ITT: Best girls from their respective games

ITT: Best girls from their respective games.


Fuuka is my number one

Waifu fags hate her cause she's the canon love interest


Oh shit, worst girl thread.
Reporting in.

my negro

Another one? Okay.

You missed posting best girl.


you posted the worst girl from her game

>acts like a horrible human being
>mary sue
>voiced by HanaKana

3 reasons to hate Marie right there



what did she mean by this?



>acts like a horrible human being
I genuinely believe people who think this are autistic. Are subtleties of human emotion completely lost on you? Do you only take words at face value?

This is Sup Forums, what do you think?

Ah, of course.

How stupid of me.

It's okay buddy, we all fuck up sometimes.


Eh, she's good, but not best.

Shut uuup.

Hey, she's still better than Hibari.

Is that a Fuuka Bazooka?

She is best dressed but worst girl. qt hipster girls are 10/10 in looks but always shit people. She is shit and her poetry is more shit.

Chie is real best girl with Rise and Naoto a close second.