>Pic related
ITT: Pure Autism
...go on
I don't think Jon Jafari actually is autistic though. doesn't he just make videos on youtube?
yes. pls do
ego is worse
>another jontron thread
Why does one washed-up nigga get so much attention
we need to go deeper
keep it up!
that time he was almost raped on stream
Jontron videos are literally done in the same style as AVGN. There's just less shit jokes and ass references.
Fuck off with your fat pewdiepie shit
calm down brotato
autism thread
>The humor in his new videos feels extremely forced and artificial
What happened?
trying too hard
He now hows a set and everything is overproduced.
gg went to shit too
>google "fat pewdiepie" to uncover the mystery and origin of this meme
>first result is reddit and the other results are Sup Forums and /trash/
It all makes sense! xD
Yeah he's definitely not as funny anymore
Not organic like his old shit
zan is doing lp's now too