Alright friends! I'd like to remind you all that Vanilla WoW is going to happen!
Lets have a Vanilla WoW thread!
Alright friends! I'd like to remind you all that Vanilla WoW is going to happen!
Lets have a Vanilla WoW thread!
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I can't wait to play a warlock and cast fear.
Reminder that Sunken Temple is the best Dungeon.
Sunken Temple was okay but I like the newer version better.
confirmed source?
this is a clear shitpost
its only shitposting if you have no soul
vanilla wow servers for disabled vets now
dont get me wrong, i want it too. But i dont want you being hopeful
If vanilla wow was so good it wouldn't just be filled with a few thousand poorfags and asians who can't afford shit.
As opposed to the "shitty modern wow" which costs an arm and a leg and still has a few millions left.
>m-muh nostalgia
>i-i-t was so much BETTER and HARDER
>e-even though i never played w-wow till c-cataclysm and just p-parroted fellow newfags who never played either and w-wwowiki
>If vanilla wow was so good it wouldn't just be filled with a few thousand poorfags and asians who can't afford shit
>>e-even though i never played w-wow till c-cataclysm and just p-parroted fellow newfags who never played either and w-wwowiki
I really hope there aren't people who never played Vanilla who want to play legacy servers
I started in tbc, and I like vanilla nost was fine
I liked leveling even though I didn't reach lvl 60
still thousands times more players than nostalgia shit servers(which are free).
vanilla fucking sucks.
they compose of 95% of the legacy retardbase.
almost everyone who actually did shit in vanilla quit wow permanently or acknowledge that vanilla is pure garbage by 2016 standards.
>which are free
And also not really available.
Kill thineself
8m > 5m
1. Why the fuck do people keep thinking they're adding vanilla servers? They literally confirmed its never going to happen in that post after that whole Nostalrius debacle.
2. Vanilla was a bad game, and it's improved vastly over the years. Reminder that WoW still exists right now and you can go and play whatever you want and still use all the Abilties you remember, including many new and really cool ones, and do runs through all the old dungeons, as well as many new ones that are much more complex and have actually interesting mechanics.
nobody gives a shit.
I bet you actually still listen to my chemical romance.
i apreci8 this b8 m8
Which one of those was Nostalrius population?
>literally 3 MILLION more people who paid $50 for the game and $15/month
>"it d-doesn't matter!"
>"3 m-million isn't that much!"
I am not the guy you're responding to, and I'm very skeptical towards blizz actually coming through.
But your second point doesn't cut it.
The whole point is no flying so there's world pvp, no lfg or lfr so people actually need to start making an effort in the game.
Reduce hp back down to vanilla so everyone isn't a god, and instead a lowly adventurer like in the beginning.
When you killed C'Thun in vanilla, you truly felt lime you just killed a God, and it's never felt like that since TBC at the latest.
the 4000 i think?
he didn't show it cause it was irrelevant, much like legacy servers.
Vanilla WoW should stay in the past where it belongs, nostalgiafags get rekt.
Neither of them. The 8m is the subscriber count for the official Vanilla progression server endorsed and maintained by Blizzard though.
I can't wait to play as. Warrior and get nerfed to the ground again.
Your shit is literally free and it couldn't even attract more than a few thousand third worlders and poor underaged.
it's that bad.
how many fucking people are still playing runescape again?
even rip shit like old republics and TES has more people.
What's the estimate on subscription count now?
>and still use all the Abilties you remember,
Can't use Eyes of the Beast. And a bunch of other abilities that were pruned.
its really happening bros
If you consider throwaway eastern accounts being counted in that chart and the fact that the highest pop servers get ~1500 people online during primetime, I'd say 1m-1.5m. That's with the game being free with tokens as well.
You seem upset dude. Vanilla WoW wasn't free.
I'm sorry but I can only play Warcraft III straight for so long.
i wish this fat faggot would just fuck off
There's literally no reason for people to not want legacy servers. Why are there so many people who don't want it to happen.
You mean kronos and rebirth charged money to play?
damn man, you got me.
Almost nobody would pay for vanillashit.
barely anyone even plays it now that it's free.
shitposters here have noticed that people who want vanilla servers feel strongly about it and are easily antagonized
>You mean kronos and rebirth charged money to play?
Blizzard did, yes. They got 8 million people to pay $50 + $15/month.
Because goobergaters don't deserve to get something just because they cried the loudest. Blizzard has enough on it's plate right now, so funding an entire project just to shut up a small minority is not a good idea for them.
>guaranteed to have your progress erased at some point
>Nostalrius was the only actually good private server
There's plenty of reasons why your argument is retarded.
Why do you give a shirt about Blizzard. They're a fucking business they don't care about you, just money. The argument is that there's money to be made, why should anybody who isn't Blizzard care if it fails?
>splitting the playerbase
>increasing the load on the game's servers
>maintaining multiple code bases
All of it to appease people who want to play WoW for free.
yeah, and I remember when I could hire a servant who would do all the domestic work for only the low low cost of being fed, and maybe some loose change.
too bad, I miss the 1200s. The thirteenth century is so much better than today.
this is where you should have realized it was bait
>splitting the player base
You people claim it's shit and nobody would play it, so how would it split the player base based in your argument.
>increased load
They open more servers, not put the load onto the current ones
>maintaining multiple code bases
Why does this bother you, you aren't Blizzard.
>The argument is that there's money to be made,
but there isn't
nobody played Nost because it was good, they played it because it was a free wMMORPG that's not Wildstar
Again, why do you care if Blizzard takes a small financial hit? If it fails they won't go bankrupt or anything. You have no reason to care.
>want to watch an old movie
>watch it
>want to read an old book
>read it
>want to play on old videogame
>play it
>want to play WoW
>you're fucked
>Why does this bother you, you aren't Blizzard
You said there's literally no reason to not make a bad business decision when there are multiple. You don't have to be Blizzard to know why people wouldn't want to invest into something that can turn out to be a money drain.
nothings stopping you from playing in kronos/rebirth.
its even free unlike your beloved classic.
just dont expect many people there cause its shit (vanilla wow, that is)
>played it because it was free
There are plently of WoD/MoP and even some Cata private servers up. Why don't people play on them if it's the superior version of the game?
I don't believe it is a bad business decision. I'm just saying the people who aren't said business have no reason to care whether or not it is, it doesn't harm them at all. I'm not saying you can't mock a business or say it's a dumb idea, but some people are like genuinely concerned about it from a money standpoint and that doesn't make any sense.
it doesnt affect you at all if blizz release a legacy server... u can still play the iteration of the game u like
friendly reminder that neo-WoW literally appeals to literal retards, Vanilla/BC is for people who aren't literally unironically retarded
>Has mental/social issues
>Plays a Blood Elf Hunter
Checks out.
>I'm an anti-social person with a mental illness and I hate interacting with others
>I'll play an MMO and blame my problems on the game
Well congratulations
You got me upset
Now what's the next step of your master plan?
Is there a source of a final decision or is it just speculations about blizzard discussing about it?
>wod private server
you trolling right? even if there were the scripting would be so bad the mobs would be standing still all day and half your shit wouldn't work at all, at the very least.
not retail
There's just meetings planned. One between the CEO of blizz and Mark Kern, and one between blizz and the Nostalrius team. People are just excited about the possible outcome of these meetings.
Huntard has been a term since vanilla with good reason
Night Elf Huntard/Rogue and Undead Rogue were the class/race combos of choice for the mentally impaired.
>blizz forum posters
oh god make it stop
They're completely right though.
Here it from someone who played vanilla WoW in 2005 - the era is over. There is no recapturing it. Even on private servers or an official server if it's ever made, it won't be the same, and people will move on eventually.
Retards who know nothing about software think legacy servers will happen.
>b-but muh nostralius team of basement dwellers pulled it off
>b-but muh petition
Notice it's all basically blown over except shitposts here?
>blizz devs got rid of original code
>hur dur they can't get it back desu
but it literally happened on nostalrius. the problem is getting blizzard to not be cunts and do it themselves so the server doesn't get axed.
nost devs said they'd hand over everything they worked on to blizzard for free to help them.
Like I said, retards who know nothing about software.
>>want to watch an old movie
>the prints were lost in a warehouse fire
>>want to read an old book
>the only surviving copies are incredibly fragile and housed in museums
>>want to play on old videogame
>it doesn't work in your OS
>>want to play WoW
>there's plenty of places that aren't Nost you can steal it from
what did he mean by this
>nost devs said they'd hand over everything they worked on to blizzard for free to help them.
>he still thinks Blizzard want their hack code
>Notice it's all basically blown over except shitposts here?
Only thing good about classic WoW was the difficulty and thats it fuck off.
Mark Kern isn't involved with Nost. He's just some fag from twitter.
>the product of 5 years of labor from the nost devs wouldn't be useful at all
People only liked Vanilla because it was their first MMO
>He's just some fag from twitter.
He's one of the original developers at Blizzard.
But apparently I enjoyed it for its combat and social aspects
And he's literally meeting with Blizzard to discuss Legacy servers, as are the Nostalrius devs.
So nothing. Okay.
Not necessarily. The fact that blizzard is even going through the trouble of meeting with these people shows there's at least some interest in trying to find a way to make legacy servers work.
Exactly. You hadn't experienced it before, so it was enjoyable.
Sound s like i would enjoy it again
(and do)
but when I played it again on nostalrius I also enjoyed it
Then why did so many people spend months on Nostalrius with no signs of stopping or the player base dropping?
Think of it like trying a Big Mac for the first time. Sure, you enjoyed it, but you probably continued to eat other sandwiches as well. Now if you stopped eating Big Macs for a few years, and then tried one again, it would taste amazing and remind you of the first time.
Except the Big Mac went through a size change after some time, so modern Big Macs look as small as hamburgers
>food analogy
i fucking hate you people
So Legacy servers would do well then as they'd recapture the magic that was Vanilla, the expansion that pulled in 8 million subscribers in 2 years?
Vanilla was good, but there are expansions now that flesh out the game and add new features and classes. If legacy servers were free, I would understand. I just wouldn't expect people to pay for legacy servers when they could have more content for the same price.
more is not allays better
you cant even do vanilla stuff in retail
>but there are expansions now that flesh out the game and add new features and classes
and blow total fucking dick compared to Vanilla/BC
>when they could have more content for the same price.
oh it's b8
>they'd recapture the magic that was Vanilla
thats never happening no matter how bad you want it.
did for me on nost
Vanilla WoW is going to happen sometime after Legion.
Trust me. I work for Blizzard.