'MURICA fireworks launcher

>'MURICA fireworks launcher
Ahaha holy shit is this game some kind of parody?

Other urls found in this thread:


>people actually thought fireworks would be a good replacement for grenades

I get the weapons are cobbled together from shit but really?

WOW dude broken game I pressed the button WOOOOW

Still blows my mind the effort that went into creating a sequel for fucking Homefront of all things.

and to think that Neo-Sup Forums was trying to convince us to buying this turd over Overwatch jajajajaja


I saw a total of one thread about it before it launched but I'll take your word for it.

>le funny streamer thread

Saw a stream earlier. Looks the same as the first one, so a legit 0/10.

Fuck you Sup Forums I'm have fun and there is nothing you can say or do to stop me.

i still want to play it. looks half decent.
we don't get many shooters these days.
i kinda liked first homefront. it wasn't anything special but it was ok.

>we don't get many shooters these days.

doesn't look so bad to be honesty

then again I had a blast with boiling point:road to hell

to put things into perspective, the patch notes included "NPC's now react to gunshots"

He's not that wrong to be fair. Every year there's a CoD and Battlefield which are both write offs, but we'll count them for arguments sake. A Halo, although it's exclusive to a console nobody really wants. What other fps released last year? Serious question. Battlefront. Evolve. That's all I can name and both had zero content.

we really don't.
we've got doom and that's pretty much it so far this year. we get maybe 2-3 shooter a year that are worth checking out. last really good one was the Wolfenstein.

>we don't get many shooters except for these ones that don't count

he specifically said that they count

>so how about you name some shooters that came out lately?

Are you guys really basing this off of one of the worst gamers in existence? It might be a bit smoother if the person at the controls wasn't a fucking idiot. Let's see a play through of somebody competent.

did you two really play the first? I had so many game breaking bugs I only got two levels in. Even if you didn't, it was stiff and ugly as hell. It was paced atrociously, the story was retarded and every scene way too on the nose and pretty poorly written. And holy fuck how much geometry did I get stuck in. Then there was the multiplayer with its crap everything. Vehicles, vehicle gimmick, map design, the way the camera drops from the sky for literally no reason clipping through the building you just spawned in along the way to plant itself in your head. Goddamn. Please don't buy this and encourage more of the shit.

All I expected was a cheap time waste CoD clone and couldn't even get that out of it.

I only bought the first game to get that hat for the soldier in TF2

i never finished it because of annoying sound bug i couldn't fix, if not for that i would probably finish it, i kinda enjoyed it. i don't remember particularity anything gamebreaking. well except the sound bug.

Overwatch ,Battleborn, Battlefront, Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, COD4 remastered

nah I meant the second one, this one, revolution.

didnt touch the first one because it looked really, really shit right off the bat

this one looks like it's getting a bit too much flak , seems like people either were expecting total shit from the start or expected a 10/10 game, so nobody is satisfied with it

that's some entirely new level of faggotry

>DOOM single player
>Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
>Shadow Warrior 2
>Space Hulk: Deathwing maybe
Those are just the ones that I think look good this year. That's not even counting shittier looking games like Battleborn or the yearly CoD/BF rehashes if those are your thing, all of which ALSO look better than the new Homefront does to me.

so a multilayer shooter, a multilayer shooter, a multilayer shooter, a mainly multilayer shooter, and a remake

yeah, fucking great man

>we don't get many shooters these days.

I constantly found prompts didn't appear where they're needed to and I even clipped through the map too.

It feels unfinished.
Like there's almost a good game there but they never got around to it.
The stealth is bad, the AI is dumb, and only like three of the weapons are actually any good
It's like a shittier Far Cry 3, basically.


As opposed to a game developed by a bunch of nobodies published by Deep Silver attempting an Ubisoft style open world game?

Yeah those are great comparatively, even Gearbox shit.

I wasn't even aware there was another Homefront.


maybe i wasn't precise enough. by shooter i mean good old classic single player campaign linear shooter. not some multiplayer moba faggotry.

only CoD IW is worth checking out and i will probably play it at some point.

From the looks of things, nothing you just said applies to the new Homefront in the slightest

>Tonkinese3 minutes ago
>the frame rate is fine you JUST SUCK BALLS you fat cunt

>Tonkinese2 minutes ago
>god you suck you loser

>Tonkinese5 minutes ago
>please kill yourself you can't even play you dumb faggot

That doesn't describe Homefront TR at all. It's not "linear" and has everything modernized to fuck with loot and crafting.

really? i don't even know, i assumed it's like the first one

>post dsp gameplay
>implying i should care
seriously you could have taken anyone gameplay but decided to take the shittiest man ever that play game

>freedom launcher

holy shit it's some sort of parody or satire right?

And for the briefest moment, I related with DSP
I'm going to go have a shower now, I feel filthy

not the op of this argument, i'm just saying that the fps scene is really shit currently

not that homefront helps with that lol




>Do jobs to get money!
>pick up three jobs
>can't get more than that at a time
>jobs are to take pictures, kill marksman with a gun I don't own or have the money for, and take down a stronghold without using bullets
>do the stronghold one because it's the least stupid and the only one worth any good money
>use explosives and a pneumatic pistol
>it doesn't count
I want to like the concept of this game but it's a mediocre shooter with a lot of problems
There's no reason to use half the weapons because they suck, and getting money to upgrade them is a pain anyways.
The friendly AI is dumb, and you can make guys follow you but not actually give commands. They also stop following you if you do some things, like use an RC car explosive, which is itself buggy.
The stealth is terrible, and it's easier to either kill them or just sprint away because their pathfinding is shit.

All you had to do was watch like a literal minute of the OP video. The entire 'gimmick' to the new Homefront is just cramming random shit on to your gun to enhance it.

>180K Subs
>Only 500 views on an 8h old video
>Mostly disliked


>Free Radical
>bunch of nobodies

Jesus christ.

It doesn't even look that bad for a ubisoft farcry clone
not worth sixty fucking dollars though and nobody gives a shit about homefront

> Hide in the mass grave
> Get in the mass grave
> Jump in the mass grave
> 5m to the mass grave

Hmmm... I think the game is trying to tell me something.

Remember how the first game featured a port on Lake Tahoe?

holy crap this looks exactly like modern warfare 2
isn't this game supposed to have a budget behind it?

Not to defend this shit game but DSP is so stupid that he mistakes a character walking out of frame for a second with being two characters with copypasted character models.

Do people take this guy's opinion on games seriously?

that's homefront 1

We got some great FPS for the past few years like Metro 2033/Last light and Wolfenstein TNO and TOB as well.

Single player FPS are far from dead but it seems Bethesda are the main people who pumps out the good ones recently.

>implying anyone that made Timesplitters is still there
Yeah okay man.

Yeah I know about those too, I was just naming FPS coming out this year though.

oh, thanks, makes sense

> Hide in them ass grave
> Get in them ass grave
> Jump in them ass grave
> 5m to them ass grave

Isn't the game open world? How the hell it's only 4 hours?

It looks so bad that I know I'll buy it at some point. When it's 20 bucks ot less.

Do you think he knows that it's not a livestream?

The talents already left the house

He's talking about the original Homefront which was infamously short single player for a game that didn't have massive multiplayer base like CoD to lean on

this isn't like philadelphia at all

there'd be more chimpouts and lootings

he is the Roger Ebert of video games

I wonder who's behind this post

I'd buy it for like fifteen kangaroos.

>Denuvo shills trying to hype this shit up

Looks like those faggots can keep their DRM infested game

strangely enough i am
Been 4chining for the last 11 years so no fucks given anymore

That fuckwit is amoung the worst of the asinine, cancerous losers flooding Jewtube with content.

Fuck you for linking something so abhorrent.

Game looks shit too.