Alright Sup Forums, are you a dexfag or a strtard?

Alright Sup Forums, are you a dexfag or a strtard?

>LAMAL has 2 guns
>ERIOIOIRE has none

Easy to guess who will win

Nope. Look at the two guys on the ground behind ERIOIOIRE. He could easily kill Lamal if he can take on two people.

>Not using cover to get near and then fuck up his squishy no defence, no melee ass

If your weapon of choice isn't the same size as you then clearly you came unprepared and underarmed to the battlefield.

>using giant sword to compensate for his small dick

Better to use a big sword to compensate for a small dick than to use two swords to compensate for having no dick.

Better to have no dick than sucking everyone's for money

Better to suck everyone's dick for money than sucking for free.

>6 competant guys with a behemoth front man
>versus some dumb faggot with two guns and two defenceless faces
Jeez user you are very smart

Better to suck for free than being fucked for free

>Better to have no dick and sucking everyone's for money


Better to fuck for free than getting raped and mugged.


Better to get raped and mugged than dying

Better to die than leveling up dex.

Better to level up dex than having a sword the same size as you to compensate for a small dick

Better to level up dex than miracles

Better to have a sword the same size as you to compensate for a small dick than leveling str and then using a small weapon.

...ok I'll concede that.


>Spiderman doesn't even try to attack
gg ez no re

>Lamal, the small underdog that's also a crackshooter and has threesomes on the regular
>Erioioire, the big bad cop contracted by intelligence services to get rid of undesirables, able to easily kill two guys with his bare hands
>Two will enter the ring, only one will come out alive.

He wasted all his stamina on the rolls.