Sup Sup Forums, what are some comfy games like Life is Strange...

sup Sup Forums, what are some comfy games like Life is Strange? Not necessarily the same genre of game but games that have beautiful, comfy soundtracks and interesting stories/gameplay.

Euro truck simulator 2 is comfy. If you want a story, try Steins;Gate

which one of them is the imaginary friend?

Well I already watched the anime of Steins;Gate so I may not enjoy the VN as much. Would never have expected those truck simulator games to actually be good though... interesting.

Neither. Nice guess though :^)

The VN is worth your time anyway, but especially because you get more of Okabe's perspective through his thoughts.

Life is Strange is kind of an oddball though to be honest. I can't think of anything similar to it that I've actually enjoyed in close to the same way. Good luck on your search.

I've heard good things about Oxenfree. Euro truck is just comfy because you can listen to the radio or your favorite songs while just driving around

I see. Will definitely give it a go then.

I just remember actually stopping during some levels just to listen to the music. Although there are some complaints to be made about the final episode, I found the overall story to be really interesting.


Was thinking of getting this game since it's cheap as fuck now. Is it worth it? Did Sup Forums like it?

>Caring about what Sup Forums likes
Top cuck, Sup Forums will call everything and anything tumblr. Game has character depth, a decent story, great music but a shitty ending.

It's worth it. Just give a try for yourself.

I enjoyed it.

it's ok but sorta boring

Deadly Premonition

It's kinda spooky but also very comfy, just like Twin Peaks

Persona 3/4


kill yourself

I can't stand Undertale for some reason. I just hate how hard it tries to meme. I feel like I could only play it ironically but then I wouldn't enjoy it.

Yeah I have been meaning to get into the Persona games. I suppose I would need to emulate it?

>I suppose I would need to emulate it?
Yes, but they should emulate very well even on toaster PCs
P4 is also on Vita if you have it.

I also wanted to drop my vote in for Deadly Premonition. Don't let the initial shock of the graphics and controls turn you off. Underneath all that it's a real gem.

Try emulating it on your android tablet so you can play it on the go
>implying Sup Forums goes out

Instead of sitting through Undertale, just listen to shit like Snowdin, Shop and Waterfall.

For the two or three good environments/songs and the boss battles, its not worth sitting through the garbage writing, boring gameplay outside of boss battles and four other ugly environments.

Life is Strange is adults writing shit that they think teens would be saying.
Undertale is socially retarded teens forcing tumblr memes into writing as sophisticated as some shitty fanfiction turned donut steel story.

>I suppose I would need to emulate it?
If you're out and about and spend time on your phone, download P3P for PSP and run it through PPSSPP on your Phone.

Anything else, start with P3FES and then play P4. P3 emulates fine, P4 emulates pretty fucking heavily so if you dont have a decent PC think about buying a cheap PS2.

A couple of tracks is the only good thing in Undertale
It doesn't make the game comfy, let alone good

>P4 emulates heavily
I only ever had trouble with the Heaven dungeon because of some weird texture thing, but it was still playable.
I also ran into that problem in the very last dungeon of FES.
I'm pretty sure the fix was easy, but I only looked it up after beating those two segments.

The combat was designed for boss battles and does it well, the only problem is you have to do the same boring ass run/fights four times in each area 10 times before you can get to a spot where the combat gimmicks can actually flourish.

Outside of everything else, Snowdin is comfy, its the only inherently not fucking ugly area in the game and it carries the feel of a snow village harder than a lot of other attempts.

nigga the combat in this game is a shallow attempt at Shin Megami Tensei system + easy-mode shmup
the locations in this game are empty as fuck, the art is shit, and the characters are badly written and meant pander to underage tumblrinas

play more video games

>nigga the combat in this game is a shallow attempt at Shin Megami Tensei system + easy-mode shmup
If you haven't played it, pirate it. The boss battles have a lot more depth than what you're implying, im not denying everything around that is garbage.

>the locations in this game are empty as fuck
>the art is shit
Besides one area, yeah. And that's the area i've been saying.

Nobody's trying to argue with you that the game as a whole isn't garbage, but its got two small things going for it and a pretty good boss line up.

If you really want to say its all shit feel free, but sometimes you can see a quarter sticking out of a turd and can say that technically its worth something.

>Life is Strange

Abe's Oddyssee
Abe's Exoddus
The Witness

OST only : Starbound

You being a retard doesnt make your mom a retard

You would think there would be a connection though, right?

>posts sonic

>Is it worth it?
>Did Sup Forums like it?

>Was thinking of getting this game since it's cheap as fuck now. Is it worth it?
No, pirate it

Or better yet