I'm stuck
I'm stuck
just realized whites are clear. id try one of these
The one on the top right means there can't be two mines beside eachother. let me draw it out
I drew you a map its a bit shabby, but you should get the general idea what to do
makes sense, thanks
Try to clear top-right and see how many bombs left.
You could also go yolo on the 50/50 as there's nothing you can do about that. It's a hit or miss.
Then see how many bombs left and think out how many ways top-left can go. Of course there can also be bombs on the 2 undiscovered places so though luck. If there will be only 2 bombs with everything else cleared those 2 spaces should be clear though.
I hate my life
Take care down here.
i'm proud of you user
Decided to go for it already. God is on our side.
you have a 50/50 that you should have taken care of as soon as you identified it
no point saving it until the end, complete waste of time if you choose wrong
does this version tell you how many mines are left?
it's just pure luck bullshit but i would go for this
fixed, thanks
it's not pure luck, that is the solution since there are only 99 mines
pure luck bullshit...
Go for one of the greens
whoops miscounted
God tier:
High tier:
3, 4, uncovered space
Mid tier:
Flag, 6, 8, Blank space
Low tier:
5, 7, Question mark
Shit tier:
You fucking blew it.
This at least narrowed luck factor to 75% instead of 50. And it's the best you could do.
good job cuck.
wtf? Why would you click that space before *any* of the four in the upper left? What is with the flag placement on spots that are 50/50s? git gud newb
Why would you assume the second bomb is there and not on the next square?