When's the next vidya crash to put this shitty industry out of it's misery?

When's the next vidya crash to put this shitty industry out of it's misery?

in 2-3 years. right between the next gen and trying to fix the virtual reality shit

The "big video game crash" only affected arcade and console gaming in North America. The rest of the industry and the world carried on without consequences.

When the ps4k and Nintendo NX flop

there will not be im afraid.
just get used to it.

Fuck off. You just don't like games anymore. There's still great shit coming out. Certainly more than last gen. We got Sunset Overdrive, Forza 6, GT Sport, Hyper Light Drifter, The Witness, Uncharted 4, FF15, Wolfenstein New Order, Far Cry 4, Just Cause 3, Dying Light, etc. Video games are fucking awesome, jaded Sup Forums-tier shitposter. Now fuck off this board.

You're an idiot.

North America was the leading country of the industry during that era.

That's why Nintendo got so large, because they took that opportunity to grab shit from the Americans and built a huge empire. Many other Japanese companies followed.

It's true Europe was also part of the industry but America was the leading force before the crash, plus the crash itself mostly only affected the American industry.

In response to OP, the industry today is actually huge and companies that make cellphone-based games are making buckets of money. I seriously doubt a crash would happen and if it did, it would probably cause the games we actually enjoy to be eliminated.

>any of those
>FFXV isn't even out yet

Cod sells millions every year nonstop.

There will never be another crash.

And great games still sell alot. Dark Souls 3 sold 3.5 million so far.

They're not gonna crash,just lower their standards so much that they will produce irredeemable shit games that will put in the head of every normie that movie game=good and 2D=shit.

Do you have any fluent arguments to support why they're not good. Forza 6 is fan-fucking-tastic.

That's what I am saying, stuff like cod sells buckets of money. Shit sells.

Video games were always meant for the general audience like movies were, but they only recently caught on. The nerds' domain is no more.


>DS3 is a good game

Are you retarded? After 4th gen, there will NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER be another crash. Saying the video game industry will crash, is saying the movie industry will crash. They're far too ingrained into modern entertainment culture. Now shut up and get off this board if you don't like games.

>plus the crash itself mostly only affected the American industry
That's precisely my point? You called me an idiot and then agreed with me.

>DS3 is a good game
yes, it is. and so is cod. So is Vagrant Story, Gran Turismo 2, and Alien Soldier. A different game is not a bad game. You just don't like that genre or what that game fulfills. A bad game is something like Ride to Hell Retribution or that new Godzilla game. Something abhorrently awful that is mechanically inept.

There will never be another crash.
It's like Nintendo dying permanently.
It will never fucking happen.

>it's another "fag who wasn't even alive during the first crash wishes for another crash" thread

Huh? But the industry is lievlier and greater than it's ever been.

Nintendo WILL die, but there won't be a crash.

Fuck all the mememaster, the industry is healthy

This. There are so many fucking games out and so much variety. To say you hate everything new out right now and coming in the future just means you don't like games anymore and should REALLY just fuck off from this board and hobby altogether.

>industry rakes in billions annually.
>much more accepted than it was 30 years ago.
There will never, EVER be another crash unless something major happens like it being proven that video games cause cancer.

I see Nintendo going the same route Sega did years ago.

If they don't they will probably shrink steadily until they become so small they will have to stick to mobile games.

Consoles today rely far too heavily on multiplatforms.

>it's a "le cynical Sup Forums-tier shitposter XD" tries to tell me videogames are bad right now episode

There's been as much of a crash in Japan's market in the last few years as there was in NA at 1983.

He's not an idiot. That fact needs to be restated as often as anyone else projects Nintendo as being the Jesus Christ of Video games.

Interesting that the NA PC market didn't crash at all before and after 1983, isn't it.

>Consoles today rely far too heavily on multiplatforms.
no, it's just nintendo's games don't cater to what we WANT, you shitty little nintoddler.

Nntendo is not innovating anymore, they're not putting out next gen experiences. they just put out rehashed cutesy little mbile-tier games now. I just don't give a fuck about yoshi's wooly world or mario rom-hacker or bayonetta 1.5. The only thing I remotely care about from them is the new zelda because that at least looks ambitious and next gen.

It won't crash but if console companies made operating systems for PC prebuilts and custom rigs there would be a massive surge in potential buyers in the industry and peace may be achieved, ending the console wars. Everyone knows this system would be better but we still let them continue jewing. Hell, ps4.5 is proof enough that console fags are stupid enough to keep this retarded system going for decades to come.

Console companies could release their mediocre prebuilt systems with their operating system and developers for the operating system will optimize towards that prebuilt setup. The operating system would be an almost exact replica of what it is now except a few features added here and with the normal limits consoles have (no KB/M for the sake of maintaining the feel of consoles). PC players will simply buy the operating systems and play at max settings/60+fps without needing an enormous paywall like console hardware. More gamers per OS would be best for everyone including developers.

There needs to be a push from consumers, like a twitter storm or something in order to get the console companies to consider the possibility of releasing operating systems and prebuilt PCs(PS5/PS720). Outside of extreme consumer backlash at the current console hardware scam there is no way they're going to switch to something like this.

Fuck off.

>calls me nintendo names
>I'm not even defending nintendo

what's up, user? I don't even like nintendo. I am just stating what I think might happen. No one really knows. You are right about some things but I think it's just the industry and technology has changed. Family friendly isn't a big seller anymore.

Do you really need to samefag this hard? Go shill your shitty Xbox games somewhere else, faggot.

and then you have this pc faggot mad that he can't play persona 5.

your kind can just fuck off.

why don't r/pcmasterrace faggots understand?

console players and pc players are SEPARATE. majority of console players will just not play on pc no matter how hard you beg them. no one want a fucking tower hooked up next to their tv or dealing with os problems and troubleshooting shit.

You're legitimately retarded if you think that picture has anything to do with the person you're quoting. He said video games are good and the industry doesn't need to be "put out of its misery", you stupid faggot. Learn to read obvious implications.

>I'm too poor to buy a console for exclusives, Sony needs to release them for PC so I can steal them!!!!!!!

t. retard who can't google

I agree with you, too.

I am not saying they were the saviours of gaming, they only took an opportunity when they could and made money off if it.

The Japanese gaming industry has suffered quite a bit in the last few years, which can be easily seen with the sails of western games.

The gaming industry is just an industry, things change with time.

i like the princess. she is unspeakably cute.

When another countries with some ambition try to produce games like Brazil, maybe the industry will be saved.

We need more inovation and less mobile/browser cheap shit.

But I will love when the MMO/MOBA crash finally happens.

It's just a sales gimmick dude.

Nothing else. Why are there so many different types of cars?

The industry could easily be pc only but companies like selling consoles every few years over and over. Free money.

go git gud at tetris bosman

haha you fucking faggot, you wanna know what real pain is?

look at the animu industry, it is 100% fueled by awful weeaboo otaku fucks and has driven everyone out of this hobby

same will happen with video games but we aren't at that stage yet

maybe when virtual reality takes of, traditional video games will die forever

>it is 100% fueled by awful weeaboo otaku fucks
And has been since the day it started, you retarded normalfaggot. I'm glad faggots like you have fucked off from it.

yeah, and japanese games don't sell because they're garbage. i just don't fucking care about doa xtreme 3 or panty sniffing simulator or neptunia.

japan does have ff15 coming up and gran turismo 7. but other tan that i don't care about them. deus ex mankind divided and dishonored 2 and uncharted 4 will be goty this year

>Voice actor previously did porn
Did anything ever come out of that

Anime industry is hell. Pretty hard on the companies who have to push out ungodly amounts of animation while getting paid pennies for it.

They have to rely on otaku so they can justify making more content.

sorry,guy. desktops are dying. vast majority of people don't give a fuck about pc. they have a cheap laptop if they want to browse the internet and do work. Consoles will live forever. Just look at ps4 selling 45 million in under 3 years.

I was going to buy a ps4 a while ago already but the games I wanted to buy either got delayed, cancelled or are now on pc. I honestly don't know when I will get one now. Lack of quality content, and I'm not even trolling. I'm good with having my ps2 and pc games...

the moba industry would like a word with you

Yeah, okay. But that doesn't apply to the vast majority of people. Not everyone has a gaming computer. So I play multiplats on ps4. Same with last gen. 360 had nothing but multiplats, but that still managed to sell 90+ million units.I bet you even had a 360.

and? what does that have to do with what I said? console players don't give a shit about mobas. Doesn't even matter. We have smite and paragon anyways.

The crash happened because people WEREN'T buying video games.

Nowadays, more people than ever are buying video games and it's a successful, profitable billion-dollar industry.

no, i had a ps3 but wasn't as happy with it as I was the ps2.

I really wonder what the favorite games are of people that say shit like "vidya crash when"?

Most of the time they're fucking teenagers or college kids that never even liked games that much to begin with and probably hailed the ps2 as "OMG THE BEST CONSOLE EVARR XDD VIDEOGAMEZ SUX NOWADAYZZZ"

are you fucking retarded or just pretending?

ps3 was a far better console than the ps2.

Uncharted and Infamous series alone cements that.

PS2 didn't have shit and is honestly not only the worst sony console but worst console in its respective gen.

Actually people were, it was just that there were so many consoles and so many games flooding the industry with no standards or limits that it ruined the economy of American gaming.

That's the main reason Nintendo was so adamant on having their own licensed games and limiting third-party companies from releasing a certain amount of games each year on their console. They learned from the crash.

You don't know what weaboo means.

I would agree especially if the original ps3 was backwards compatible 100% but it really wasn't. Some ps2 games ran poorly and it was a shame.

As what system was better based on games...that's really based on the person's tastes. I really enjoyed all the old Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Metal Gear Solid, ICO and SOTC and other titles, plus obviously ps1 games since the system could play them.

I know the ps3 got hd collections for a lot of older ps2 titles, but I'm never going to buy the Silent Hill HD collection, and if you don't know why then you should look it up...it's horrible.

Anyway I do own a ps3 still so it really doesn't matter.

Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, and MGS were on xbox hueg.

okay and?

I answered you before, saying I didn't own an xbox.

Who even cares anyway, what are we even talking about?Is this thread going to be all about me now or what OP posted? Fuck dude, you really are a faggot.

>industry crash
Underage detected

I'm just saying ps2 didn't have a significant amount of anything that was better than on ps1 or ps3. Plus, the games ran bette on xbox hueg.

And to say ps2 is your favorite is a quick indication of underage.

Otaku have always fueled the anime industry. Just because their tastes have changed in recent years doesn't mean they haven't always fueled it.

Steambot Chronicles is actually one of my favorite games, but that image is the biggest contrarian shitpost I've seen today.

>Steambot Chronicles


It's not contrarianism.

It's pointing out the general opinion of those born before '90.

PS1 FAR outclasses the ps2.

So does original xbox, genesis, dreamcast, and colecovision.

It is contrarianism, you're basing your entire opinion on fucking Metacritic scores, a site that didn't exist when most PS1 games were released.
>10 people gave a game released 2 years before Metacritic existed high scores
No shit the score is going to be higher than a game released 9 years later that 45 people rated.