Who thought this was a good idea?

Who thought this was a good idea?

The developers.

Most people? It's a pretty great boss.


it really isn't

>tfw the midget archers you ran past kill you while you're basking in your victory

Which was better?

DaS gargoyles were easier but cooler since they were a mandatory boss.

First one. When the second garg drops it's a serious shock. In DaS2 you're expecting it. You've also got to wade through bellniggers to get to them, and they're super optional. DaS2 gargs gargle dick.

beliniggers are based

Must've maxed my chunks 10x over on my characters.

>walk up to player
>player rolls
>attack while player is rolling, with attack ending as their roll is ending
>player rolls
>bleed procs

I thought it was a fun fight.

How did they manage to make a sequel that actually looks inferior in every way to the original?

>have a hard time with them double wielding long swords
>shield and halberd make the fight trivial

Bellniggers were based because they were the only functional PvP faction. The rest were garbage.

Ratbros were in optional areas and you could literally just leave any time you wanted if they summoned you. Blues were just garbage, relied on players being WoB or farming blue orbs, BoB, who weren't even given a real eye orb, and the scalies could be ignored literally forever and required you to basically hit endgame just to unlock.

>DaS complaining about the easier version of maneaters

>I'm terrible
okay user, and? You want a free handout?

they gutted the lighting system last minute pretty much, making the game look like shit, at E3 and shit like that DaS2 looked really good and was really dark.

>boo hoo hoo I can't manage my damage output by focusing on one garg, and then bursting him down once he's at 50% hp

>says it's a bad fight
>'lmaoo you're just bad'
Like clockwork.

what was their reasoning for getting messing with the lighting system, any ideas? i never got to try the beta but all the footage and everything... it looked so beautiful. did it run like ass or something?

Doesn't stop it from being true, does it?




Considering how the final game ran on ps3/360, it would have been worse than blight town for the whole game.

what a god damn shame. i'll admit, i was one of those who cancelled their pre-order as soon as reports and leaks came out about the actual retail in-game graphics/lighting.

i have heard that SotFS improved the game nicely (well, not graphics wise i think?) but i still can't bring myself to play the game.

>Drangleic set + Iron mask
>Varangian sword
>way of blue
>probably fat rolling

you're a moron, the game is great. you literally fell for the memes

I think it would have been a much better boss if the limit to the gargoyles was six, or the third gargoyle that spawns would shoot a projectile at you.

It's a great fight. Being a repeat of DaS1 is a shame, but it's still good. Especially since DaS1 are a repeat of (Maneaters?)

k, your very thoughtful and well said reply has convinced me.

Is this a serious question?

In DaS they were an important part of the game as a way to test your damage output and they were very memorable. I DaS2 they were just an annoying rehash boss in an optional side area. Some people probably even missed them.

The interns.

it's your loss not mine. i dont have an obligation to give you a convincing reply.

You forgot to mention
>great fagit weapon
>ring of restoration

And i never asked you to in the first place, but you were so upset at someone not liking your game. Ah well.

>scholar of the first sin
>pull lever in aldia's keep
>all the cages in the keep explode
>keep made of 1 literal corridor is now filled with 3 ogres, 1 giant corrosive insect, 1 abomination, 7 aldia's followers, 1 gargoyle, one navlaan sorcerer that shoots the dark magic equivalent of kenshiro's fist of the north star, a black mage with a goat head that fires homing dark missles and THREE mimics

Level up and come back or puss out and summon the npc right outside. I just did this again last week and was 4 shotting them with UGS 2hand sweeps, it's not that hard.

It really isn't. I never touched the original version but I played SotFS, and it's the weakest Souls game by far and barely above average. He's not missing much.

>killing the dragonrider first then going after old dragonslayer in SotFS

This. I love the idea of each gargoyle having individual hp and if you dont focus on taking them out one at a time you will have more of them to deal with at a given moment.

The original pair was better, they come very early on and if you go through the game normally with no summons its the first moment when you really have to git gud. They original two ware also more difficult since they are more aggressive.

consoles + namco shitting on them for making the game open world

they had to gut the whole project, restart from scratch and use whatever assets they created to make linear levels instead, drangleic was supposed to be a big world like dragon's dogma (even though that game got gutted 4 times since it should've had a fucking moon level but I digress ) and be fully explorable.

This idea of a super cool lighting system and open world was built around the fact that this time they were developing the game on the ground up with PC in mind, when they tried to translate it to a shitty ps3 they probably quickly realized it was fucking impossible for that shit to handle all that, plus, like I said, namco pressured them to streamline the game.

I'm not trying to excuse them, but I'd like to point out that screaming "muh B team" is fucking retarded, yes dark souls 2 is mostly a trainwreck, but it had good ideas with a piss poor execution, I still like the world and characters of dark souls 2 a lot more than 3, the story also developed a lot more organically, not to mention that the people who worked on das2 were the same devs of demon's and dark souls fused togheter, you can still see their print on the game, they just had to mish mash only god knows that frankenstein abomination of scraps they had left.

By the way all my info comes from interviews, I can't be fucked to search them but they are there.

I fucking wrecked those gargoyles.

>DaS2 was going to be true open world
I didn't think the game could have been any worse than it is now, but apparently I was wrong.

insane, yeah i just remember all the beta footage and whatnot and thought how damn amazing things looked. then that weird time of radiosilence and namco being hush-hush about concerns/questions regarding the game.

damn shame, this tarnished the game as a whole for so many people. good for those who enjoy it, but yeah

The lightning system was in the PS3 beta demo, wasn't it?

That's cool user, doesn't make it a good fight, but hey, that's great man.

Its not bad because its "hard" you stupid shitters
Its bad because its nowhere near as good or memorable as the gargoyle fight from the previous two game

Wasn't the Demons Souls Maneater boss technically the first gargoyle double fight you get in the souls series?

I thought it was fun and a nice little nod to the original since the fight is optional.

>previous games include the obligatory (boss roars and looks menacing) cutscene
>this somehow makes them more memorable

shhh, no one played that one.
let them shitpost

It does though
Everyone remembers artorias and sif
No one gives a bent fuck about moonlight butterfly, but I bet they would if he had a cutscene

Pretty much but most people conveniently forget/haven't played des they don't realize FROM reuses a lot of previous bosses.

When I first fought man eaters they wrecked my shit. Later I found out that fighting them near the fountain or what ever the fuck the round thing is makes the fight easier.

Not really. If they introduced the butterfly with a cutscene where he rakes the bridge with one of his kamehamehas with the chosen undead just barely dodging it the fight would still be a slow trudge even with the npc summon

>I still like the world and characters of dark souls 2 a lot more than 3
this, so much. I feel so indifferent toward das3 compared to ANY of the souls its just incredible.
Maybe it's because ive been playing them obsessively since des, but still.
I do think a great deal has to do with how few original ideas are actually in 3. From most of the weapons, to several of the areas and alot of the lore., Ive just already been there. I NEED DLC.

>I still like the world and characters of dark souls 2 a lot more than 3
Same here, the only NPCs I liked from 3 were Greirat and and Siegward.

be ause fuck the butterfly
that was a literal pile of garbage

DaS ones had better asses, just kidding haha

i like maneaters more
the atmosphere and all

when stack buffs were still possible i had life boost numbness g magic barrier and the other damage+defense booster an pretty much fought nonstop 3v1 ganks as host in belltower. my char has almost 400 mil sm only from bellbro dead ass fags

They're both pretty good

Neither was a mandatory boss

DaS gargoyles had to be killed to ring the first bell, you double nigger

>they don't have a full on nutsack like Oceiros
damn shame

I beat this boss solo on my first try. It felt like basically four regular mobs attacking at once. Not much of a fight.

>my friend tells me he got stuck on them
>v bitches about them too

What the fuck? I never fought them again, so I don't even know if it was a fluke.


The problem is that it is probably one of the most challenging fight in the whole game

Haven't done the DLCs though

>Haven't done dlcs
Whelp, buckle up cowboy.

In fact, those are shitheads

I never fought them YET*

I believe you're french or something

Fuck I want to replay 2 now


I remember the gargs in DaS but I don't remember the Gargs in SotfS and I recently beat both before playing 3.

What class is ez mode in all three games?

DS: Dex (BSS)
DS2: Str (Double powerstanced UGS)
DS3: Quality (balanced Dex/Str)

>DS3 doesn't have a Gargoyle Bossfight
>instead there's just a bunch of them in two areas

Hopefully there's a proper Gargoyle Bossfight in the DLC.

And obviously the meta is still changing for 3, but currently the Estoc and Danksword are still kings currently. You should be able to brutalize PvE with a quality build and anything with a good moveset though.

>That ring that protects your back
>Turn your back to them
I win!

That game was so gay.

Blue orbs don't even work. Is there no sin in the world? I have 40+ Of these fucking things.

At release it was fine.

The game's only ~3000 or so people now so you're not going to get much

>I still like the world and characters of dark souls 2 a lot more than 3

Some areas in dark souls 2 are genuinely more interesting than dark souls 3, for example, majula with melancholic theme song, the characters that gather up slowly as you progress, the sea, the setting sun that has a global lighting effect on the whole map allowing every object to cast shadows, the whole thing is miles ahead of firelink shrine in das3, there's no god damn comparison here.

My only issue with 2 is that you couldn't save Lucatiel.

>not killing them fast enough to have only two at most
The problem with this boss fight isn't that it's difficult, it's just shit in design. Throwing a big amount of enemies at you doesn't make the boss harder, just more of a chore to deal with.

Would have been better if they actually gave each gargoyle a different weapon/moveset

Not to mention
>get any gargoyle down to 50% hp
>it chases you less aggressively and spams shit fire moves, giving you more space to deal with the others

What's wrong with the drangleic set?

It's the fucking drake sword of DaS2

At least DaS3 tells you that she wasn't forgotten. Her last wish was fulfilled.

That's be the Heide sword
Then again, the Heide sword can actually be useful later

This is the only boss I have beat in the souls series on the first try.

Mostly because I said fuck it and just started mashing r1 when I saw there were more than two gargoyles.

>Heide sword
>still playing the inferior original version

Can you actually end up saving anyone in the DaS series?

>tfw this is still one of my favorite fights in the entire series

If you kill all of the chaos eaters in Izalith before speaking to Siegmeyer in the last part of his quest, it's implied he just gives up and leaves back to Catarina, since you don't find him dead in Ash Lake later

Artorias, from his suffering under the effects of the Abyss.

>tfw you beat them on your first try

not that you scrubs will ever know


What changes in the area if you do that?

all the heide knights get motivated to ream your boipussy. Also Dragonslayer is guarded by a drake

These motherfucks kicked my ass harder that those bitches.

haha that's pretty funny got anymore? haha
just curious haha

Never change, Sup Forums

It's not only the lighting.