Traded :)

I traded that karambit doppler for this stattrak bayonet fade. the guy said it was 90% fade but it was actually 95%. Good Trade????

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself.

kill yourself

kill yourself


kill yourself


i just downloaded tinder

i broke up with my girlfriend three weeks ago

o shit waddup!!!

o shit waddup!!!

o shit waddup!!!

oh shit waddup

ask it there you moron

>linking reddit

Oh shit waddup!!!

oh shit waddup

im looking for a hot pre mature teen

o shit waddup!!

o shit waddup!!

o shit waddup!!

o shit waddup!!

o shit waddup!!

o shit waddup!!!

o shit waddup!!!

oh shit waddup

o shit waddup!!!

oh shit waddup!!!

oh shit waddup!!

Oh shit waddup!!

Worst fucking meme

o shit waddup

o shit whaddup!!!!!!

o shit waddup!!!

o shit whaddup!!

hehe r/me_irl xDD


oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

Spotted the cuck

oh shit waddup

o shit waddup!!!

Oh no, what's up?

"oh shit waddup"

oh shit waddup

oh shit whaddup

that's.... way too true.

It's actually really fucking sad.