The best weapons in the entire game are locked behind atrocious mini-games

>the best weapons in the entire game are locked behind atrocious mini-games

Is this some sort of cruel joke?

>he need best weapon to beat the game
lul git god

Git gud, we all did 15 years ago.

You're severely gimping yourself if you don't get celestial weapons before fighting dark aeons.

The main story can easily be beaten without them, obviously

I got 0.00 on my 3rd try.
I feel they made it easier than the PS2 version or maybe I just got gud.

REMEMBER KIDS: GET THE SUN thing RIGHT AFTER YOU FIGHT YUNALESCA or you'll have a dark bahamut in the way.

Why are the Dark Aeons a thing? They don't seems to have any purpose other than to grindgrindgrind to max all your stats just so you can fight and withstand them.

super bosses
welcome to jrpgs

No user, this is when we realized SE was intellectually bankrupt.

>fighting dark aeons without celestial weapons


It's all about RNG, if you can't get 4 balloons by the time you get down the slope you might as well give up. The fact that their initial placement is randomized and not having an instant reset option is what makes it so annoying.

Having to dodge 200 lightning bolts or collect those dumb butterflies is almost on the same level.

Good luck beating any of the super bosses with your pimped out +10STR gear.

are we gonna get ffx for the xbox one?

I beat the dark aeons with zanmato :)


>sitting there and dodging 200 bolts of lightning
Yeah, nah

to make the game even MORE linear by removing backtracking, so you can only go forward down the corridors like in FF13

How does the inclusion of Dark Aeons make the game more linear?

I think the only mini-game in Final Fantasy I ever liked was the card game from 8. Was there a card game in 9, too? I can only remember the jump rope thing.

the chocobo one was the worst, followed by the forest butterflys

lightning and blitzball were just tedious

It's okay, Lulu is one of the worst endgame characters anyway.

Yes, Triple Triad

8 had Triple Triad, 9 was...Tetra Master? Or something like that it was garbage.

The lightning bolt challenge is overrated in its difficulty. You can pause the game plus there was a spot near a lightning tower where lightning always struck so you could anticipate when to press X.

I'd be lying if I said these celestial challenges weren't memorable, though.

>cave of stolen fayth
>heretic youjimbo lol
>have to fight that nigga 5 or 6 times
>zanmato his shit by trial error method
>misses one and have to redo

fuck you youjimbo

oh well, yojimbo's a pretty costly aeon anyway given that his only incentive to do washi is dependent on admiration levels and luck

Does this game have a fucktarded cheevo for killing some obscene number of enemies like FFIX did? How the fuck am I supposed to kill 10k mobs when 500 has me halfway to level cap? Is there a cheat or some shit for this? Fucking retarded.

The FF9 cardgame was such a piece of RNG shit

right, i remember during that dark youjimbo fights

>give my youjimbo 1 mil gil
>he puts the money to his pocket
>next turn dark youjimbo rekts my party

>this time give him 100k
>he fucking toss the money and launch that doge attack
>next turn dark youjimbo rekts my shit again

>fuck it here 1 gil i dont give a fuck
>he fucking nods

fucking youjimbo

I remember playing FFX so intermittently in high school and no one cared about the game back then. It was all "eh," don't care. Mind you it had the most modern story telling devices used in a video game.

I never really got to bring it up in conversation either.