See steam notification

>see steam notification
>get excited, think someone tried interacting with me
>it's ALWAYS a 5 cent trading card from that shitty game you were playing earlier

I can't be the only one with this problem right.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lets make an entire thread about this

I just did?

>steam window flashes in the taskbar
>Its just an update

I deleted my steam because it's facebook with limited options and no one is interacting with you.

Lonely people are cute.

Up until I set my Steam inventory to not be publicly viewable, I had some fucking shit from TF2 add me every day and beg for Bill's beret, which I guess I have for owning L4D2 or something. I haven't even played TF2 since it launched with Orange Box so I literally cannot see why it's such a big deal to have this ONE HAT

I met my gf on steam and keep a large circle of friends through it.

Sorry about your crippling loneliness, OP.

>I met my gf on steam


Get a mic and play multiplayer games.
Or just add random people and see who responds of your desperate.

I dunno, those shitty trading cards add up. I finally got around to running Idle Master and I idled over 100 games worth of card drops.

>Or just add random people and see who responds of your desperate.

I did that a few times, most I was the one to get bored first
Then I got really along with one of them for a few months, I was so happy but it ended up with me being told to kill myself and never talk to them again

Lmfao online girlfriends
what are you gonna do email her your dildo?

We've been living together for over 2 years now

My apologise

>just woke up
>check my steam
>it's just an endless stream of garbage like this

If you ever encounter someone who's been/is big into steam trading and they seem like kind of a dick - this is typically why.

virtually right

No, as in shes sitting 5 feet from me

i dont understand this pic

What game did you meet her on?

counterstrike source, nearly a decade ago


It's all low effort scam attempts

90% of it

>tfw I had a good group of friends I talked to almost everyday
>get compliments from a lot of people, not just ones in the group, that I'm one of the nicest guys they've met
>ran into a massive issue with one of them
>basically get ignored by 90% the group till I decide it's better to leave (not the ones who said I was nice)
>still talk with those 10% of people
Feels nice knowing who your true friends are
but still feel down most of the time as very few people, like 4 max, want to talk to me ;-;

>>ran into a massive issue with one of them

don't hold out on us, tell us the story

i have this guy in the group i can't fucking stand but never say anything because there's no way to get rid of him as the second worst guy in the group just happens to know him in real life

I've got 3 good friends who occasionally talk to me and the rest are just acquaintances. You're much better off having less friends as long as they are good ones.

I have 2 people I sometimes talk with but I'm pretty sure it's pity
I always have to be the one to approach

It would take too long to describe it, probably could write a two page paper on it.
Short answer is I basically got left out to dry by the person in question

Are you autistic, op?

My nigga. That shit pays for itself.

Shame the dev went full autism and stopped updating it because "muh 15 day wait fuk u steam".

Post your steam profile op. I'll add ya!

>after posting in steam friend threads finally find 1 person I get along with
>he doesn't want to play any games with me

maybe no one is interacting with you because you don't interact with them

or maybe they're sick and tired of you trying to ERP

How to find people to interact with?

I always get comments on a chivalry medieval warfare video I made like two years ago

post your steam id in the thread

Buut I know you will all just bully me.

Stop being so scared bucko! Now post that id (^:


I'll probably regret this

Nice profile description

i feel the same, let's be friends. ID = DavenF12

>it was just a steam update

>Anime picture
>That description

You deserve to be bullied.


You're gonna have to reach out first if you want them give a shit when you aren't playing the same game.

>look through profiles in steam friend threads
>see all the gay erp shit
>get aroused

I didn't want to leave anyone wondering.
Just in case

>that picture
seriously user?
are you like a 14 year old girl or something?

What's wrong with it?
It's been my avatar ever since I made the account

>standing up to shit companies implementing shit measures pandering to retards
>full autism

add me up friends id/iloveharuhi

what i personally hate is the emails that goes like 'You have sold an item on the steam market'...

exaclty today, i just set up a filter in gmail to trash all those mails automatically, because i receive easily 10 a day

Do not bully

>you get a foil card from animu game
>it sells for $2

your comment section is really good fagit

I wish I wasn't so antisocial towards complete strangers because it would be interesting to get to know troubled individuals such as yourself

>29 friends

>another person connected to xivg

Fuck, I can't get away from you people

Who the fuck wants to add people from Sup Forums on steam?
It's always cock-swallowing hyper weebs and autists.

Faggot who are you calling troubled? You can't even speak to a complete stranger on the internet.

>tfw it's a Trading Card Pack

id add you but my tastes are turboautist

almost all my friend list is from here
a lot of traders

>cock swallowing hypers
>a bad thing

It's like you don't even furry ERP or something.

>scrolling down profile
>that lone comment in the comments section

I'm sorry, but that was the perfect punchline to that whole thing

no one ever adds me baka desu

>wanting to be friends with vfags

>from a free/bundle game with worthless drops

What's funny about it?

aren't theese two is in eachoters friends list?


yes I added him nice job dude

Because even though Sup Forums is complete shit and its userbase cancerous as all hell, some of you guys aren't all that bad.
I've met someone here who's very knowledgeable about a certain thing we both like and he's helped me get a lot of things that would've been unobtainable otherwise.

>My property.
whew lad, that's a red flag if I've ever seen one.

What certain thing?

I hope nobody adds you useless waste of space

I just like collecting them no matter what they're from. But at the same time I don't want to spend money on them (have spent steam cash on them from selling CSGO items though).

Furry doujins

Why not just set your inventory settings to private?
You can't receive any offers that way.

>That edgy icon

I like things to be simple.

hook me the FUCK up

if any of you guys like roguelikes/lites or 4x games i can post my id

Kill yourselves

>Those comments

Neck yourself.

>Guy says he wants some people to talk to about vidya
>Check his profile
>Less than 5 friends
>Seems like a good guy
>Add him
>Never accept my invite, but keeps posting his profile in other threads

Fuck you too, buddy.

No can do. You'll have to find him yourself.



dude just no

>4 VAC bans


Dark is that you?

not cool

>Get excited about a steam notification
>It's a friend request from some Russian DOTA player

Every fucking time, I don't even play DOTA

Some dude sent me a friend invite a week ago because when I invaded him he was stuck between the fog walls after the pontiff bonfire. I was genuinely surprised because I never get friend invites.

some guy did the same to me but just said fuck you and blocked

>It's been my avatar ever since I made the account
So you never grew up and stuck at 14 forever?

My nigger. Idled about 200 games and got enough money to buy 8 Dark Souls III copies during the latino fiasco.

fuck your profile
post just your favorite game box