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This is about on the same level of "what the fuck" as some things in Bloodborne.

Surprised they cut this but kept in the fucked up things in Bloodborne.

goodbye sleep

what did they cut from bb


Nigga why?

What the fuck



I was about to go sleep, too.

am i the only one laughing at this
i'm just imagining some kind of ridiculous baby crusher machine

jesus fuck dude

Anybody mind telling what is at 0:14
I'm a bit faint-hearted

posting in an epic thread
something something 0:14

the sound of me fucking your mom

I'm walking home alone and I just had to listen to this shit.

Fuck off

Its like a baby crying but at 0:14 it gets horrible like a stanic puke from the baby

Baby sounds, then a baby screech immediately into a bloody gushing noise.

I don't even think a baby could scream like that
It would probably just instantly go silent

jesus christ guy


Arggg why does my head hurts after lisent this!

Did Bloodborne not get it all out of Miyazaki's system? Jesus christ.

Those are just eyes, don't worry


Why did I burst out laughing?

Don't worry guys, you'll see worse

Sounds like someone at From Soft is into toddlercon.

>that tiny baby hiccup that occurs as the squish happens



>Splursh! Baawwww!!

haha yeah dude hahah people having fun ppssssh


What the fuck is this thing supposed to even be?

Sounds like the screaming nigra in that meme video where the lil screaming nigra is screaming in a super market and gets set on fire (the fire is fake).

is this some sort of game audio rip
I have no idea what the fuck is even going on

ebin reaction face xDDDD

damn, those sound producers are pretty hardcore

Why is everyone in this thread acting like a literal toddler.
Grow the fuck up
It's just a game with some sounds

The disturbing part is that Miyazaki probably personally stabbed a baby to get these recordings.

Oceiros is eating baby alive starting with head

>Someone had to listen to this repeatedly while tweaking each sound


Not to sound like some sort of guro loving gore-fiend or anything but I really like it when sound production has a lot of detail put into it.


Liquid Ocelotte


I don't get it.


>Nobody's allowed to have fun I only want console wars on MY BOARD!!



>playing dorf fort
>a blind cave ogre manages to get past all my traps and into the dining hall
>kills 6 kids before I realize its even there

This is probably what it sounded like


sleep if for the weak anyways r-right


>fake sound of a baby crying

*smirks* Grow up kiddos.

Is it weird that this made me hungry?


I've made worst sounds than that while taking a shit.

If your anus produces the sound of crying infants while you're shitting, you should get that checked out by a doctor and/or priest.

It doesn't make baby sounds but it makes crazy squishing noises after I Drink the Florida tap water

Too late, I'm already convinced you have a haunted colon and you can't prove my headcanon wrong.

You're only supposed to know that after beating NG+

inb4 someone makes a shitty creepypasta

Lol fucking awesome.

That baby got smashed!

It was like, "wahhhh wahhhh-" *SPLORT*

Dumb little shit got owned. Only wish that I could have fucked it with my penis before it was eviscerated.


what the fuck is wrong with you

faggot baby gets owned
stupid fucking shit

>Some dev brings in his kid
>Kid gets cranky, they record his anger for posterity
>Somehow this is Le Worst Thing Ever