How has WoW changed?

So, Blizzard has been sending out 7 day free trials of this shit with an instant boost to level 90 for one character on your account in preparation for their soon to come shitfest expansion. The free trial won't be done downloading for 7 hours or so at this rate, so I figured I'd ask this while I wait. I used to play WoW during the vanilla/BC days and have absolutely no interest in the new content. I am however curious to explore the older raid content now that characters have become so ridiculously overpowered that old 40-man dungeons can apparently now be soloed at lvl 90.

My question to you is, how far will I be able to make it solo through vanilla raid content with a level 90 boosted Orc Fury Warrior in lvl 70 epic gear? Could I solo trash in MC, for instance? I kind of doubt I could take the bosses without heals. Again, I haven't played since BC so I have no idea how much the game is changed. Apparently you can now use flying mounts in Azeroth?

Other urls found in this thread:

You can solo vanilla content at lvl 75ish with northerend gear

It's all gone to shit man.

Imagine a single-player WoW game. That's what WoW is now.

With a boosted character you can do anything in vanilla pretty easily; warriors self-heal a small amount thru some sort of bloodthirsty mechanic if I remember right, and a self heal via rage if It's still in the game on a cooldown. The only thing you'll struggle with is Vicidius without a frost enchanted weapon, and maybe the first BWL boss if you suck at the control orb.

>how has WoW changed
I quit near the end of 2.4.3, I won.

There's people that enjoy touring old content and will go with you, post faction/server/name you intend to use and the times you'll play. Most people will go just for the chance at cosmetic and pet drops for current gen money on the AH.


Took me a minute to find that info. Turns out I have more characters than I even remember making scattered across various servers. It's been a long time.

>Playing WoW after Arthas died

For what purpose

I solo'd all vanilla content and most of BC with a 75 hunter.
You shouldn't have a single problem as a level 90.

Blizzard changed soloing raids so that as soon as you gained a level above the content, let's say 61, you do considerably much much more damage to the point where if you're naked and level 70 you could probably solo it anyway.
I think they changed this but at one point it was so ridiculous that while leveling 85 to 90 you could solo Cata dungeons (starting from 86) and just don't bother with the whole pandaria expansion.

>Playing WoW after Arthas died

To explore the old raid content, of course.

40 levels and 500 ilevel later you're finally able to see the content, nice job chief.

Except for the twins in AQ 40. Literally impossible to one-man them.

I've been playing the Draenor content and its literally become a single player game. I've seen probably 2 other characters outside of cities and they even give you a Garrison where you can do even more shit AWAY FROM OTHER PLAYERS. Plus the fact that you're led from quest hub to quest hub makes it even more of a boring themepark.

This is your typical shitter who takes about WoW on Sup Forums so garbage he can't even figure out how to do a level 60 boss

>got my free trial and logged in
>kept my character at level 80 because I have no use for an 81+ character
>bombarded with popups and ui notifications for stupid, worthless shit
>my epic throwing weapon is a shit grey sitting in my inventory
>put on my Thunderfury and Might set because for some reason it was off
>no one said a word and I saw one single person in town at the bank; the world was dead
>saw that I didn't have as many Feats of Strength as I thought I had
>had no fucking idea how to look at my mounts
>logoff and cry over Kronos's death

Ye wot? Just hit the one that isn't immune to your damage. You'll kill both before they ever get close enough to immune.

Been killing AQ40 for years. Now the slime boss without a way to freeze and/or shatter him (requires x number of hits once frozen) might actually be impossible for some classes.

>Level 80
>First thing he does is put on level 60 gear
>Too stupid to read or try figuring anything out
>Logoff and cry over a server being down for ONE (1) week

beat up enough jews in ah to play free for years. been unsubbed for months since highmaul. paid 40k to try it out three days ago.

quality is good, everything is good, but its easy to consume all the content fast. if you don't do ah pvp it gets boring so you need sub on and off to get your money's worth.

when crafting ah pvp returns in legion and I'm able to have fun taking ppl gold I'll stau subbed. normal ppl just sub for a mth every few mths. quality is still higher than other mmos.

There's nothing to figure out. The game is nothing but a lobby. The ui is a mechanic to navigate the game. The idea is that it's so awfully designed on top of shitting on the very idea of what a game is and what the game used to be.

Level 60 gear still looks better than anything after it. You didn't actually think I logged into intending to seriously play this donkey shit, did you, retard?

>I'm too stupid to find the spellbook/character sheet
>Its the games fault!

>Hasn't seen most gear past level 60
>Hurrrrrrr only level 60 gear looks good

Why is every WoW player so fucking retarded? Seriously, what the fuck?

Just get rid of garrisons and flying then it will be okay.

how do you go from this


mop was better than wotlk.
prove me wrong, faggot.

Not like you could easily get 30+ other people together back then just so you could dick around in BWL or whatever. Nobody back then was interested in sight seeing.


This should answer your question

mogu and mantid culture really stole the show, I was surprised. It was like pandas didn't even control their own continent


Point is at level 90 you can solo pretty much everything except the last raid in Cataclysm on it's highest difficulty level.

At level 100 with some gear you should be able to start taking down some Mists of Pandaria bosses as well.

Everything in Vanilla and BC, including bosses will die in 1-2 hits.

What are you talking about? That's the most popular thing people did at level cap (60).

>Point is at level 90 you can solo pretty much everything except the last raid in Cataclysm on it's highest difficulty level.
You can solo it if you actually know how to play too bad Sup Forums can only beat things by massively out gearing them

People wanted to go-go-go move-move-move. Raids took time, people had lives outside of wow. Efficient raiding was the top priority. I know because I was there.

>Every guild was no fun allowed 110% serious all the time even during farm
yeah ok whatever you say

>mogu and mantid culture really stole the show, I was surprised. It was like pandas didn't even control their own continent
Well lets be honest, according to chronicle they didn't. The Thunder King was basically a god, so much so that the Tol'vir had to turn the reorigination device at their homeland and jump in the bunker to kill him.
The pandas are actually fairly powerful overall, but far too peacful to be a deciding force anywhere.

It depends on the class though

Playing on a Rogue or a Mage severely limits your soling potential

anyone else Sup Forumseta here?
I think they are trying to get back on point again.
SV hunters are a change of pace.
Outlaw rogues are fun as fuck.
DH's are godsent to this game, I really enjoy the double jump/wings.

>anyone else Sup Forumseta here?
>I think they are trying to get back on point again.
>SV hunters are a change of pace.
>Outlaw rogues are fun as fuck.
>DH's are godsent to this game, I really enjoy the double jump/wings.
DH looks boring as fucking hell. Might roll a rogue though, because yeah pistol shots and shit sound neat and its basically an all but extinct class atm.

How did you get this trial key? Checked my email and I had nothing.

The game is just now reaching the official "beta" phase.

That's Blizzard for you. Thanks for the 1,000 error messages, we'll ignore them and put this massive problem into the live version.

1. Did you leave the game years ago?
2. Is your account dead/inactive for over a year?

The people who received invitations were quitters in past expansions. OF COURSE current subscribers get nothing, as usual.

They sent me an email. I don't know why they would have sent me one but not you. Have you used one of their free trials in the past? This is my first. I don't know if that makes a difference.

Oh fuck me, the account has been inactive for 9 months.
That's what I get for subbing that month to try the game out again.

>look boring as hell
that's what I thought until I tried one. Seriously refreshing as fuck. Both Havoc and Vengence.
>have a 728ish alt rogue on live
rogues are pretty wide-spread. In 6.2 when you get your heroic trinkets and rotation figured out, you're pretty beast dps.