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Video Games #3380
Video Games
Persona 5
Knuckle Sandwich
Final boss isn't the most powerful being in the game
ITT: Wasted Potential
Linear vs. Open world
What is thr point in inverting your axis?
If milling was a viable win condition, would this still be OP?
Will you buy a PS4.5 Sup Forums?
King of Fighters XIV
They are rage. Brutal
Uncharted 4 Tech Analysis: A PS4 Masterpiece
ITT best mega man girls
What is the tomato of video games?
Going to buy this game. Heard it's the best MMO. What do you think?
What are some games with punished protagonists who didn't deserved it?
Name a better looking game
Tfw lost again
Go to 9th grade math class today
Splatoon was one of the only fresh new IP's Nintendo even released for the Wii U and they've essentially already...
What game series is this?
What did they mean by this?
0 awards
When you get a rare drop without grinding
The main character of the last video game you played has been replaced by the Doom Slayer
Characters that are only available in 1 Event are on the front cover of the box
Deep down you know it's one of the greatest games ever
Nancy betrays you at the end and fuses with John Redcorn to form the ancient one who believes that humans are useless...
Vidya Wallpaper Thread
Fallout 3 Nostalgia
So this series is officially dead, right?
Why does this game have so many amazing girls?
Just bought the Witcher 3, what am I in store for Sup Forums?
Is this the worst Rockstar game?
Aren't you glad they didn't rush it?
Who you gonna try out first in Dishonored 2?
Plays Uncharted 4
What is the vidya equivalent to this fish?
That kid who timestopped to school
Need to commit suicide 7 times in a row to unlock a merchant
It's another guy who spent hundreds of dollars and has a neverending stream of epic and legendary cards
R8 h8 b8
If Doll got drunk, would she start acting like a silly barbie doll?
Not maining Notorious Z.I.P
What's the comfiest game there is Sup Forums?
Homefront: The Revolution
Oh shit Sup Forums! A package!
Tech Analysis: Is Uncharted 4 The Best Looking Game of All Time?
What's so bad about the Empire?
What' i the best year for video games and why is is 2007
How do you believe the Fire Keeper would respond to sexual advances from the player character?
This is what PCucks spends money with
Accurately describe Ashley in 1 (one) word
The fuck happened to Pac Man, He could have been great but no one seems to give a shit
Bullshit hitboxes
Total warhammer thread
Funny pictures/reaction images thread!
Okay user you get 1 game, 1 movie, 1 snack, and 1 drink
Isn't it time for the Mario series to evolve?
Daily Dark Souls 3 Lore Thread
Are you ready for Overwatch, Sup Forums?
Overwatch - Discussion
Where are you on this chart Sup Forums?
I play RTS for the 'comfy' city building
Why did Fusionfall fail?
If you're too sick for school you're too sick for video games
Free warcraft base game
Whos hyped for NASA tomorrow?
What went wrong?
ITT: Vidya characters that are LITERALLY YOU. I'll start
How did we go from:
Valkyrie drive anime
How do we stop NOA?
I should have bought Nvidia
So what does Sup Forums think of Salt and Sanctuary? Haven't seen a single thread about it since the PC release
HOLY COW. Breaking news, Battleborn will release a major patch on May 24th. Included in the patch is:
Does an SSD make a difference in PC games?
Flashgames you played in your puberty
Who's the best Sonic girl?
Japanese level
What's your favorite Yoshi form from the game Yoshi Topsy-Turvy?
Hey Sup Forums what's the best porn flash game?
I just got myself a Dreamcast and have 4 CDs available right now
ITT: literal 10/10's
What do you want to see in the next elder scrolls?
Do the bosses in this game have to much HP or am I out of touch with JRPGs?
Do any of you guys feel nostalgic enough towards Phantasy Star Online to want to come play...
What universe what this comic written in?
Are there JRPGs where you can actually see shit you're wearing on a character?
What games allow me to be as edgy as possible?
Let me just start this off by saying that ive been hype for VR for the past 2-3 years
Am I the only person who didn't like this game at all?
Overwatch thread. (not for negativity...
Why do all of you hate video games so much
Thanks Blizzard!
No ass
Stand up
Overwatch replays have more viewers than Battleborn
Why does he have 2 swords? Wouldn't a silver sword be just as effective at killing humans as a steel one is...
After watching some random videos of people playing this i kinda want to get it
"Well Spongebob, this truly is a Battle for Bikini Bottom"
Doom getting 10/10s
Fallout 4 far harbor
Meet the Pyro is the best meet the video
All hail mediocre games
Bethesda Softworks' New Wolfenstein was good and a great tribute to the classic
Were you thinking about buying the Batman Arkham remaster?
What was their best game?
Do you prefer to play as female characters in games that let you choose your gender, Sup Forums?
Hey Sup Forums I just signed up with blizzard to post overwatch threads and get paid...
Why is this allowed?
It's another "zero progress despite looking up guides" episode
Characters that deserve a good video game
What the FUCK where they thinking?
U mad?
Well Oni chan?
D44M hate threads rampant four weeks ago
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus coming to PC
ITT: good licensed games
Why does no one ever talk about the original Paper Mario anymore...
Make a 3D sculpt of a video game character
Blizzard to host an Overwatch Allstar Tournament with famous sports persons and YouTubers
ITT: Boring games that Sup Forums loves
Reminder that critics don't want people to be playing sonic or megaman or anything like that with good gameplay
User I'm pregnant! what should we name our child?
Filename thread
Where were you when video game piracy died?
Rest in rip in peance ;_;
Just so we're clear
When did you grow out of Japanese games?
How long until the inevitable reboot?
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
U-um, you are going to pick "ally", r-right, Sup Forums?
2 > 5 > 1 > 3 > 4
"men" who only play single player games, because they're not skilled enough to play competitive games
Tfw you wasted your teenage years playing video games instead of socializing with your friends
Half-Life 2
Best F2P game on Steam
Games with minotaurs?
Uncharted 4
Do we still need game's journalists?
Mfw its a sony drone episode
What's your take on Ocarina of Time 3D and other Nintendo remakes?
Do you ever customize your consoles or PC, Sup Forums?
Which sprite was the best?
Who is the best named hirable npc in Tactics Ogre: Luct?
M-rated horror game intended for a niche
Nobody seriously thinks DS2 was a great game, do they?
One weapon per character
Did "gamergate" hound the polygon player? Or is it fair to call out a bad player for being a bad player?
ITT we post our favorite weapon(s) in video games
ITT: games you want to be good but you know they won't be
The Rise and fall of Xbox
Help me in pvp
Todd Howard film in the making (2017)
Dead in womb
5 more sleeps
Xenoverse 2 Hype General
So, since the memes have settled down, das2 still have the best pvp in souls series?
Is Battlefield just ARMA for casual plebs?
Best weapon in the entire game is locked behind the worst mini-game in video game history
You have the chance to make Suda 51 tackle any game franchise you want
Why is EoSD soundtrack a million times better than PCB soundtrack?
I challenge Sup Forums to find me one good couch co-op game for the PS4
Why is this game so perfect Sup Forums?
Video game comics thread, let's go!
TF2 tier list
We Black Ops 1 now
Diablo III
This is your sniper for your next mission, what do you do Sup Forums?
Games where your choices matter
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Recommend me a good PS2 RPG
Super Mario Maker Thread
This game is bad
What sick mind makes these games?
It boggles my mind how someone can play this and think its good
What do you think of Lara Croft in the new Tomb Raider movie?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - still worth it?
Ok so I just bought Minecraft and I'm trying to play it for the first time and I can't figure out wtf I'm supposed to...
What are some games you could tell were going to be so bad that you didn't bother playing them?
Buy 4k monitor
Darkest sims secrets?
That guy who put all his points in critical chance
Crack when?
95% of the general population like this game, and many of which think it is one of the greatest games ever made
Villain is Jesus
ITT: 'villains' that did nothing wrong
69 decides what multiplayer game we all revive and play tonight
The Talos Principle
Mass Effect New Earth
What's Sup Forums's opinion on the Growlanser series?
Now that Doomguy has been officially confirmed to be one of the strongest videogame characters in existence...
Brazilians should be banned from playing online video games
Sup Forums is now full of Republicans
Now that you've had over a week to think
PC ports when?
Sup Forumsidya drawthread
Persona 3 pcsx2 thread continued
Yandere Simulator
You paid for this
X is a meme
Why are they just so much better than everyone else, Sup Forums?
No butthole face
So Oddworld finally revealed the new Abe model for Soulstorm. A considerable design change, what d'you guys think?
Where did it all go wrong?
Friendly Battleborn thread. Post your opinions and ideas for the game, favorites and pet hates. And remember...
Invade/get summoned to fight club
Games you viscerally hate
Is pokemon XD any good?
Objective Rankings
What stupid motherfucker is paying this bitch that much to be a fucking dishasher?
What is the point of buying physical copies of games anymore?
A-anyone remember me?
Final boss is father
Buy shares in Gamestop
The devs just updated us on the battle system. Looks like Warioware x Earthbound
Why aren't you playing vanilla WoW?
LITERALLY (literally) impossible
Game has a sad ending where nothing turns out right and all hope is lost
20 tick servers
So what the fuck is the plot in the modern era?
Gamer fuel thread
Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)
Couldn't beat this boss for the longest fucking time
Uncharted 4 combat sucks
Game review
What's the hardest Yu-Gi-Oh! game?
Name something you didn't like from a game and have others try to guess it
I don't wanna buy a PS4 or Neo for one game Sup Forums. What are the odds AC7 will live up to 4 or Zero?
I already know that noone is going to start a Danganrompa thread with a trash like me
Hello, this is
Why dark souls 3 invasion are so shit ?
Killing Floor 2
Why does Sup Forums suddenly hate Nintendo?
Does Nintendo have a policy of only hiring freaks for their localization team?
"D-did you just call me... a b-blueberry?"
Trying to get P3 looking nice on pcxs2. This is the widescreen fix but I'm not sure it's actually working...
Damn sony did it again
Timesplitters 2 HD remake
Htol#NiQ: The Firefly Diary
Why does Sup Forums love Nintendo?
It's been almost 10 minutes
Which bosses gave you the most trouble? For me it's gotta be the twin princes, spent over fifty tries on them...
How do we fix this series and stop it from dying?
Last thread 404d when I was in a board meeting, Let's try this again:
SSB4 thread
Name a worse Social Link
Daisy is 2 cute to be alive
"no games"
17 years later
SK SV on PC seems to be getting closer to a release date
Smash 1.1.6 confirmed for May
"random" number generator in a game
ITT: Series where the 2nd game is objectively better than the rest of the entries
No man's sky
Cannot skip cutscenes or dialogue
Female Space Marines were my favourite faction in Soulstorm and it's safe to say this game saved the series after the...
Well shit
Hey Sup Forums look what came in the mail today!
Favorite video game
Level up! I think even my cooking got better
Id Software is back in action
Get dark souls 3 for ps4
I 100% don't knoe the meaning of this meme, also what's funny about it? What is it related to?
I need your best vidya gifs Sup Forums, help a brother out
Name a good game
Well, since the embers have cooled down by now, who was the best level lady?
Best final fantasy and best jrpg of all time right here
Last competitive multiplayer game I played was CSGO, and I quit after 200 hours because of how shitty the community was...
What is the best Lovecraftian game out there?
Das1/Des= OT
Name Good games with zero RNG
Proof of a Concord Kept
Nintendo announces new Articles Of Incorporation to set up for new businesses
The guy who's helping you throughout the whole game turns out to be a bad guy
Cutest girl in the game turns out to be a crossdressing faggot
What happened here? I thought twitch censored the n word
Classic doom thread. Share some wads bois!
Dishonored got some ingame screenshots
Is there any reason why you are browsing Sup Forums instead of playing videogames?
It's a 'Now that the dust has settled' thread
Why can't video games be as good as they were in the 80's & 90's?
Based Zarya
Wow guys, Undertale is a great game!
This is an enhanced soldier and humanities last stand against horrible monster creations of science
"A-user, W-what did you just call me?"
Nice planet you've got there. Mind if I move in?
Endings that redeem a game
ITT : Sluts from video games
Depth of field
Name a bigger prick than Roy Earle
This game is on sale on PSN
Underappreciated Games
What is your comfort game?
What are your honest opinions of Isabelle from Animal Crossing?
Who's your favorite female Sonic character?
Let's see your console games collection, Sup Forums
Time to settle this once and for all
Now that the GTX 1080 has shown it can deliver 60 fps at 4K
Finally get all the evidence I need to break the Psyche-Lock
Dark Souls Lore Thread
Game with good flamethrower?
This son of a bitch and his shitty moveset are the mayor reason we will never get a new Darkstalkers
3 games on my PS4 library
ITT: Games that serve as good fap material
When did people even start obssessing over age in vidya?
Apologize to the GOTY
What the fuck happwned? This could've been a sorta fun open world game by the makers of Crysis...
What is the first thing to jump out at you about this image?
Afro american wins an esport contest
Should VAC bans be forgiven over time?
Why should i get this game Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
What am I in for?
What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on DSP? Does he get hate for no reason?
Vidya wallpapers thread
You probably made "friends" with some pretty awful people during your golden days of WoW, you know
You wake up in a DNDesque RPG world the next day
How does this make you feel?
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Dark Souls 3 is by far the worst souls game?
Who do you prefer, Chun Li or Cammy?
He is back
What went wrong?
Pokemon Sun
No Grand Kingdom thread
It's an escort mission
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that this game was at best mediocre?
Is there a single game thats good according to Sup Forums?
Why do you hide your games, user?
Blizzard vows to make changes following racist abuse of Hearthstone pro
Hi don't mind me i'm just being one of the best FF
Knuckle Sandwich
Why is OVERWATCH bad
This is your grand dad for tonight
So how's Persona Q?
What's the Chicago style pizza of video games?
Who's your favorite Sonic character?
Uncharted 4 is a hit in Japan!
Risk of Rain
Want to play online games but I have this
So, this is now a major media problem. Why?
Whats a good job to play when you dont have a job Sup Forums?
Be me
I know nothing about Gundam yet i'm having fun with this
Fact: PC has no games
Playing this for the first time
Do you pay tax on game key sites?
PC loses yet another game to consoles
Is Daisy the cutest character in the mario series?
In gaming, do us "Old People" (30 year olds) have the Upper Hand?
Why are you sitting in your room and playing video games all day instead of finding a job?
So I finally got this game and have played it for a few hours now
ITT: Name a JRPG character who has no edgy personality, tragic backstory or mental illness
Alright gentlemen how do we fix Doom's multiplayer?
Would the steam boxes actually sell well if they didnt have that shitty Steam OS forced on them?
Return to Arkham
Batman: Return to Arkham
Tfw 6 days until Overwatch release
What went wrong?
Halo coming to PC
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that this is the best First Person Shooter of 2016?
Where were you when Jimmy uncucked himself?
What do you think about this bundle?
Magic from DeS to DS2
Would you play video games with a manchild?
Is this the GOTY of the year?
Why does the PC only get shitty console ports these days, Sup Forums?
Daily reminder you will never have a cute girlfriend who plays games with you like I do
King of Fighters XIV
Other thread is very bloated
Funny Dark Souls
How would you make a game that features the zodiac and their goddesses?
I'm fucking sick of all this new stuff, Sup Forums
This is a Chinese chef
Well, Sup Forums?
How do you feel about nuValve? Does anyone still defend their schlock on Sup Forums?
So I hear you like shooters. The best ones
Tfw just realized almost every friend I have has had a romantic relationship with women
Out of all the forgotten 3D platformers Ape Escape is the one people here still talk about. Why is that?
If the DLC for DS3 were to bring ONE character back as an invader, which one would you want back?
It's that time again boyos
What games other than Pokemon have flawless female protagonist designs?
Is anyone else having fun with the Battleborn?
Hey, Sup Forums. just came from Sup Forums
Girl """""""""""""""""""""gamers"""""""""""""""""""""
Game is split into 3 pieces
It's just not fair bros
Tfw it takes less than 2 minutes to restart my modem and delete the Sup Forums cookie
What are some good vr games to play with my girlfriend?
Would you play video games with a tranny?
Yakuza thread? Yakuza thread
So why aren't you playing the StarCraft remake right now?
Guys.. this is not real life... it's an in-game screenshot of Dishonored 2... holy shit... Bethesda always wins!
You'll never bang Cassie Drake
Overwatch - Competitive
Recommend and older game
Ok this one actually gave me a chuckle
What Video Card will let me play The Witcher 3 on Ultra with all settings maxed at 1080p?
Why do people pit these two game against each other...
Trailer contains no gameplay footage
Nvidia does it again
Sup Forums hates FF XIII for being linear
Is it worth it to get an original xbox to play original xbox games? Or should i just get a 360 to play them on?
What does these two have in common?
Which one do you think gives better head, Sup Forums?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
You'll never rub Kaceytron's chubby thighs
He fell for the "Overwatch has a low skill ceiling" meme
Barely clouded console wars thread starter
Where do demos from hell go after death?
Brad did nothing wrong
Post music from comfy video games, please
What are the best dogfighting games? Modern, historic, futuristic, whatever, I just wanna fly around and shoot people
1080 is faster than 2 GX 980 in SLI
Greetings Sup Forums. I have a confession to make...
Salt and Sanctuary came out for PC. Does anybody care?
Going to be released next week
The worst game I have ever played!
Fashion Souls thread. Post your Ashen One. Here is mine standing next to his best friend
Why did this game get forgotten so quickly?
ITT: Vidya characters that are LITERALLY YOU. I'll start
No more Shiritori?
What are some video games with really good covers of pieces of classical music?
Why do Goombas only walk to the left when they're born?
Xbox One Exclusives
Why isn't her superior Smash design her default design across all Mario games?
What was his name again?
Why havent you unlocked them yet Sup Forums
Your favorite girls in vidya
Buy used console/memory stick
Who would win Sup Forums?
I am currently running a system with a GTX 650 1GB with 12GB RAM and an i7 4770 @ 3.4 GHz...
In video games depicting incest between blood-related siblings, what do you prefer?
Any funny video games?
Game Dev thread
He plays games for the lore
Find a flaw
Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 3 will be "Checking in on Clementine"
This is the best single player FPS since Half-Life 2
I'm going to buy this game on PS4, and there's nothing PC clowns can do to stop me
What are some good mech games Sup Forums?
What is Sup Forums's opinion about Stellaris?
Is he kill
When are you going to finally man up and learn it Sup Forums ? It's 10 times easier since the 90s
Why there are no more tank simulator games, Sup Forums?
This is never being topped, right?
Kojima's new game
Do people play it for the game or for the "waifus"?
Anyone else kind of upset that Bloodborne only got one dlc? Not sure where they could have went with another...
FROM proves their incompetence once again
What Final Fantasy game should I start with if I'm new to the series?
He buys a game for its replayability factor
Daily reminder that if you summoned for a boss, you didn't really beat the game!
Why is everyone so fucking retarded?
Do you trust him, Sup Forums?
DOOM, Uncharted 4, or Overwatch?
''My $300 PC is better than PS4''
What are some good indie games?
French Kickstarted video game scam
Mfw the Metal Gear series is great even though Sup Forums thinks its shit
File name thread ill start
What's the best male hero in the game?
Itt the greatest betrayals in vidya history
I exclusively listen to anime and videogame soundtracks
Why is this alloud?
'MURICA fireworks launcher
What's the difference between dark souls 2 and scholar of the first sin?
What games have door violence?
Just beat Fable 3
Just finished The Witcher 3
What was the first meme game?
What do you think this is Sup Forums?
Tfw we'll never get a hd remake of this
What did Sup Forums think of doom 4 ?
Is this meme even possible?
Would Sup Forums an squid?
Are the "classic" Tomb Raider games that good? Only played II back in the day
"Nerf this!"
What did Kojima mean by this?
This game actually got better for me the 2nd time around
Dark Souls 3 PVP
Seriously guys? Seriously? I bought witcher 1 because you faggots said it was great but jesus christ
We're all agreed that this is the best game of the 7th generation right?
Guys, the president of Madagascar is in my office for a study visit...
Resident Evil 7 E3 Trailer LEAKED
Why did they move the bank?
Will it be good?
You can live this life
This is the most overrated indie game I've ever played
ITT post your favorite games that are replayable as fuck
Two decades later, Nintendo still hasn't figured out what this kid understood in the mid 90s
What do you think about future of Witcher franchise, Sup Forums? Will the new game ever come out...
Are you excited for the new update?
ITT: Gamest that Sup Forums memed you into buying
Are we ever going to fight this thing?
Metroid vs Metal Gear
What video games did you play today?
Why didn't she stop?
See Demons Souls on sale
So how faithful do you think this adaptation is going to be?
New Smash patch will replace the Peach Bomber with a flying kick attack
A girl with superhuman computational abilities and ingenious programming capabilities...
Did it work Sup Forums? Did we finally persuade you to play our shitty tumblr game?
Critically acclaimed hero shooter
What was his fucking problem
So the next GDQ is almost around the corner, faggots. Is anyone actually looking forward to it?
If a game has a shit fan base, is the game itself also shit?
Sup Forums will defend this
So, many of you would call yourselves "Metal Gear fans"
Post ITT guilty pleasures
The 'Dust Has Settled' Meme
How powerful is Geralt actually?
What vidya characters are extremely dangerous, may attack at any time and must be dealt with?
Damage control
What video games did you play today, Sup Forums?
Where were you when valve entered PHASE 3
Which fighting game is worth playing right now?
Is there a single videogame character that could defeat Tarkus?
Romero vs Carmack, Desgin vs Tech
It gets good 20 hours in
Pat ruins playthrough and channel
The golden age of souls games is over
Make game about ninjas
What games have actual, meaningful "branching paths"...
I haven't played an FPS since the original Counter Strike
ITT: best characters from their respective games
I just finished AC Assault Horizon Legacy + and I fucking loved it, not the best, but a damn good entry
B-but officer, she's 1000 years old!
Post disgusting vidya things
How hyped are you for the warcraft movie?
Why do people love it?
Steam Gift Thread, here are a couple to start you off...
I bought my husband's son a Wii U and he seems really disappointed?
I am so glad that the filthy pirates wont be able to play the new Doom
Get a message
What.......went.......wrong? Oh-so wrong?
Have you ever played games with a skilled girl gamer?
Boss level
What ever happened to the future racer subgenre?
Do you think Hanzo is a good portrayal of an asian character?
Yo what up, Sup Forums? This is
What is your opinion on League of Legends?
Kingdom Hearts thread. We're in too deep to give up on the series now
10 years old
What went wrong?
Just finished pic related. Haven't felt this great after playing a game in a while...
The best weapons in the entire game are locked behind atrocious mini-games
Does Sup Forums like this game?
I place one card face down and end my turn
Anyone here like halo 5 ? i mean it's not as good as halo 5 but it was better than 4
I'm legit at school right now, they didn't block Sup Forums as a whole only NSW was blocked
Does Sup Forums actually get mad when black people are in video games...
Same voice actor thread. Go
Still no announcement
Best Dark Souls PVP(yukas) and PVE(lobos) players respectively
Can this game get any worse?
ITT: Unpopular opinions about games
Name one good game from before 2000
It feels like a castlevania game pretending to be a souls game pretending to be a castlevania game
Does Sup Forums like videogamedunkey?
Why the fuck would ZELDA be getting a SONIC ring?
I played the new Doom, I loved it
Heartless are hearts with no bodies
This is comparison between DOTA 2 and Destiny...
This is blasphemy
How do I beat this piece of shit? He's impossible. Is there a secret upgrade I've missed to beat him?
Warhammer Total War
This is better than dark sword
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...