so bad?

>dont put my face
>dont put anything
>donation bottom its there if you want to give me money because you are a fucking retard
>just in-game sounds
>most of the time i dont even see what people say
>2-5 people watching me generally

>tfw KGhaleon, the biggest DSP whiteknight just fucked off today.