What was the purpose of him changing like this?
What was the purpose of him changing like this?
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To make us think the game would be good.
I fucking hate you, Kojima.
Looks cool for a trailer.
>peace walker
>tiger stripes
To make you buy the game.
That skullface bit at the end really fooled the hell out of me
>MFW Pre release I thought Skullface and Big Boss were the same entity or at least Big Boss was losing his mind due to the brain damage caused by the horn.
To show off future DLC Outfits
This was so bullshit. The Phantom Pain never ends... why this game was so fucking unfinished and letdown? Why are we still here? Just to suffer? WHY? I loved the gameplay, but story was ABSOLUTE garbage.
Ground Zeroes, hospital scene and shining lights were great, but the rest of the story is SHIT.
And I hate chapter 2 very, very much.
You know why hospital scene was good?
Because of linear gameplay.
cool your autism
we agree, but you got to let it go
We all did user. We all did.
The first part is to fool the viewer into thinking the character they played as from MGS3 to Peace Walker to Ground Zeroes and finally in V is the same character. He is not.
Lastly, it shows his fate. The explosive fireball and visible incineration of his flesh is when Venom Snake is killed at the hands of Solid Snake in Operation Intrude, Metal Gear 1. The following change is him as a corpse, blue and gray decayed flesh.
It shows you the character's fate while masking the truth that you are not who you think you are.
mgs meme thread.
To make me want to kill myself due to disappointment and frustration
>tfw we never got to see the scorched face before Skullface's
Pretty much this.
>The Phantom Pain never ends
>Game is literally unfinished, meaning it doesn't have a proper ending
Like pottery
I'm pretty sure they just used the texture from the Skulls. Apply the texture to BB's head + null out his hair and beard.
Oh they're like that underneath their mask ? No lips ?
Im holding out for a Phantom of the First Sin year one edition for 4k consoles only with improved free roam enemy activity and difficulty. E3 please
we got cheaped out of the best headband for the shitty kind
I think so, yeah.
Too bad we never get to see that either...
When they teleport in, you can see what I'm talking about. I haven't looked at the textures to see if they're exactly the same, but I don't know why they'd make completely new assets just for two seconds of the trailer.
Then again, I'm pretty sure Snake's MGS3/PW textures are different, and that bandana is definitely not in the game, so who knows :\
how much of a fucking loser are you if you're still upset a video game didn't meat you expectations. like holy shit what decisions in life made you end up like that?
Good thing it was good then.
Simbolic scene that shows how he ultimately becomes the same person he hunted down and blamed for his suffering and loss
It's not a big surprise, really
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
It can turn things that were just "that's pretty cool"
Into "that was the greatest thing in gaming"
Oh damn youre right so the one at the end isn't skullface it's just venoms corpse?
It's Skullface. Notice the lack of horn.
still shilling this meme
>Got to fight Burning Man
>Got to fight Liquid in Hand-to-Hand
>Didn't get to fight Skull Face hand-to-hand that ended in a stalemate
>Didn't get to fight Skull Face hand-to-hand while he uses Psycho Mantis to control Burning Man like a fucking stand, where you have to either go for Burning Man first while dodging Skull Face until you put him out of commission for a bit to focus on SF, or attempt to focus on SF while dodging Burning Man which is the harder route
>Skull Face w/ MOF as his stand
fuck yesssss that'd be so cool
What's the first snake supposed to be? Portable Ops? I thought that wasn't cannon. Is it end game MGS3?
Probably Peace Walker.
no it is Skull Face. it's foreshadowing what would happen if Venom gave in to his thirst for revenge like Skull Face did.
MGS3 w\ sneaking suit.
MGS3 Naked Snake in the sneaking suit. They probably used that instead of the NS fatigues to stand out more from PW Snake.
there's an optional sneaking suit in Snake Eater you can only find during like the last quarter of the game
No, that's Demon Snake. Skull Face was there to show how similar he is to Big Boss.
>there will never be an actual game about the downfall of Big Boss
Did anyone else notice how Skullface has no physical appearance in the game when Psycho Mantis isn't around? Almost all of his scenes have Mantis preceding him, and the ones that don't have him appear very shortly afterward.
That was Peace Walker >:V
just die
tripfag pls shitpost somewhere else
That was Peace Walker.
>The villain who wanted to infect the world with a bacteria that would stop people from speaking their language doesn't have a boss fight
>Instead he takes you on a tour in his 4x4 and gives you a villain speech
>There's a long pause of silence filled by one of the best themes of all time, wasted just like that
>Venom doesn't even get to say a word
What in the world was Kojima thinking
Kojima was giving you the phantom pain through unfinished conversations. Isn't it deep?
Isn't it?
i still watch the trailers and then try to forget the actual game exists
Venom not talking was the only good part of that. Skull Face wanted the full package fight with Big Boss. the banter, the "you monster, i'll stop you!" hero bullshit and Venom completely denied him of that before he gets crushed by a steel beam and killed by the biggest beta pussy bitch in the whole series.
Pay close attention to the spot where the horn was. The flesh there looks all kinds of fucked up compared to the other side of his head. It's Venom Snake's corpse, but it's made to look like Skull Face for reasons.
It's only logical when you view this transition cutscene as a sequential timeline shift.
To mislead you into thinking that this game would mark Big Boss's transition from a man who has an army of mercenaries because fighting gives them purpose to a man who creates conflict using deplorable methods because it's the only way he can get it up. You know, the only reason this game would have had a right to exist.
>Remember when the Nuclear Trailer dropped and the Garbage one too and we all thought we were bearing witness to what would be the greatest game of all time?
>all these people talking about PW or V
>not mentioning Snake Eater
Said everything.
I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote bacteria instead
Exactly, the ending of Snake Eater was the fall of Big Boss: That hateful glare he gives the president before being forced to shake his hand was all we needed.
It's Skull Face's head. You can even see his right eye when the scene changes to him.
PW the donwfall of BB? Niggers please.
It's like you say that Venom is "A DEMON" in V, when he is like Jesus.
i don't think you understand what a downfall is
everyone's fantheory was better than what we ultimately got.
Boss in Peace Walker...
>raised a private army in international waters free of legal jurisdiction.
>fought in proxy wars on whatever side would pay him, including the Sandinistas who were notorious for their brutal tactics.
>hired at least one child into his private army
>used the funds from the conflicts to fund his own nuclear weapons program.
That's basically what he did in Metal Gear 2, give or take a detail or two.
And yeah, Venom being soldier Jesus was the point: He was the Big Boss that all of the characters spoke about in such high regard, because the real Big Boss never actually mattered. The man, Jack, was just a figurehead.
Paz should have lived.
Fuck Kojima.
i thought Chico dying offscreen was fucked up too. at least Strangelove got a tape of her death.
Yea, that made me upset too. Chico only being mentioned in the tapes. All the resources they used in GZ for him, to just have him die off screen.
What a waste.
he didn't die offscreen though he literally died at the moment of the blast in GZ. We know when he died and we were right there when it happened. Would you have preferred the camera to zoom in on his face as its caved in by the impact of the blast?
Yump you're right damn dude. Tfw you start looking everywhere in the phantom pain for some ounce of deep shit so that it can be another mgs2
except the tapes say he died in the hospital you mongloid
Why didn't they just remake Mg 1 and 2. Cum fuck
That's what I hate about this game. Because people keep on saying that it's supposed to unfinished to leave a phantom pain, but just because that technically makes sense it doesn't mean that the story is now not total shit
Why doesn't the game have a NG+ option? Seriously think about it, it would be perfect for mgsv. Is there a way to bring this to Konami's attention or some shit?
No, A tape with either Ocelot or Miller explains that Chico died in the helicopter.
why should we witness any character's death
why should any character's death be setup to have an emotional impact
The Boss should have just died offscreen, Snake walks to the plane and tells EVA "oh btw i killed the boss lol"
have fun being retarded tho
Honestly, I'm starting to think that Chico was supposed to be Venom Snake, but they resorted to the character creator when the deadline drew near.
Because MGS stories were ever good.
there's all kinds of shit they seemed to change at the last minute
i thought for sure they were going to make Chico into Decoy Octopus. it was pretty fitting, after the GZ mindbreak it was pretty clear Chico hated himself and would rather be anyone else.
And your evidence?
I don't think it's actually necessary.
Like, I'm fine with PW and V existing and I think they're OK, but all I need to know about BB's downfall is in 3.
That one scene where he refused to shake the President's hand? That's enough. The ending of 3 alone is enough to give context and justify all of BB's action until MG1.
Chico being Decoy Octopus would make perfect sense. We'd gt a full arc for that character, an explanation as to how Octopus got the facial disfigurement, and why Octopus was in the "sons of Big Boss"; Decoy was the only member of Foxhound in MGS1 who had no tie to Big Boss.
Let's end this meme, mgs has one of the best and most interesting stories in vidya.
What could happen with MGS6? Apparently it's happening
Alright so you've never read a book.
mechanically it's going to be a cheap regurgitation of MGSV with base management, developing weapons and items, and fultoning enemies. it's probably not going to be another open world game which could be nice. i have no hope for the story though. anytime anyone other than Kojima is giving the reigns the story is almost always fucking boring. (Portable Ops, Ac!d)
for all his faults at least Kojima knows how to keep an audience invested.
>in vidya
He specifically compared it to video games only. That's pretty reasonable.
>in vidya
>never read a book
>a book
What are you stupid or something?
MGS6 will probably be a reboot.
>if i compare shit to shit this turd smells best
i thought for sure MGSV was going to have some over the top sci-fi elements like time travel or alternate dimensions. MGSV was going to establish this idea by being the results of time travel or something so after Kojima was done Konami could keep making games without fucking up "his" timeline. (anymore than he already had anyway)
I watched portable ops online and it didn't seem to bad. You're right though, I think I'm more excited for whatever Kojima has in store next but I'm still curious because I love MGS.
yeah? why would you compare shit to anything but other shit?
Fuck off razorfist.
>if I tard out after being corrected, people will think I'm cool!
Out. Fucking. Skilled.
It's going to be either a reboot or a remake of another game like MG1-MG2
Consider that it will flop like crazy and probably compromise their future MGS games if they try to go on with a serious new project without Kojima's direction (but NOT writing) so they're not left with a lot of options
It'll be that, but with the rest of the script from mgs5. They'll squeeze two more games out of mgs5's script.
>you will see big boss become a demon
>jk big boss dindu nuffin
>if i tripfag while making retarded statements people will think I'm cool!