Post your Doomguy, Sup Forums

Post your Doomguy, Sup Forums

Fug. That looks fun.

more like quakeguy


Can I plaster anime girls on the doomguy armor? If yes I buy this game right now and 2 other people

Maybe in an unlock

Looks like some knockoff fan-made halo shit.

Not surprised.

I winned this game and post the image

There's ton of customization options. You can literally make Master Chief in there.

the guy on the left has a great mask/helmet/face. its basically mocking everyone.

Were you going for Spawn

what game?

what im thinking, this cant be doom.

halo is a doom knockoff anyway you cunt

It's Doom

no it's not

this looks like lost planet 2 DESU

Is the armor supposed to resemble that Quake 3 Team Arena dude

Well it's Doom, sorry if you guys don't believe me, youtube it I guess.


This isn't Doom, you're lying. No fucking way.

I just came here to shitpost and now I realize I'd been baited.

Alright you got me, it's Half-life 3

its halo wars

Blacklight Retribution

post your domguys, faggots

Is blacklight alive or dead like 99% of the similar ones?

It's thriving, not dead yet but it could get there soon if you don't download it now and tell your friends

It's Blacklight, don't listen to that memeing retard.


But they do. Here's some real Doom gameplay, looks just like my Blacklight webms

There are still enough players, but the last time I played it 70% of matches were either "get your ass owned by P2W fags until you pick up their gun, proceed to slaughter everyone and then get randomly killed by some other P2W fag by mere luck" or it did that thing where everyone has only the starting equipment but you don't get any XP or challenges done.

>Watching Giant Bomb's DOOM Quick Look
>They edit their SnapMap character and they change the primary color to Metallic Blue while the secondary is still Orange
>"Denver Broncos Demon"