Overwatch is the first FPS to feature someone with Asthma

Overwatch is the first FPS to feature someone with Asthma.

How progressive of Blizzard!

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I think it's just because he's fat.

this desu

everyone at Blizzard deserves to be killed

literally Pudge + Immortan Joe

If he didn't have the mask he wouldn't look like a cute piggy.

So very much this.

He has a nice belly.

die barascum

hes a pothead

So you're saying no one cared who he was until he put on the mask?

with a potbelly

Not even a barafag,it's just a calming belly

Roadhog is cute!

I don't even care. kys

I want to rub his belly.


Why does he wear the mask?

because he looks like a golden god underneath it and it wouldn't fit his mad max image

It truly is the mystery of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Oh I remember him

Blizzard confirmed to be a bunch of thieves

Why are you kissing everyone? It's lewd

Nothing new here

Leafyisqueer pls leave and never come back

>you will never fuck a cosplayer dressed as Roadhog
Why even live?

Honestly this game is diverse as fuck but it doesn't shove it in your face. Blizzard did it right for once.

You have a fickload of amputees, all sorts of races, good balance of genders, and a genuine canon autistic chick, but they're all pretty cool

disgusting hero in every way possible
fun to play as though

>You'll never be so desperate you'd fuck an obese man dressed as a pig from a shitty meme game
Why even live?


>It's a stealth barafag episode

Why are you a fucking retarded literal faggot?

>diversity cant be done right
is street fighter an sjw series to you


Oh well i guess it's time.

Kill yourself

Is it really?

I got asthma.

He clearly vapes

Your post however, was pure cancer.


Disgusting, that's the most shit tier fetish ever.

Roadhog is cute.

I find him cute in a non sexual/attractive way. He's just a goofy fat dude. I just wish he wasn't edgy as fuck though.

Overwatch is the first game that doesn't make me puke at how Aussies are represented.

I know right? These negros need a real men fetish.

>why can't all niggers be like the ones Sup Forums shows me ;_;


Bitch, please.

man you are a piece of work

lucio is a pretty annoying big lipped asshole desu

>Sup Forums is wrong ;_;
she is ugly, and in-game she looks like an alien. are you black?
>I-I'm not desperate!
>posts image from /soc/

man what happened to saying fat and obese

fucking americans can't call things what they are


get some real taste fag.

>Sup Forums has no bias whatsoever, it's a place of objective truth :)

Isn't he technically insane? Like he got in an accident during the ohmec attacks and it messed him up mentally

end your life

He's not that great, there must be some other guys in vidya much better than him.

>In this game they're literally normie-fied to appeal to actual niggers irl
What the fuck are you even saying?

>literally normie-fied
End yourself

Are you okay, user? Do I need to call your handler?




this game had the largest viral budget i've ever seen!

No, he was just forced to do what's necessary to survive.

nigga that's pcp

That belly looks so fake, or at least it doesn't give me the impression he's fat but instead it reminds me of my alcoholic uncle's inflated stomach.

so who the fuck is this suppose to be?

Why does he not have an Australian accent?

>tfw like fat characters because I was a fat little shit as kid
>Can't even discuss fat characters without being group with barafags
You degenerates need to die I just want to be a fat tank or healer bro in peace.

"Finally" I thought, "A character my fat ass can cosplay."

But upon closer inspection he's actually strongfat and not just fat.
I've only got the fat.

what's the meme with fat nasty guys with chain hooks

birdie and roadhog, i mean

>reminds me of my alcoholic uncle's inflated stomach.
You answered yourself

type in warcraft abominations in google. Blizzards has been making characters like roadhog since warcraft.

>""""""""healer bro""""""""""""
Did you mistype "heal slut"?

kys *smooch*

No faggot healer bros are top tier unlike you degenerate erp faggots who need to kill yourselves. I want to be helpful and keep every alive who nices. People who are little shits don't get heals and die.

Know that feel man, i still want to cosplay as him though since i would look pretty stupid if i cosplayed as my fav charcater, that being Mercy.

>People with asthma need to wear gas masks

Are you fucking retarded?

What do you care if I think Roadhog is cute? That aint your problem.

>I want to be helpful
Spoken like a true masochistic, sub, maledom faggot.

The problem is you always have to bring up your degenerate fetishes. I don't mind if you're a faggot just keep it to yourself.

Ok, if you put a stop to all waifu threads then I will stop saying I want to fuck Roadhog.
Otherwise you're not getting special treatment for no fucking reason.

>Implying I don't shit on waifuthreads
They aren't any better you fucking faggot don't go changing the subject here. Same with healfags like this place is disgusting you come here if you want to discuss anything but actual video games.

do you have a big belly?

this thread a shit
post mercy

I dont care if youre an equal opportunity bitchest, that doesnt change what I said any. In the end its all for your personal benefit.

Cum on my face and call me a dirty Healslut.

>Blizzard confirmed to be a bunch of thieves
Been confirmed long ago m8.
Ever since Starcraft and Warcraft.

I fucking hate you faggot fetishists ruining healers for normal people

I also hate you fucking faggots who think that healing is somehow less manly a task, go fuck yourself cyka Dr House isn't a little bitch

I love the fact that Roadhog and Junkrat know each other. Though cliche, I've always liked the "skinny and fat" dynamic

>Dr. House
lmaoing at your life right now, russian kiddie

He's a shit version of Oinkie tbqh


Mercy isn't that type of girl!

Your rights, shes a holds you tightly as you suckle from her breasts type of girl.
Get some of that Swiss milk