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Fukken' clown let the mime be
ai rogue ai rogue
>implying the clown isn't already captain and isn't in the brig forcefeeding the straightjacketed mime faggots
How do i get good at this game when i will get banned for playing the more advanced jobs badly?
>it's a lowpop malf AI round
there's tons and tons of manuals on the internet for each job
if you can't do at least mediocre on your job for the first time, it's your fault
Try assistant/borg and follow around the job you want to play, if all else fails watch a youtube video.
>there are still people, in 2016, that don't know you can catch projectiles in lockers and throw them back at people
ill bet they didnt know you can still use books to spawn bombs and wizard spellbooks on 2 of the most popular codebases, either.
>Make things for tgstation
>See it get picked up by ruskie station
Its weird seeing the things you've made get adopted by other cultures. Was pretty surprised when I saw the wiki page for it.
I haven't played ss13 for years. /tg/station and baystation became total fucking garbage.
What are good servers nowadays?
>tfw made a very popular fan art for ss13 like 6 years ago on a whim
>the pic and its billion variations are still floating around
>see it randomly when browsing tg or vg sometimes
feels weird
TGstation ruined badger by putting it on the hub.
Like, who fucking asked for that?
It's still somehow better than Sybil because all the noobs aren't complete cocks 100% of the time.
This? I know it isn't the original
Play on more relaxed servers. Use wikipedia. Hardest job is engineer since you need to learn the map and how shit works, therefore I suggest wikipedia dependent jobs like surgeon for starters.
>tfw I played surgeon for so long I memorized every surgery and then they fucking changed the orders
yep, the shittier version of that. i don't think it's "credited" to my online handle anywhere though
i searched for fan art and remembered that i made this a billion years ago as well
>engineering is a hard job
o yea real credit to the station being an assistant that starts with insulated gloves and a full tool belt
Engineering is a boring and pointless job, not a hard one
Not like the fuckers ever fix anything after the bombs go off anyway
back when i played ss13, all i did was break into places and steal shit and sell it to the highest bidder
or when i wasn't doing that, i instead was one of the few cops that actually tried to do the job right
name one job that isn't pointless
Pro Tip:you can't
This is why I quit playing. Every time there's the slightest fucking problem it's straight to the shuttle. Then instead of ever trying to fix things, they start a derelict round which is boring as fuck.
>played tg station
>found some guy afk in the vents
>beat his face in and murder him
>dump his body out the airlock
>somehow no one noticed and didn't get banned
was kek
>When you get temp banned for RDM by the admins fuccboys
>When you try to report a RDM and everyone says you cant RDM
>Call the admin out on his nepotism and tell him he's a faggot
And I thought Gmod had the most amount of babydick compensatings.
>Call Admin's fuck buddy a slut in a Cap's Announcement
>whole station starts calling her a slut
>Admin PM: Can you please stop calling my waifu a slut
I like /vg/station
there's erp in ss13 now? jesus christ i'm glad i left 5 years ago
How else am I gonna masturbate if it isn't 2D spessmen?
Also, people have been erping on SS13 for a long fucking time now, buddy. They have servers dedicated to it.
i played on goonstation and if they ever caught you trying to erp they permabanned you forever with no buts
it was a good rule
Goonstation has great stuff and ERP is still banned there as usual.
The admins can be complete jackasses sometimes, still.
It's just because no one wan'ts to die.
No one want's to die because no one ever clones anyone.
No one ever clones anyone because docs already have a lot to deal with, have no way of recovering bodies, cloning is annoying to do, the stuff needed for cloning is the hardest for the chemist to make, cloning requires a geneticists to not be ssd.
You get my point.
Medical needs some improvements.
>fuck with sec for entire round
>walk into sec officers when they're searching someone so it's easier for them to escape
>sec eventually lose their shit and beat me into crit
>4 sec officers all get cat banned
>spent the rest of the round sending admins articles about urinary tract infections
ERP is only the start
The end is citadel
>be a geneticist
>making powers like a cool guy
>clown comes in and starts pestering me for powers and is just being a bastard
>crosses the line
>let him in the dna scanner
>blast the fucker with radiation
>he passes out and i grab a gag and drag him into surgery
>amputate his arms and legs and put him in a straight jacket just to make sure he cant do shit
>give him a load of medicine so he wont die and stuff him in the morgue
>turns out he had a buddy playing sec
>he bursts in demanding to know where the clown is
>starts saying we killed him and shit
>no way for him to know what we did, clown is obviously metagaming with him
>he tries to cause trouble
>but being a geneticist im stuffed with all sorts of powers
>including hulk
>beat him to death
>he drops a traitor item
>feel good about what ive done
>the rest of the round is them ahelping and screaming to the admins
>admin messages me and asked what happened
>i tell him, he tells me off a little for owning them as much as i did but other than that its all good
>the end of the round of them going crazy in ooc and calling me a faggot
>trying to git gud on a game that has an absolutely shit UI
>be security
>see some engineer fuccboy toolboxing a janitor
>zap his ass
>before I cuff him he's already yelling shitcurity on every chat channel
>trying to make a good UI for a game as complicated as SS13