I'm really wanting to play pic related, but the combat blows dicks. Is there anything wrong with playing on easy? Lower enemy health and numbers seems like it'd make the game's monotonous combat a little more bearable.
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Shameless self bump
did drakengard even have an easy mode, the gameplay sucks dick regardless you play it for the atmosphere and stockholm syndrome
Suffering is a part of the true Drakengard experience. Don't be a bitch.
Watch it on youtube.
Easy mode is using a good weapon m8
Why not play it the way you like? Bragging rights? Nigga just do what you want, you don't need anyones approval for playing it on easy
A gaming cuckold spotted
Are you memeing? The combat is fine, monotonous but fine. I loved Drakengard.
It's not even fucking hard what the hell?
What are you finding hard about it?
Yes, it blows dicks. I recommend using a guide, so you can get most of the weapons on the first try. Just find a weapon with moveset and special attack you like and use it. After a while you'll completely forget about the combat and you'll try to complete the levels as fast as possible, just to hear the banter and see how the story unfolds at least that's what made it bearable for me
You can't get the true ending on easy.
Drakengard isn't worth playing regardless.
>Are you memeing? The combat is fine, monotonous but fine.
I don't think you can get the true ending if you play on easy, by the way the combat was made boring on purpose, it's a legitimate design choice of the director that wants you to question killing, his plan backfired though since people ask him more games where you kill lol.
and now he wants to play Undertale, god damn it
What? I thought it was fine. Just hacking and slashing, occasional magic use. I thought it was good anyway
>drakengard thread
fuck yeah time to post you're favourite girl from the series
>Inb4 angeluses scaly vulva
You realized what the correct answer would be, so why didn't you just post it?
Play on normal, you will get more exp that way and will unlock weapons. You will need to unlock all the weapons to get the final ending, which is the whole point of the game.
Feel free to change the difficulty back to easy on bosses though. They can get bullshit.
Not as bullshit as those timed fucking arial missions with magic attack restrictions and health thresholds. Havent raged so hard in a game in a long while.
He's not wrong.
The air game however...
>tfw read the novella, read the prequel manga, played all DLC
>tfw basically just haven't read that one extra ending novel
>tfw when I do that'll be all of the story involving Zero
Manah being a smug little shit will never get old.