Hotline Miami 2


Hotline Miami thread

Did anyone else dislike the focus on guns in HM2?
With that said, I liked the "plot" in 2 a lot better.

Run is the best song.

are the created maps any good?

Yeah me too, going melee is great

I just beat that level, OP
Final time at the end was 20 minutes, jesus
It just goes on and on with those stupid fatties blocking your shots while another mook from behind just shoots through him and kills you

Did the level editor in this ever pan out? I never tried it.

Its out but apparently it crashes a lot


Yeah, I was sad at first, but then I realized that going melee was making the game too easy in the first one, good gun play was much harder to pull off. Too bad guns are inaccurate, it's my only gripe.

How the series degenerated from high reflex puzzles into an rng based shooter is beyond me.

Hotline Miami had a certain flow to it that 2 just didn't have. That's a big reason why people liked it in the first place.

I have seen this posted so many times, I'm playing HM2 right now to see if you guys are right.

So far the mean level of quality seems to be higher, but I haven't heard anything that would top Crystals or Hydrogen yet. Just finished the level in the Op.

You keep switching characters in 2 and the timeline keeps jumping back and forth, kinda annoying to keep track of

what is the best HM2 soundtrack and why is it fahkeet?

I think it is generally agreed to be the lesser game, sound track is better though that means it went from amazing to really amazing

Makes sense, it's been in beta for a few months now

Why did he kept shoving pills down his throat one by one? Did he just stop caring at this point?

anyone else here excited for ruiner?

looks like cyberpunk hotline miami

especially when most the the switches seem pointless. If it was focused on one or two people would have been better, especially as they could have expanded on the gameplay aspects more to fit those characters. I think less people would complain about the gun focus if the gunplay and how to deal with it was just better for example

that prison level tho


HLM1: fast paced close combat fun, either do it or die
HLM2: holding shift slightly tapping the move button to not be shot from across the level

2 had the better soundtrack tho.