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Video Games #3377
Video Games
On a certain day, to uncertain parents, incarnate moon and star reborn
Just got this gem, Is gaming related products really worth it?
Sup Forums draw thread
ITT: Games with fun gameplay
Yiik: A Postmodern RPG
Neverwinter Nights
So now that Civ is officially dead with the reveal of CIV 6, is it worth getting the final game in the series?
How do people react when you pull out your game boy in public?
Christian Pastor Says Men Who Play Video Games Are Losers Possessed by a “Retarded Spirit”
Dead or Alive
Do you liek poe?
So I've noticed a lot of mixed reception to Overwatch on Sup Forums
GTX 1080
Post weaponfu
So what exactly is wrong with the PS4 according to Sup Forums? Yeah...
Angry Birds
Was she not supposed to be super fuckable?
Why does Overwatch make Sup Forums so angry?
What are some games where being a dex-fag is actually viable
I want newfags to leave
Overwatch or Battleborn?
Sup Forums suddenly hates uncharted
Now that the dust has settled
Now that the dust has settled, should she have been given more clothes?
Name a better JRPG with better gameplay AND story than TOS
What are they even thinking?
No one is safe with SJWs
Is it true that this shit decreases game performance?
If you were given the option to visit one video game setting purely to try and score with one of the Females of a...
I enjoyed the first game and I hear the sequels are even better
I hate complex games
Itt we post underrated games that deserve sequels
Main character have amnesia
Please tell me its better story than base game, ciri story was god tier
Good vidya related pet names? Boys and girls
So, I've heard lots of good things and lots of really bad things about this game. What's up with that...
What happens if steam goes away
The spikes on the sword are a second cross guard so you can change hand positions and use it like a spear
What's his best review?
What is your dream class in RPGs?
They're talking about it so vaguely its impossible not to have high expectations...
Stellaris general help
Find a vidya youtube channel I like
Healer thread
I am part of a dev team that might soon start work on a new Heroes of might and magic game(7 was horrid)
What is your favorite git gud boss from soulsborne?
Which mmo at the moment has the most interesting implementation of classes...
Do paid shills actually exist?
How's that channel coming along?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on granblue?
Have you praised the Sun today, Sup Forums?
This is the best single player FPS since Half-Life 2
Why is this allowed?
PS2 Beat'em Ups
Rafe>Lazarovich>Marlowe>that guy from uncharted 1
How do I break my video game addiction? I play easily 5+ hours a day
Why are the guns in this game so...kiddie?
Go on Sup Forums
Is there any game that doesn't use this shit controller?
Post the last 3 games you played on steam and get rated
Mfw going to buy the xbox one slim
Whats your favourite MMO class? Mine is the healer/support types
The Codex Astartes is a set of rules. They guide us, shape us as Ultramarines...
"Children are playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them...
Administrators please stick to this thread to the front page
Which is better, Witcher 3 or Dragon Age: Inquisition? I only have enough money for one
Is there anyone else who has so much genuine technical knowledge but blends it together with genuine autism by coming...
Only 26 days until E3
Perma-ban and Fallout thread
Do you talk to strangers on steam?
Do you forgive her?
GabeN will bless us from june 23rd to july 4th. Whats on your wishlist
I didn't think Street Fighter V flopped THAT hard. Jeez
Games that you just wish you could spend the rest of your life in
Creating film/video content is part of Nintendo's plans to strengthen the brand
Let's take a break from the Overwatch,Doom,and Touhou so we can talk about a game that's actually good
"Story in a game is like story in a porn movie... Its not that important" -John Carmack
Sup Forums hates movie games
AMD or Nvidia
What went wrong?
Good cosplay thread
Why were people mad at this?
The fight choreography in this game is bad
What are some improvements you hope to see in Dishonored 2?
What games do hardcore female gamers play?
Has anyone else played Dark Souls 1 recently after binge playing Dark Souls 3?
Is there one awesome enhancing mod for Civ 5(with expansions)?
So this game looks awesome, but wasn't it supposed to be out already? And it's an xbone exclusive?
Can Sup Forums dispute this?
The last video game character you played as is now in the original Doom. Can they beat the game?
You DID get all 42 gems, right?
Overwatch, game modes and scoring facts you may have missed
He hasn't upgraded to win10 yet
The date is set
Memetendo confirmed
This is a pretty japanese ninja
How can a fucking well-established one man army killing machine of a man get his shit kicked in by a woman with such...
I'm having fun playing this. What does Sup Forums think of Sunset Overdrive?
Other than Psychonauts, what other games have that Summer Camp aesthetic? Summery games in general?
Daisy the hottest
Name a good thing about a game you hate
Do you ever watch other people play games?
Bumping into the enemy damages you
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Boat shit for the west. The only people interested in this have already gotten Kancolle to play
Hey, Sup Forums. what are your favorite old timey strategy games?
Deconstruction in Video Games?
Do consoles hold graphics back?
Burning Blood
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW still believe Team Fortress will win in a 1v1 and 9v9
Final Fantasy X
Thoughts about her?
Replays from last week are getting more views than battleborn
I don't understand Sup Forums. You guys ignore the superior game with strong well written women for trite Pixar wifeus
60$ for a casual shooter with microtransactions, sjw connotations and no maps
A note from TF2
Me on my 7th birthday
So who here is hyped for Blood and Wine and the last adventure of Geralt?
This is painful to watch
First game
Why didn't Asbel married Sophie instead? She was a lot more attractive
Let's get some vidya reactions in here
He likes to play as a healer
Why... why this game was so letdown when we talk about its story?
Remember when Troy Baker was big on anime dubbing in both television and games?
Pass the controller bro
Who else is signing...
What the fuck do I do in this...
Final Starter evos got leaked and they look legit
This game is 10 years old
Overwatch "Dragons" Short
This image is pretty accurate 2bh
Is Doom3 better than Doom4? Because there were also lots of controversy when Doom3 came out
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
I can't stand to play this game anymore...
What's cookin' good lookin'
Only three weeks. Will it be any good or has Paradox fucked us again?
You're playing Animal Crossing, and suddenly, this happens. What do you do?
Oh boy, its friday
Volgin is the best MGS villain
Question for pc gamers
Either of these worth it Sup Forums?
Reminder that you're genuinely retarded if you think poise should be brought to from's attention before phantom hits...
Is this the worst KH game?
The bow and arrow is my absolute favorite weapon. What are some good games where archery is viable?
A 5
Is Chun Li an overrated streetfighter character?
Post your Doomguy, Sup Forums
What went wrong?
I've never been so done with a fucking game as i am with Deus Ex
Generic-as-fuck story but above-average writing to carry it
I know Sup Forums hates this series for some reason but this game is awesome
Handheld consoles with potential
Alright, fags, who was the HARDEST boss in this game?
Alright squids lets see what your weapon stats are
If you disagree you're wrong and you should feel bad
Why didn't Mai's ass get any attention in the 90s?
No crack has been released yet for the new DOOM game
What is the most mischievous thing you have ever done in a video game?
Friendly reminder this will be censored or altered
Did this game break Sup Forums?
Don't mind me
Pregnant Ellie
HOUNDS: The Last Hope
Log in to Steam
Why was Gus the best Crazy Taxi driver?
Is there any point to wearing anything other than power armor?
So I got done playing Doom 4
It's time, Sup Forums
Final boss is an immobile tentacle/plant monster
How do you feel about Alex?
Duke Nukem Forever ended up bombing
Why are people excited for this trash again?
Best video game tanks
Does Sup Forums know what Trauma Center was?
What video games do black men enjoy playing?
Post your Idle animation
Feels good nigga
How do you make time for vidya?
Are ya winning, son?
Is Sora a Gary Stue?
I just got Xenoblade Chronicles
Isn't something like this a little to lewd to be releasing on a family friendly console?
Give me one good reason why you haven't preordered Persona 5 yet
Spider sting!
Best of Sup Forums thread
Bought this game a while back when it was on sale. Decided fuck it let's play it...
Caved in and purchased DS3
Did you like bioshock infinite?
Halo 5 will have Microtransactions
Mighty No. 9
What's the last game you completed Sup Forums? Don't tell me you only play multiplayer games
I wonder what video game is inside my package
Buying digital
Aren't videogames for children?
What games let you adventure with your best and only friend?
Five-Five-Sixers and pineapples
Unpopular vidya opinions
He doesn't own a CRT TV for when he plays retro games
Only a few more days left
Post your favorite Gamecube games
Is scantily clad boob armor really a problem? Is it immersion breaking or purely culture war shit?
What are some games where I can play as a catgirl or that have catgirls as romancable characters...
Was she actually killing real people or just a meme
Sup Sup Forums
What'd you think?
Best sonic track comes from an obscure gba game
You can only choose one option
It's time we expel the pedophiles from video games. Our video games are in danger because of them
Beaten by a WiiU game
Imagine that you woke up and you're strapped to a chair with a controller chained to your hands...
Post vidya themes that make you feel patriotic toward your country
Oh my god I'm so surprised nintendo did something like this
Overwatch Tips and Tricks
Stellaris Thread
Another good game getting localized in the US only for Vita copy to get only the digital copy
What was her fucking problem?
How big are your games and porn folders? and how much free space do you have?
Why are Japanese games so childish while Western games are so realistic?
Probably the best fight in the entire series to be quite honest:
This will never be you
Risk of Rain
Favorite Sonic game?
Dude food lmao
>No Webm Thread
You are now aware that Sonic's design peaked @ Sonic 2 and has been downhill ever since
Video game music with lyrics in them
Opinions that will get you killed outside of Sup Forums
Am I missing any significant gaming channels?
ITT: music that plays when you go outside at night
It's an I forgot to put on second chance episode
Will Overwatch be good? I missed the Beta but a bunch of my friends liked it enough to be getting it
Remember when I said there should be a Star Fox / Five Nights At Freddy's crossover?
All right, Sup Forums. Need a bit of help
E3 2016
Achievement Unlocked
I just got around to pirating Kid Icarus Uprising
Which pokemon is the best fire starter and why it's pic related?
Do you think a Dark Souls Movie could work?
Doom.MULTi15-PLAZA [NO RAR] [FreeLeech]
Frontier > Rune Factory > 3 > 4 > 2
Sup Forums draw thread
Boss has huge guts
This just launched on Steam:
Hi guys lol
So what does Sup Forums think about knuckle sandwich?
Final boss was saving the world
This thread is dedicated to the best bros in vidya
He plays FPS shooters for the story and not for the toon vs toon mode
ITT: Your shitty/unpopular opinions/tastes on games
I'm about 2 hours into this and it's pretty solid so far (obviously that's nothing since it's a CRPG)
Worst Games in their respective series
Final Fantasy
Sup Forumseekend Smash!
That one rogue who did insane damage and never talked in TS/vent
full blown single player campaign with co-op unlike overwatch
When the fuck will graphics reach the level of Toy Story?
Uncharted 4 PC Port leak
What's your favorite game of all time?
What does Sup Forums think of Yiik? I think it looks great
Paying $60 for new games
Player has invaded your world
My legs are fucked would you spare some 15 med x
What are some good machinima?
Let's get a vidya cosplay thread
What if Skullgirls was a Dating Sim/ VN? Would Sup Forums play it then? What approaches would you like to see?
Buyers remorse thread?
ITT: Comfy Vidya areas
What do you normally name your characters in JRPGs? stick with the originals...
Have you ever been banned in a videogame?
explosive action
Thoughts on Heavy Rain?
Sam Drake will never explore your tomb
Most generic jrpg
Do you think overwatch will be a successful e-sports game?
Will this game ever be topped?
You faggots said DOOM was shit. I bought it on a whim yesterday because why the fuck not, and I was bored...
Can Zelda NX save Nintendo?
So far
This asshole is kicking my ass. I need help killing him
Why is Dante so obsessed with pizza? Pizza isn't even fucking good. They coulda thought of something worthwhile
How did this ultimately turn out? I don't remember seeing much talk about it when it came out
Quake VS. Doom
What kind of gamer food do you guys eat?
E3 2016 is less than a month away
Why actually does Sup Forums not like Alphys?
What games have delicious brown girls?
Is he right Sup Forums? Is buying DOOM new supporting unethical practices?
How many people on Sup Forums work at a retailer that sells vidya?
If you could create one retarded, but hilariously fun spinoff what would it be?
This is your wife tonight
Can a game be so bad its good in the same way a movie can?
This is it
CEMU 1.5.0 released
Asahi Shimbun interview with Tatsumi Kimishima
Not becoming a cute dragon in DS3
Is the Shin Megami Tensei series the only series to properly utilize Abrahamic Mythology?
So why didn't they send out review codes until launch day? They had nothing to hide...
People make fortunes while playing videogames with a webcam
I just got FFXIV
What is your favorite video game spaceship?
Shoots countless guided magic missiles while attacking with a fuckhuge sword while also teleporting behind you every...
Can we talk about racing games?
Civ VI
Monster Hunter Stories
3D Platformers
It's a "press every statement so something new will happen" trial
Naughty Dog
Overwatch Fap Poll
Unanimously liked games
Why is this such a common occurrence for vidya sequels?
Get out of vent or i'll have you bent
Salt general
What would video games be like right now if the Dark Ages had never happened?
Follow my lead
It leaked on a Japanese Pokemon website the typing for the starters final evolution
What big releases are there this year?
"I'm not hot at all!"
Login steam
Filename thread
Persona 4
Why don't they just make porn if their games look like this?
Since we've been discussing the possibility of Marvel v Capcom 4 lately, can we do one of these?
Do you enjoy playing as a virgin or a slut in video games?
Best vidya series with initials DS coming thru
Game on small 32 inch TV for years
Nintendo movies
Your field of work
Why didn't you like my game user? I put a lot of hard work into it
Free World of Warcraft expansion
Capcom/PS4 BTFO'd
Draw a boss fight
Knuckle Sandwitch
Make a Linear FPS game
Level up
So far, what would you consider GOTY 2016?
Excuse me... sir?
I'm curious Sup Forums, how many of you are actually employed?
Get in here and play some TF2, Sup Forums
Old melee thread deleted, let's make this one more focused
Change Cassiopeia's passive to restrict her from buying boots and give her movement speed instead
Which idols will you produce first in Platnum Stars? I gotta go with Yayoi, Iori, and Takane
So yeah Fallout 4's Lost Harbor DLC just got its ending spoiled thanks to Todd Howard accidentally leaking it on Nexus...
He's not in love with Pharah
Quake thread
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Pokemon: Gale of darkness?
Would you buy a Splatoon rhythm game?
[Spoiler] lol [/spoiler]
He didn't use only Tony in Hotline Miami 2
Sup Forums do you hide your powerlevel in public (like at work, college etc..)...
All threads are pain-inducing shitfests a solid two layers of irony deep
There are quite literally no good online multiplayer games on steam
What's an easy way to get 8$ fast
Persona 3
ITT games that have been universally reviled without being released yet
Okay this whole shit-show about DOOM 4 needs to stop, lots of misinformation and nostalgia pain
Both rosters from Dota 2 and League of Legends fight in a map based on both of their respective maps being split from...
Smoughs Hammer SUCKS
Nintendo will be going into the movie business...
Give me one (1) reason why you people like Overwatch over Battleborn
ITT: Best girls from their respective games
Yiik: A Postmodern RPG
What does Sup Forums think of this?
Destroyer has joined the game
Can we finally agree that Civ IV is better than Civ V?
What do you want in Resident Evil 7?
Find a flaw
What is the edgiest game you've ever played, Sup Forums?
ITT: we post the best girls of their respective games
Name 1 (ONE) currently active MMO that isn't about medieval shit or moe weaboo crap
You and your team work hard creating a modern masterpiece that is revered by everyone
Is this game any good?
It's a dead genre
What was his problem?
Well Sup Forums, which is it?
This is not ok
Traded :)
First game in the series is the absolute best
What cowboy games are on steam?
Why are critics who review our games not held to higher standards?
Whoever can post a game so obscure no one can name it wins!
Okay Sup Forums I want to get maximum comfy and play a new JRPG on my PS3...
Just beat these two faggots
This is a Pearly. She's an important Ace Attorney character. Would you like to see more of her in new AA games?
Tactics Ogre and other game series that are dead thread
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE English Censorship Roundup
Game is good
About to start this
I immediately regret my decision
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
What kind of gaming keyboard do you rock?
Describe your favorite vidya without using the letter "e"
Any good games where you play as a little girl?
Great PSX Games Thread
Doomguy's new alias is the "Doom Slayer"
Hey sm4shfags, can you do this in Smash 4?
Any of you guys got (semi-)subtle vidya tats?
Persona 5
Whats the best tf2 server size?
What happened to Final Fantasy 14? Is it still good to play? Discuss
Visually attractive games
ITT: Things that are not canon
Will it suck?
The Rise & Fall of XBOX
Sonic 25th Anniversary Leaks
Do you think if Doom 3 had been a brand new IP it would've been received better?
Which button would you press?
What is this?
Was she autistic?
So what games are there?
What went wrong?
Some people like quantity. Me, I prefer quality
Can girls like video games?
Defend Burger Town
Will we ever get a ps4 Wipeout?
If you actually think like this, do your parents a favor and kill yourself
Best Soulsborne Game
Why is Bethesda the only one that can make RPGs with huge explorable areas, open worlds and a decent magic system?
He doesn't listen to high quality videogame music
Coming to ps4
Game tries to be ______ killer
He actually prefers DW over SW
Why haven't you pre-ordered over⌚️ yet Sup Forums?
DOOM original isn't 3D
Successful child-actor
Rome 2
Post good vidya soundtracks
What did he mean by this?
How important is character models to you in video games?
So, according to the latest leaked image, the next mgs game is going to take place in the jungle...
Help them out, Sup Forums
Oldfags of Sup Forums, what was the first indie game that became a breakout success on the PC...
Helps you get laid
Pokemon sun and moon
Do you think Nintendo will be around in 20 years?
Why does it matter if theres a black guy on the cover?
I am not the villain in this story
Sold less than 20k copies
Lightning is a VERY pretty fashion model!
What would you say the best written female chraracters are of the last say 5-10 years...
Tfw no $100k/yr job with 401k and maternity leave and corner office but you work from home with a secretary and...
Sup Forums, do you think you have good taste in video games? Cause if you play this shit, you don't
Xenos are made for ____
What was his fucking problem?
Are you a counterfag or a defensefag? Do you prefer to counter your opponent or play defensively?
Launch game on steam
I'm bored
Is Midna the best Legend of Zelda sidekick of all time?
What are the best PS2 games to emulate?
Name ONE flaw
The shills convinced me to buy it
Interested in game
How is your game coming along, user?
2006-2010 in gaming
I feel shitty for pirating this it's actually goat
I got $160 from turning in my 3DS and games with it to gamestop
Based A-Team!
ITT: Flawless Indie games
Which Elder Scrolls is the best? I want to get into the franchise
What have you been playing this weekend, Sup Forums?
Who else is hyped for Far Harbour?
Bigger Bitch Than Anthony Burch
Month halfway done
Post your developer stats
What game is this?
Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma ZTD
Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure?
Polygon agrees with Sup Forums that the new Doom is shit. How does that make you feel?
These are the current most played steam games
You, yes you. What games you are emulating?
I'm working on an rpg game and I figured I'd do a playthrough on Sup Forums because I'm bored
Anyone else here play Flight sims?
So been about two years since my last post. Sorry about that, still running explorer. Anyway...
When it tries to be Old Republic it sucks
How do you feel about the Donkey Kong cast of characters?
Why is Mei so fat?
What are some games you can't stand to see other people talk about/enjoy
Who would win in in a 1v1 and 9v9?
ITT: Games that ruined the series
Sup Forums i just fucked up, i spent 2,500$ on TF2 Hats. What do i do now?
What's the comfiest JRPG?
Choose one
What games let you kill your childhood friend?
Early access
Who is the dumbest videogame character?
Graphic Adventures
It's time
New Doom game is absolute fun
Important!: Fap Poll
Nadia Was Here
Filename thread
Name one worse youtuber
ITT: Vidya characters with rad jackets
Why don't they just make porn if their games look like this?
Sundayfunday Smash tourney
Dragon Ball
Bigger Bitch Than Anthony Burch
Deus ex human rev
Itt the worst gimmicks in vidya
What's the best puzzle game of the last decade?
Why haven't you played Terraria yet?
Who's your favorite Let's Play artist? Pic Related, as always
What would make the PvP deep?
How are you coping until overwatch comes out?
Just watched Civil War
Tales of Xillia is really good. What are you people bitching about?
What are some good, "summer-y" games? Pic related is an obvious one
ITT: Multiplayer games you wish weren't dead
YiiK: A Postmodern RPG
Hi, I am the best fighting game ever made
I summon Cyberstein and activate his special ability to summon Ultimate Blue Eyes White Dragon in attack position...
Anal Aficionado
Have great metabolism most of my life
DMC5 is kill
Play a game with Americans
Keh heh heh heh heh
What do you think of Frank west?
You fell for the PS4 meme
Keep hearing that Overwatch is just a tf2 clone
When does this game get good?
Is he a likable and justified protagonist?
Bigger Bitch Than Anthony Burch
You making this yours?
Why can't we just talk about games? Not even Memebook is safe
Which game are you going to buy?
Is my brother autistic?
So is Samus actually super tall? Because in Other M she's normal sized
Firelink shrine
Hero Shooters
See steam notification
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...