So, doesn't this prove that there aren't any "paid" reviews to help with the launch? Isn't this a based thing to do?
We'll see how it goes.
Even though I don't like Bethesda, I think that this is a great thing that others should follow.
So, doesn't this prove that there aren't any "paid" reviews to help with the launch? Isn't this a based thing to do?
We'll see how it goes.
Even though I don't like Bethesda, I think that this is a great thing that others should follow.
>no advance copies
>game is shit
>didn't want to let reviewers tell people not to buy the game, fucking shills
>game is based
>clearly a plan to prove they don't need paid reviews to show quality based devs
Double standard much? We just got lucky.
Not really, it just shows that they're scared of what they'll say will negatively influence first day sales. Reviewers should have advanced copies and be able to post reviews before the game comes out so that we can see if the game is good or not before going out and buying it when it releases.
That being said, from I've played, the campaign is a lot of fun. So I'm not sure why they're scared of the reviewers. Maybe the negative backlash from the multiplayer beta influenced their decision?
People who think reviews are all paid for and everything is a conspiracy are idiots anyway.
The truth is that reviewers are just really that stupid and addicted to hype.
I'm on my second playthrough, looking for secrets. First run took me ~15 hours but I spent a lot of time faffing about
The game is an easy 9/10
>So I'm not sure why they're scared of the reviewers
Reviewers pretty much shit on any FPS which isn't COD. They acknowledge the attempt to return to old school roots but always give it a score lower than COD.
I wouldn't give out advanced copies either. Fuck games journalism.
You have to realize though when a game doesn't send out review copies it seems like a huge cop out to avoid bad reviews.
From playing the beta I can say the multiplayer is pure dogshit.
The MP is by the dev of the MP of the new Halos and id probably instructed them to make it a more casual affair. So yeah, nothing worth writing home about there
the SP however, is fucking great
I'll take your word on that. The weapons in multiplayer felt horribly underpowered
I'll agree with anything you want if you agree to never say "based" in any context ever again.
>"based" to not pay for reviews
once upon a time if anyone was paid to do it they would have left hanging out to dry
now on the other hand its normal to pay for reviews and for some reason review scores are the higher ever
>Maybe the negative backlash from the multiplayer beta influenced their decision?
This. Bethesda was thinking "oh shit, if early/day 1 reviews shit on the game as bad as the multiplayer beta, people wont day one buy". That and they didn't want reviewers who played the beta to base their full game review partially on the beta.
Reviewers don't get advance copies when the publisher is scared it's gunna suck.
>SP is good
This meme needs to end
There is nothing good about the press x to kill bullshit.
Nothing good about the shit design
and nothing good about t he speed
fuck off and stop playing fps on consoles retard
It's a return to old form. It's fast paced and rewards you for going balls to the wall up into every demons face ripping their guts apart. Much better than Doom 3 at least.
Not always. This is why people hate SF0. It'd be wa more appreciated if people actually judged it by playing it instead of reading reviewers who can't git gud.
They neutered them so hard. Getting directly hit with one of your own rockets will kill you in the SP.
Doom 3 is a fucking master piece
I liked Doom 3 too, but it is a completely different game to the rest of the series
So I noticed, with the Doom Slayer Testament totems you find in Hell, are they reciting the events of the first two games?
Did Doomguy just chill in hell after the events of Doom II and this is a sequel? Or is the Doom Slayer just some legend or some shit?
isnt doom 3 trying to be a horror game while doom 4 is action shootin?
>what they'll say will negatively influence first day sales.
It's a late 1990s shooter with a stage one detox of 2000s shooter crap. The hipsters writing for these sites would have flashbacks to the days when they thought video games were for dorks.
Previews would just set off the pearl clutchers and permalcontents anyway. Just make a great game; the players will come to you.
Bethesda published this? I had no idea. I guess it's officially off my radar.
>Le auto lift to the platform
>no actual strafe jumping
Doom 3 starts off as a horror game, but becomes an action shooter half way, a really slow one.
I never got into Doom 3 - all the guns felt, looked, and sounded like garbage. The shotgun especially sucked, it looked like a bunch of steel tubes welded together, the pistol sounded like a cap gun. and the machine gun was tinny as fuck.