Why is Plat so adorable?

Why is Plat so adorable?

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Because you're a fag with shit taste

Its her fucking cunny let me tell you my man that thing is tight as fuck oh ya

She's a bratty kid. Those are kind of adorable.

why does she look distressed


Those are cute shoes

Because she's pedobait

Maybe her butt hurts

plat and tao are best
you're right, but im fine with that

Nothing wrong with that

She is shit.


Luna's personality is great. She's a brat, but she's cute and funny.

I wish it was just Luna in there without Sena. I wouldn't feel so odd about wanting to dick her.


>not wanting to dick a loli and shota t the same time

Has it been confirmed that it's a girl body or it's still unknown?

He's okay too user.

Bridget please leave.

eh I completely fine with dicking shotas too. But I feel attracted to Platinum with Luna's personailty, not Sena's.



Girl probably with official art like this.



I don't think Trinity wanted a boy's body for herself.

Hey guys what's going on here?


She would be a lot cuter if her hair isn't as big as her entire body.

This artist is so fucking shitty

I wish people wouldn't be retarded enough to post his pics in every Plat thread

>Rachel has boobs
>people still call her a loli

i like the artist's style


There are lots of big breasted lolis in games/anime/LNs.

plat thread!

I find it kind of cute

Breasts don't automatically disqualify one from being a loli.

Kind of like it too


from what?


I count one.

you didnt see the other version of that pic? would explain it for you.

Minori is both the wrong age and body to be a loli. Guess what that makes her. An autist.

Holy shit, that's lood man.

Close enough,


Rachel and Mirai is disqualified too then


why is plats damage so low. she needs 50 meter and a situational confirm in order to do the same damage as most other characters. needs a damage buff bad.

The little cunny.

they destroyed ryobi there, fucking shit.

Don't talk back to me.

She's a loli old hag.

best spritework in the game


Nu-13 is based.


Minori isn't an autist. She is a womanchild.

Being petanko does not exclude one from being loli.

Newfag eop fuck.

anyone got a favorite official artwork of her?


I never said it was both, faggot, re-read it. if you can't qualify on body type, you can still qualify on age. oppai loli is a thing. Mirai hits the body type, so she's a loli, Minori hits neither.

was gonna post

Because she likes Jubei.
Plat has taste.
Why arent you bitches more like Plat?

Excellent albeit obvious choice.

are those his nuts?

No you are a retarded eop. I bet you think Hestia isn't an oppai loli

daisuke platinum

No, theyre just cuteness orbs. They contain his excess cuteness.

Why is Rachel always so ugly?

might just be the way daisuke drew her. he made plat cute though.

You take that back, motherfucker.

gonna have to disagree with you there buddy



I want to sniff her armpits and lick her chest.



Plat's one of those characters that they don't care about making good. I think she's better in CF though, she's got that CS high-low heart car and much better damage off it I think.


Rachel is the most beautiful individual to have come out of this franchise

I still want to sniff her armpits and lick her chest and now I also want her to sit on my face.

Dont bully his cuteness orbs.

Why do you always reply to yourself?

Get this victory animation and dont skip it. The most satisfying feeling is when your opponent is mashing to skip it out of rage with that music playing.

I can't make all of that come true.


t. pedoedge

are you just shitposting because you're mad? you clearly didn't read my post at all. Sorry, but your waifu is not a loli by any definition. she is 100% pure autist, nothing more. just like you, you're perfect for each other.

Why not?


Not sure of myself.

>implying Minori is my waifu

Your definition of loli is just wrong.

it fatals yeah. a nice change would be making pogo hitbox larger so it can combo from farther away. right now you are missing out on lots of damage midscreen unless you connect it right next to them.


Plat's animations and moves feel like they had more care going into them than other characters, especially all those subtle panty shots.

Even more than Rachel and Arakune?


not only that but also the unique sounds her hits make. out of all the other characters its nice to watch all of her animations frame by frame to see all the different faces she makes. its impossible to miss how much effort was put into her.

BlazBlue sprite animations in general really makes the characters personalities shine through.

Why did they gave her panties? She was supposed to be nopan

>you will never buy her panties vase thingy
JUST my life up

No, that's Noel.

the more i see of izanami the more i like her. need more fanart with doll joints already man.

only like 20 of those things were made i think. would be expensive as hell to get one.

Noel is the only character that Mori has set a prohibition against showing her panties