
>free to play
>great customization
>lots of different play styles
>established community
>private and custom servers
>all backed by Valve, the best dev in the industry

>customization is nothing but different colored skins
>each character has a single play style
>no community at all
>no private servers
>backed by Blizzard, the worst and most money grubbing dev in the industry

If you’re thinking about getting overwatch, I implore you to play TF2 instead.

Is it just me or has there been a salty TF2fag spamming threads trying to get people to play TF2 instead of Overwatch?

it isn't just you, there are plenty of them spamming threads all for the wrong reasons. Overwatch is ok for what it is, but it's like any other Blizzard game these days.

>play OW beta
>have a blast
>beta ends
>install TF2 again because feels
>it feels like bland shit
>everyone's wearing a shit load of weird hats
>alt f4


>great customization
you have to pay large sums of money for objectivley better weapons and for hats. you can craft them, if you play hundreds of hours.

>week before OW open beta
>play TF2 again after 6 years or so
>havin a good time, the servers are shitty 24/7 servers and you hear kids screaming occasionaly
>other than that it was fun pubstomping as soldier
>play OW open beta alone, later on the 5th with friends
>have a blast, feels fresh and new yet familiar
>Beta ends
>go back to TF2 after beating uncharted 4
>TF2 is now shit
and now i suffer for another 8 days of pure boredom.

>fire up TF2 for old time sakes
>bunch of trading servers
>find a mostly full server called something something ERP
>have no idea what ERP is
>join server
>proceed to see a scout crouching face first into a demoman's crotch pretending to five him a blow job over the mic

When did tf2 get that fucking bad?

but you can't alt+f4 in source games

>play OW beta
>never had so much fun anymore since LoZ: OoT
>made loads of friends ingame
>everybody actually acting normal instead of raging faggots
>beta ends
>see Sup Forums saying TF2 is the same
>never really played TF2
>install it
>looking for servers
>bunch of MLP and ERP servers
>trying to avoid all the cancer
>found a TDM server
>decide to join it
>hear 5 russians and frenchfags screaming at eachother over the mic nonstop
>fucking porn and MLP sprays everywhere
>everyone is just camping in one spot and if they move they get headshot by a sniper
>people instantly votekick me because I have 1 hour gameplay

fuck that was one of the worst games I've ever played

Literally killed the game. Horrible piece of shit now.

Overwatch is pretty enjoyable. It still has the nice class based gameplay, even if there are too many, without the bullshit that infects TF2 now. It's also different enough to feel fresh.

I can't see why people are upset that someone would play a different game after 10 years. Especially when the vast majority if those were shite.

>comparing a FPS to a MOBA

for what purpose?

>end process

>tfw i never use exit game buttons

>Great customization

Stopped reading right there. Were you playing when cosmetics were introduced to TF2? This game turned into a joke post-hats

Which of these are you considering a moba and why?


can you fucking not?

the one that is literally ASSFAGGOTS

They are both literally not. Hence the question.

last time I checked, TF2 was still a shooter, not a MOBA

>Le pointy-an-shooty game with counterpicks
>not moba
Of course it isn't as "LoL with guns" as Battleborn, but it's pretty fucking close.

>hop into Overwatch
>occasional bad team comps but they're not too prevalent for long
>games are short but sweet
>no one hero is utterly dominant in a game

>hop into TF2
>multiple snipers/spies/useless shit every game
>friendly Heavies
>EVERY game is dominated by one Soliderfag rocket jumping everywhere in the most obnoxious looking get up
>if you're not that one soldier you really can't do much
>hasn't been balanced in fucking ages and when it does you wonder what the hell the devs are thinking

How's that competitive matchmaking they recently announced coming along?

keep telling yourself that, one day it might be true and your MOBA's might not be terrible shit

a MOBA requires minions, bots as you will in order to progress on the "lane"

Please show me where in OW there are lanes or minions?

This is a Sup Forums meme circa 2010

I literally have no idea which one you're talking about. I don't play monad, and don't play either game, although I have done.

And this is a screenshot of Battleborn

It's 40 dollars u cuck

>fingerless glove meter
It will never get old for me.

MOBA abilities derived from WC3

just saying

I'd pay 19.99 for how barebones it is right now, but of course it's an overglorified game made by an overglorified company so they can get away with it

Jesus, who the fuck makes such trash GUI and believes it looks ok.

WC3 abilities derived from Dungeons and Dragons

just saying

I'd probably care more about overwatch if it was third person.

then the terrible gameplay would matter less cause I could jerk off to my character

>all backed by Valve, the best dev in the industry
Ooops, looks like you forgot about paid mods.

>If you’re thinking about getting overwatch
I preordered months ago

>I implore you to play TF2 instead. I implore you to play TF2 instead.

Boring as fuck

give me one good reason why visual customization is important for a videogame

Irrelevant my man

Jesus christ

it isn't.
it's an add-on that lets you make your character a bit more personal, and to try and stand out amongst the massive number of clones of your character.
it provides no additional gameplay
it provides no additional challenge
more often then not it actually hurts gameplay and the visual style of your game

but for some reason faggots want to fag up their characters with dildos and shit.

Both TF2 and Overwatch are trash and should be avoided at all costs.

it connects you more with your character, making it more personal i think.
either way. Overwatch has as much customization as TF2.
Skins that alter the model, voicelines and effects.
taunts, sprays, voicelines, highlight intros.
oh also customization options are a good unlockable thing to keep people playing, wouldn't want people to have to unlock gameplay relevant stuff.

I actually enjoy Battleborn when it's not putting me against three level 100's when i'm level 10. But that's almost never since hardly anyone plays

it's fun

>free to play
>great customization
>lots of different play styles
>established community
>private and custom servers
>all backed by Valve, the worst and most money grubbing dev in the industry

>customization is nothing but different colored skins
>each character has a single play style
>no community at all
>no private servers
>backed by Blizzard, the worst and most money grubbing dev in the industry

corrected that for you

I dropped the moment I realised no dedicated server support. I can deal with not being able to see anything that's happening on the screen 99% of the time, but I can't deal with no dedicated server support.

Well, there's also Paragon which happens to be 3rd person but I doubt you enjoy playing Epic's Smite. Also it's fucking expensive.

For devs it's a decent source of income that takes advantage of good goyim. For players it's merely a way to boast about having useless digital goods.

>Decide to play TF2
>Ignore the big button that lets you browse the official servers for the proper gamemodes
>find a TDM server because hurr it's an FPS so TDM must be the default mode rite??
>be surprised when a modded server for an unofficial gamemode that has no place in the game is full of idiots
>form an opinion on the game from this one experience
>realise you were the idiot all along

>free to play
enjoy your hackers and retarded kiddies making 100 accounts

>great customization
earbuds xDDDD mac apple get it? xDDD

>lots of different play styles
>push the cart to win

>established community
packed with bronies, furries and other autistic peoples

>private and custom servers
mmuh custom servers... mmuuh 350mb custom files download everytime i enter a server....

>all backed by Valve, the best dev in the industry

40 euros for the PC version

>customization is nothing but different colored skins
just because there are no brony skins doesn't mean you need to hate, autismo

>each character has a single play style
>pyro m1+w xD

>no community at all
>no bronies, furries at all

>no private servers
thank god, no 249mb download of shitty sound effects, btw you should already kill yourself for being a pubber and not playing ranked

>backed by Blizzard, the worst and most money grubbing dev in the industry

every dev is kikey, blizzard/valve is no exception or worse than the other, though valve is arguably more kikey nowadays

what's wrong with that?
are you one of those guys that plays custom maps all the time?
or some shitty mods like prophunt zombie or surf?
i can understand if you like going to the same server every day meeting the same people

its still shit

what, you think this is any better?

It's been happening multiple times a day on Sup Forums recently.


>Play OW beta
>So fun I literally lost track of the time and called in sick

>Install TF2 again
>Join a random pub server
>Everyone has tons of weird hats and costumes and shit
>Some asshole is mic spamming some dank memes
>Get bored in a few minutes

Sometimes I wonder how I put 100 hours into TF2.

>have no response and no argument
>"I'll just say it's shit! That'll make me not look like an even bigger retard than I already do!"

Good job

Not him but you can really get a community of people going on dedicated servers, and playing with the same people every day is rather comforting and a better stress release than just playing with random people you have no connection with. On top of that you can apply various mods and such to the server for whatever you want at the time.

On a server I was a mod on for TF2, we played stock nearly all the time, until we got bored and decided to do random shit, maybe a racing map, or a game where the only way to kill people is to knock them off the map itself.

The idea of having to play with random people every game is just not appealing to me. I hated it in every other arcade shooter, and I doubt I'd like it in Overwatch, even if I liked what I saw in the videos.

Now you've got me wanting SMNC...

Jesus Christ, you can have entire groups of characters hiding behind those guns

You can form your own party in OW though.

Just Reaper things.

>3000+ hours in TF2
>in Overwatch withdrawal
>fire up TF2, has been a year
>pubstomp like fuck as vanilla demoman, 120 kills 5 deaths or some shit
>teammates all go demo with swords and shit
>they suck ass
>get 7 friend invites
>4 of them are furries
>2 of them are in the Sup Forums group

Yeah no, TF2 is dead. Overwatch will be some fresh air.

Wouldn't Reinhardt be Demoknight?

I'm the opposite. TF2 suffers from unbalanced games very often just due to the fact that there is no MMR being tracked, and if someone amazing gets into a round the entire game becomes a steamroll faster than you can say shitfest.

Matchmaking mitigates this problem.

you forgot
>bloated with horribly designed jew tier items
>terrible game balance
>unapproachable for new players

The answer is to have both MM and dedicated servers like CS:GO. I heard TF2 has implmented ranked MM but I also heard tons of problems with it.

At least the hud in that one is somewhat okay to look at.

That other one was nuts.

>clean, minimalist HUD

Yes, much nicer than that fucking neon clusterfuck

Yes. Way better except for the gigantic guns.

>great customization

It's a lot better. Maybe the top can be trimmed down a bit, but otherwise it tells you everything you need to know.

erotic role play i guess

The gigantic guns are only there because Reaper is an edgelord with 2 shotguns

>implying Overwatch hasn't already amassed the worst fucking player/fanbase

>"great" customization of TF2 is now a plus
Are you fucking serious


but if its not, you just need to learn how to play classes

All of these people who never played custom multiplayer games in Age of Mythology/Empires, Unreal Tournament 2004, Starcraft and old source games (not the gimped shit we have)

Man what the fuck happened?

TF3 when?


you forgot
>it doesn't work beacause shit fucking engine and crashes every minute

dis entire thred
i s
ow ned b y blizard a g e n t s

some happend to me
only that i played vanilla snipe

dunno how many added me since i already have like 250 friend invites pending...

it doesn't work only on your computer

>Drowning in cosmetics that don't fit in with the games aesthetic
>Game looks like a total visual clusterfuck when everyone's wearing unusual hats and other cosmetics
>Community doesn't give a shit since they only care about showing off the most expensive items they own regardless of whether they look good or not

Been playing since 2009, and while hats and F2P saved TF2's community from dying, it was definitely for the worst in the long run.

Let the dead rest in piece.

I'm playing tf2 while waiting for overwatch

>Overwatch is 60$ meme

I know you are going for extreme cherrypicking here, as that is a few frames tops when reloading. And still the UI is way less jarring than the one from battleborn.

Seriously, just let battleborn die a dignified death and dont try to drag it trough the mud shoving its half dead body into everyones faces.

>all those tf2 cucks in suicide watch and posting why they not going to play overwatch but are going to after its launched aaahaha

>>lots of different play styles
>>push the cart to win

I know that feel, user.

okay. how about this?

>fucking toy gun taking up half of the right side of the screen
>fires green blinding bullshit everywhere cluttering up the UI even more

I played the open beta for five minutes at most and I couldn't tell what the fuck was happening because I was on the attacking side. as soon as the gates opened my UI was just filled the same rainbow colored particle effect bullshit that you guys badmouth battleborn for.

also atleast in attacking in TF2 you can actually fucking see where the enemy is right out the gates.

You would have some semblance of a coherent argument if that knockback was a spammable skill.

Too bad it's not.

Except you can only use Lucio's alt fire every 7 seconds or so. So no.

Bargaining. Only depression and acceptance remains.


Sorry OP but Overwatch was so good I'm having fucking withdrawal symptoms.

yes, stare at the image instead of the main body of my argument. It still doesn't change the fact that fights in the game are a visual clusterfuck of random colors and particle effects just like Battleborn. fucking look at this.

>bunch of mlp and erp servers

I've never seen one.

Not even ONE

Not a single furry server in all my time playing.

The only way i can see you finding some is if you went to the server browser and type "furry" as a tag. And in that case what are you doing my nigger?

If he does that then he's looking for furry servers. I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but even then it's pretty obvious.

Soon I hope
it could be so good
>alternate weapons that are concise and make sense and elegantly change the focus of the class, like getting a conc grenade instead of a pistol, instead of the current model of getting a fucking bottle of milk or soda that when used gives you +23% extra cromulence for the next 6 seconds at the cost of all critical hits or 33% damage or some other retarded MMO modifier
>no stupid ugly hats, all hats fit the characters because the characters were designed to be able to wear different outfits
>cool new mechanics like destructible terrain or something
>game less built around spamming explosives at chokepoints
>classes are balanced to have similar room for skill instead of having le rocketjumping 300 mph man of balance in the same game as "walk slowly and shoot your minigun in the general enemy direction"

but valve will never make it
valve will never make a game again
valve will not even port the final dota 2 hero in this year

Except it's very obvious that Zarya fired a blob at McRee which bounced off the van and hit the ground at an angle.

Nothing else is going on in the screen besides the fact that in a few seconds Zarya is about to get a face full of flashbang and hammer.

At the end of the day the emphasis on ults is what kills overwatch for me.

I have no interest in playing a game where everyone has a fucking uber meter and that uber meter is just an autowin button to kill everything on the screen.

I just want to play a shooter.

There's not much going on? It's a one on one skirmish. How are you able to play video games?

Since the tf2 economy has more wealth than several nations, i wouldnt bet on it