This was fucking amazing

This was fucking amazing

Other urls found in this thread:,1097926288,32331,0,0.html

No shit, only 13 year olds or sony nigger say otherwise. Sadly each Xbox after got worse

> free copy of combat evolved came with it

That was the best shit fucking ever. I often wonder if they knew that game would be a hit or if they just thought it'd be tossed aside. Regardless it was my favorite game before playing KOTOR


yeah Halo co-op was super sick

and xbox live was way ahead of the other consoles

but my 360 died and I'm not buying another console ever again. PC only now.

Yes, it was better. I come to accept it after seeing the facts, my PS2 was shit compared to that.
Never be a sonygger. Shit, you should never stick to only one console, and if you don't have money for the others, too bad, but don't speak ill of the rest.

>made paid online the norm

thats my only gripe with it other than that its probably my 2nd favorite 6th gen console right after the dreamcast

First good online console with built in broadband
Sega exclusives
Custom soundtrack
Built in hdd
Best versions of games
Best multilayer
Actual good exclusive , fight me

It had some damn good exclusives.

Currently trying to re buy outrun 2.

I've heard so many horror stories of friendships ended over xbox, but I never experienced it personally.

>tfw modded mine to be an arcade rom machine.

It was OK.

But the Dreamcast started off paid online

> breakdown is good

bland corridor levels
slow unresponsive combat
takes 10 seconds to pick up an item
last hour of the game is copy/paste platforming sections
cockroaches/lightbulbs as enemies
guns and grenades are useless
tiny FOV and unruly camera

if you pick up clips for a gun, it doesn't actually tell you the gun is full. you will collect the clip but your ammo wont increase :^)

6/10, it had a decent concept which condemned went on to execute well

Overrated shit system.

This isn't a PS2 thread.

Just bought one to mod it. What should i do?

Also anyone remember playing Fusion Frenzy? Family and friends would come over just to play it.

>What should i do?
As in, how should you mod it?


Xbox is what gave us the dudebro cancer, not ps2.

Yes havent really looked into what i can do with it.

got the crystal version of this with over 5000 games emulated on it, saved me so much money by eliminating any urge i had to collect games and old hardware.

All the dudebros played on PS2 and Xbox.


Literally everyone owned that on PS2

Every console from that gen was great.

Well, you can either do it by hotswapping the harddrive or using a savegame exploit

Also remember to remove the clock capacitor if you don't have a 1.6 Xbox


>community hosted dedicated servers for most major games

it sure was

everyone i knew that played FIFA and Madden bought a PS2 just for it. I mean for god's sake, FIFA was on the PS2 for the longest time.

>if you pick up clips for a gun, it doesn't actually tell you the gun is full. you will collect the clip but your ammo wont increase :^)

>these days your console breaks within a couple of months
>DLC is always online, so you need a connection to load your saves, then you can go offline. rinse and repeat.
>installing games makes them worse but is manditory
>online servers and memberships are a pile of shit and not worth the money
>games are shit
>developers are greedy and killing off their franchises
>all the best franchises are dead because they think millenials won't buy them, so when they do resurrect them, their nothing like their past games
>Sup Forums mods are neets with personality disorders and mobile posters are 99% of the population

where were u when gaming died

>I often wonder if they knew that game would be a hit or if they just thought it'd be tossed aside.
Microsoft already knew it was gonna be the hottest shit ever.

It was a Halo machine and nothing more.

nah it was just your first console and that's all

>Bottom row is all racing games


It was great.

Dead wrong motherfucker, it had some bitchin exclusives.

Shame there weren't any decent RPG / Adventure games, christ you even needed a gold subscription to play PSO

>red ring of destruction

I had NES snes genesis playstation dreamcast ps2. Xbox was pretty awesome bruh

Where are the jrpgs though

Oh fuck man those games

if they were shoved up you're ass you'd know

>not liking racing games

Back to your waifu sims, pleb.

that image is missing Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes

>Can fit all the games, all the N64, SNES, and NES games on a 1 Terabyte hard drive and soft-mod the Xbox to work with it
>Can literally have hundreds of thousands of hours of games and play them with no Internet
Xbox is arguably the best game console modded and unmodded.
Far better than the Xboxes after, could argue that a properly modded PS2 is on par, but better than modded GC.
>You also can't emulate an Xbox, so it serves as an amazing emulation box for older games

>not liking racing games
>not being competitive

Found the out of shape and awkward weeb.


nice reading comprehension

>Sadly each Xbox after got worse
The 360 is underrated. It's hip to shit on it even though it was the only console that played most multiplats well.
>b-but I gamed on a PC so that doesn't count

It was like a console dedicated to early looking 360 games, which at the time wasn't a bad thing at all.

It's the worst console of a mediocre generation. Take off the nostalgia goggles.

The huge problem with emulation on the xbox is that the xbox can't output 240p. so you're stuck with with playing 4th gen games on a flatcreen or playing them in 480i on a crt. It would honestly be the best emulation console otherwise, since it has such good mame support.

A softmodded wii is really the only console that runs pre-5th gen games at full speed and offers 240p.

Judging from these responses I can safely conclude that most xbots on Sup Forums are underage dudebro normalfags.

>best console of 6th gen is a PC

Didn't have them, did have plenty of WRPGs. PS2 and Xbox were opposites in that regard.

>mediocre generation


I had already discovered PC by the time this babbybox came out, isnt this the console that ruined fps by hyping halo and having loads of millenials retard kids buy it?

>tfw you realize JSRF probably won't be remastered for PC

This is literally responsible for the downfall of video games.

It's definitely mediocre compared to the third, fourth and fifth generations.

360 is okay but the original Xbox sucks a lot
i renember playing pro evolution soccer on ps1 damn dude that's gold time

This desu.

6th gen is 5th gen except with 3D games that aged well

Guess the sega thread had to go

Every console was good that gen and had good titles exclusive to it anyone who says otherwise is a fucking memer.

Post xbox hueg pics pls, I miss them and I don't have any anymore.

The fifth generation is infinitely superior to the sixth one. There were still loads of great 2D games and most 3D games aged just fine. This whole 'didn't age well' thing is a meme.

Fuck off weebs. I couldn't be more happy that dudebro gaming overtook everything else and became the largest demographic. If you had any friends or actually went outside you'd realize that having gaming as some obscure hobby sucked ass.

At this point I don't even know if this is a troll.


>the xbox ruined gaming forever

Best main menu sounds on a console, ever.

>a pc

I wish I had that article of the guy who's working on an xbox emulator debunk everything said about the xbox being a pc

despite all the hardware being unmodified PC parts

delete this

hello red.dit

It really was. Pic related was my favorite fucking online multiplayer game to play back then. Literally the reason I bought an Xbox was for live and reloaded. Goddamn i fucking miss this games online so damn much!!

xbox galaxy angel

seems like the only people in japan that cared were interested in having big steel battalion LAN parties.,1097926288,32331,0,0.html

this game supported 10 xboxs hooked together. some supported up to 16. the best ones, such as halo supported a fully flexible approach where you could have up to 4 people on each system while still playing LAN.

the first and last great console for local multiplayer. nowadays to have a setup with 16 systems you would need an internet connection good enough to host 16 players even if you're all in the same room. on top of that you'd need 16 online subscriptions.

Is it cool to hate on the PS2 now?

It's always been cool to hate on the thing that is popular/the best

See: Coke vs Pepsi


I really liked my original Xbox, unfortunately I never had many games for it.

it's always been trash

Xbox aged really well, probably better than the 360 and people are catching on

shin megami tensei nine

It wasn't very good by itself, but it did contain the demon models that would be reused for the next decade.


Fusion Frenzy is the reason why my sister and I bonded at all as kids.

Holy shit this

It also feels fucking indestructible as well