Goes the game

hey Sup Forums i got a game for you! post steam user reviews and we try and guess the game. ill start!



Dota 2


Based on new evidence, I must also accept this as an answer.

And I didn't even played it I'm fucking poor.
Pls, keep 'em coming, I love these threads.

Monitoring thread...




Ding ding

To the moon ?

Dark souls 3?




fallout 4

Hatoful Boyfriend

Dark Souls 3

Dragon's Dogma


Also technically true.
No fucking idea on your pic.
Somewhat true.



We have a winner

path of exile

Hatoful Boyfriend?

It's... The Oregon Trail?

Darkest Dungeon?

This one's tough, has no connection to the game itself.

Shadow of Chernobyl?


I hate reddit so much

Nope. Here's a hint.
That is applicable though.

guess this, win a puppy


I'd rather burn down an orphanage.
I've been dead for 37 years.

I've never played a single EA game, fuck.

Undertale? ew

here is your prize

10/10 worth the effort.
Pic related will either seal it or doom you forever.

Dragons Dogma

The walking dead?

Took forever to find one without an obvious spoiler while still being possible to guess


Gonna contribute.


Half life 2?

Fuck me, man, I don't know.
That game that has puzzles and the map is fucking small maybe?

Nope, Subnautica.

lmao it could be, holy shit.
But no, HL2 doesn't makes you feel that shit when death is inevitable.

Fuck, tricky, but it makes sense.

City 17 mid rebellion and Ravenholm are spooky places.


You fuck. I was about to post subnautic from the ocean comment.




Yeah, you're right, they're spooky but most of the time you're armed to the teeth and you can dispatch enemies quickly.
Then you have this guy that knows what hell is.

Close, you know what it is, search in your heart.

Actually I'm the same guy, I just guessed twice.

I'm proud of you, stalker, you know that feel of pic related.

Easy one, niggas.



here's a thing

Feels good that you can remember that shit, NV is way more memorable than 3.

Crusader Kings II
I wish my shitty laptop could run it, such is life man.

Take a guess

Shouldn't be that hard.

>15k hours
Maybe some online game.
TF2 maybe?

MGR or Metal gear solid V

bad rats

civ v?

>1.7 years


Even better

Single player

A Louis CK special?

Fallout 1-2 probably

Civ 5? I'm at a loss.

Close, same genre game.

Go Go Nippon

Secret of the Magic Crystals

>no achievements in any of the games he's idled

fucking casual post the bad rats one

given a minimum of 8 hours of sleep and another 8 hours of work/eat/school/basic needs etc. that´s more like 5 years of play at every free minute, which is still unhealthy.

>24 hours of playtime per day