So hows that game coming along?
So hows that game coming along?
Been dead for months now, I've gotten to a point where I would need to start doing programmer art and I don't want any of that.
What do we programmers do when we can't create the art for our games?
Its coming along. I need to stop coming to Sup Forums if I really want to make some progress.
Every couple months I come to Sup Forums for a couple days and then go back to working on it.
Plus it doesn't help I want to procrastinate working on the UI. Its just annoying stuff that needs to be done.
Create a game with programmer art then find a artist to make it look good.
I keep finishing games and releasing them. Then I proceed to tell nobody because I think they are shit.
Working on yet another game now.
I need to learn how to model
I want to make something that looks like Persona 4 but I dont really know how to do that
I bought a pc controller that just arrived this morning. I spent the whole day figuring out how to integrate it into my game instead of working on my finals.
P4 character models are just barely more than stick figures. I really think you're going to make it.
you have to eat smaller animals while avoiding the big ones. you grow when you eat
Yeah I know, its really nice looking though
And I know nothing
I don't really do much of that stuff myself. For a while I was using a school version of 3ds max and things were going pretty smoothly. Now that it expired I've been trying to learn Blender and I can't even get past the UI. It seems like parts of it are way easier than what I was doing before, but it just works so weird that I'm too lazy to spend the time learning it right now.
You'd be surprised, its still easy to fuck up if you don't know how to make shit that looks good, limitations don't help any
Then again, no matter what you're doing you always want to start small, and if you can't eventually nail something that low poly then you may as well end yourself before trying anything higher poly
Shit also doesn't stop at modeling, there's texturing, shading, rigging, and a whole slew of technical details for each you have to learn for it to work properly
Learn something then, get a student maya license or pirate it and start finding tutorials, you also need to get a good eye for art since knowing how to do shit is only halfway there
nice. is it multiplayer?
Around 3 months left. Loads of content to go. Team morale low since we've basically been in pressure mode for 2 years floating between funding. Trying to stay hype and get it finished.
It has been months in the think stage. Making catchy mechanics is hard lmao. Also, I'm a programmer and if I do the art I will hate my own game.
Ive seen some tutorials and messed with Blender before, this was the best I could do but it probably wouldnt work
But the tutorials are mostly just watch me build this
Working on UI and cleaning up a couple of bugs. Getting it set up so I can do key rebinds to make it somewhat playable to people other than myself.
graphical overhaul still prodding along and almost completion.
character initial animations are pretty much done. customization can begin afterwards.
introduced alignment mechanic into my SRPG.
Everyone who has played any D&D game before knows a bit about it. To put it simply, alignment is basically indication of how a person who react and behave towards others and situations he is in. Will he be a nice person and be an incredible dick? Obedient or wild?
In the game, alignments will affect how relationship between characters in your party progress. Characters with similar alignment will like each other while those with opposite outlooks toward life will grow to hate each other.
Moreover, it also affects how characters react to your various decisions in the game, for good or ill.Naturally, alignment will also operate as gatekeeper to various advanced techniques and classes in the game.
thanks. so far no. i might add local MP. not sure about online.
Looks great
I'm still trying to come up with my big idea. I kind of have something I think has potential with the idea of a "rhythm RPG" but actually building a model is hard
I have no clue what Im doing
What kind of game is this?
I fantasize about making an RPG.
I've even got the coding chops to do it.
But what I don't have is art skills.
And everyone else also wants to make an RPG.
And I don't think I could inspire anyone to want to contribute to my vision.
Guess I'll make a puzzle game instead.