This game turned 10 years old today.
Looking back, what are your honest thoughts about the series? Did it improve or ruin Mario?
This game turned 10 years old today.
Looking back, what are your honest thoughts about the series? Did it improve or ruin Mario?
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It wasn't special, but good. I enjoyed the secret worlds and bosses.
They're top notch IMO. I get where people are coming from when they criticize the aesthetic but the gameplay is so perfect.
Well it certainly isn't *new* anymore. Shitty naming on Nintendo's part. The series is ok but nothing to die for.
The only good part of the new smb series, blue turtle shell was the best power up
honest thoughts.. hmm.. well.. fuck you OP and I hope all the worst things in life happen to you.
I agree. Wall-jumping and butt-stomping could create unique and creative level design.
Sup Forums doesn't even have originality when shitposting anymore.
>Did it improve or ruin Mario?
it did nothing to mario at all
The battle mode and minigames were fun. The level design was solid. The problem was that they rehashed it 3.5 times.
U was good. DS and Wii were mediocre. 2 was a mistake.
I'd say ruin because now every damn game, spinoff and all, uses the exact same art style.
I have played it, it is nothing really special
It is a good mario for kids, and kinda fun at times but levels reminds me a lot of old levels, I have very good memory for these things and it is both a blessing and a curse.
Some parts feel like I already played them, so it gets boring and annoying when it happens.
I really hate the trend that these games started of having 90% of the game's secret exits hidden in really dumb ways, like a pipe hidden behind a fake go-through wall that you have no way of knowing exists unless you just try to go through every possible wall in the level... and why can't the levels with secret exits at least have an indication that there's a secret exit in them? There's no excuse, SMW figured this shit out already.
As for things that it improved... the only major thing I can think of that the NSMB games added to the series that I really liked was the timed red coin challenges that reward a powerup or 1up.
It was good but a bit underwhelming. I feel that they could do so much more if they actually try.
Good game, still have my cart and a DS to play it.
DS was nice, and added a few neat gameplay elements for 2D Mario.
Wii's kinda subpar, only really good because of that one mod that was fun, without it it's pretty forgettable. Multiplayer is a decent concept but the levels weren't interesting enough to make it worthwhile.
2 is shit.
U is pretty good.
I do wish the games had a different artstyle.
I wish Mario games were a bit more daring with their art style and music. Its one of the reasons they will never top the DK series in quality.
New DK when?
The first game was really cool at the time, but nowadays I don't like playing it very much.
I have to give Wii props for adding co-op, though. Even if everything else was allegedly stale, that was a pretty big deal considering they wanted to try that several times but never pulled it off.
>honest thoughts about the series?
Trash series! I rather play this gem right here that had much more thought put into it.
How is DKCR 3D? I got it for free from nintendo when club nintendo was dying and haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
honestly one of the worst games i've ever played. they fucked so hard with mario's weight, just adding a bunch of nonsense, boring level design, stupid fucking powerups (and way too many of them).
Ugh i hate how they permanently ruined 2D marios.
Meanwhile a 10 yearold orgasmed to the game
Maybe literally if you remember haha
Real hassle to get the mini mushrooms
Have fun playing through the same fucking 8 worlds, and let's not forget the 'Bah Bah' bullshit
In like the Wii version better because of the bigger screen and louder music, but it's a pretty good game nonetheless. I will recommend it to anyone who likes this type of games.
Try it user.
Excuse me?
Did you reply to the wrong person? I don't follow.
bruh u okay?
Dissing Mario Land 2? When each level had its own feel to it.
I really enjoyed it when it came out. Just played through it once though and never looked back. I think nostalgia makes me go back and play Super Mario World and Mario 3 a lot. I don't get that with this game.
No, I dissed the comment itself, because of the !.
Mario Land is good.
SMW was worse in that regard, what are you talking about?
Great fun when it came out, but I was 14 and it was new and exciting.
Wii was even better with friends. If you never managed to play it 4 player you were missing out on some serious fun.
By the time 2 came around it was wearing thin, didn't want to go back to single player, I wasn't enjoying games as much in general, seemed gimmicky with its coin thing. Never played it
I got U for free when Mario Kart did their promotion, in the years since I think I've not got past world 4 yet due to lack of playing it. It's easily the best one in level design etc, but I'm just not interested any more. It needs updating, it needs a new art style, new music, new world designs, but even then I'd need to be 14 again to enjoy it.
The series is a goldmine though and it's still one of the highest selling games on each console and mine and your ideas are all wrong. Nothing needs changing at all in a business sense, the ones that did, Luigi U & Mario Maker, didn't sell nearly as well as U. Fans are always, always a minority, even on the Wii U.
Who fucking cares? It was a shitty meme game for a shitty meme series. Fucking garbage that only autistic manchildren like you fags would like.
The one on DS was good. One of the few Mario games I actually wanted to collect all the extras. The sequel on Wii had really bad level design and the few new powers didn't really help anything. Haven't played the others.
Am I the only one who liked 2? Coin Rush is good, along with the DLC.
The levels have a red dot on the map if they have a secret exit.
Coin rush can suck my dick but NSMB2 is my favorite.
NSMB Wii was a fucking mistake and seems to have turned a lot of people off the rest of the games unfairly.
>why can't the levels with secret exits at least have an indication that there's a secret exit in them?
Do you have actual autism? They do have an indication.
It was great getting a 2D mario again.
In hindsight though, it's definitely one of the weakest New games and anyone that thinks otherwise very clearly hasn't played the other "New" marios.
imo there's never really been a bad mario game. There's been ones that weren't as good, but Ninty is good with the Mario games in most cases.
>all of those wrong opinions
How can a man be so wrong
thats funny, usually when i post this, I get nothing but posts saying how accurate this is
you strike me as a man that thinks sunshine is the best mario aka wrong
>Literally rebbit: the post
I liked it. NSMB2 didn't impress me much I guess but Wii was great.
not in the New games they don't. Only SMW uses red icons for levels with secret exits in them. the NSMB games only have red icons on levels that you haven't cleared yet. Cleared levels (whether they have a secret exit or not) are blue.
Loved it a lot back then. The single player, the Mario vs Luigi multiplayer, the minigames and the fact that you could play them on local wireless with only a single cart. Basically the entire package. I "sold" the DS to at least three different people just by showing them this game alone. There arent really any games on the 3DS with that kind of drawing power sadly.
Wrong faggot.
Fucking amazing game. Multiplayer is the best of all time
which part of that is wrong? it's pretty much exactly the same as my opinion and most other people I know who are fans of the series.
World is not top game
Lost levels is rated too high
Sunshine needs 1+
NSMB wii is too high
He clearly doesn't think World is the best game.
He thinks 3 and Galazy 2 are.
That's exactly why he is so wrong
I am glad we came to an agreement
Wait, the rest of the things you said were things he did wrong in the post. But that one is about something he should do right? You worded it weirdly, you should have said "World should be ranked top" or something like that.
Well you got it anyways
I can't believe I had to do this.
Look at 1-2... it's blue just like all the other levels. Where is the indication that it had a secret exit? There is none.
This level in particular had such an out of the way, stupidly hidden secret path that I never would've even knew to look for if I hadn't used a walkthrough.
The multiplayer was fucking SICK
Oh IO thought we were talking about NSMB DS
I haven't ever touched the one for wii, so nvm
>neo Sup Forums
>That face on 2
What a fag.
Disregarding its sequels, it did a fine job of bringing back 2D Mario after not having one since SMW (or the GBA Remakes if those count).
Shame Nintendo can't think of a better name for NSMB, given that they literally only use "New" because Nips are easily amused/excited by foreign words.
well there is the group of pipes.
>He thinks SMB2 was good Mario
Get the fuck off of my face
I liked Mario 2. Sure, it wasn't really that much of a Mario game, but it was still good.
It is an ok game, but not a Mario game.
breddy gud
too bad NSMB2 was a soulless rehash of a rehash, glad I pirated that shit
The Wii games were fun, didn't play the WiiU ones though
I remember playing this with my first girlfriend.
Fuck you for making me remember her, OP.
>10 years old
But you can't pirate the 3ds itself, so Nintendo still wins.
I don't think his post was meant to rank the mario games from worst to best, I think it was just what he thought of every game.
There are plenty of other fun games on the 3DS though
>3ds games
Wow, I can't believe how right for the most part one man can be.
The first NSMB was fine. It's when Nintendo realized that they can keep rehashing it to make an easy 10+ million sales every time that the series started to tank.