>best weapon in the entire game is locked behind the worst mini-game in video game history
>best weapon in the entire game is locked behind the worst mini-game in video game history
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I forgot PCucks have it now. How is it?
Worst FF after 13
>It's a capture 10 tonberrys episode
X came out before 13...
The port itself is great, they messed up the faces a bit though
The only ultimate weapons I managed to unlock were tidus's and Yuna's I'd say this is the second easiest to get, Yuna's is the easiest by far.
yeah, but 13 is the worstest
I had never tried it before and got it on the third try. It's nothing compared to the lightning challenge or having to play 60 blitzball games. Even the butterflies gave me more trouble.
That's not blitzball
The Lightning dodging was worse. No wait, Blitzball was worse. No wait...all the extra content in FFX was shit.
I seriously never understood the problem with this mini-game.
Getting the weapon is only a little bit challenging, nothing compared to what you have to do for Kimahri's or Lulu's weapons.
If you think finding the ultimate weapons are in any way frustrating wait until you have to grind for Luck to be able to land attacks on the dark aeons.
The chocobo race can go suck a big fat one, horrid controls coupled with the fact that the chocobo changes directions randomly, RNG dependant balloon spawns and birds that can stunlock you towards the end.
I'd much rather grind for two weeks straight than attempt the chocobo race ever again. Best I could get was 1.1 after two hours of pure frustration.
Perfect Sphere Master broke my perfectionist spirit.
I'll never feel like completing a game ever again.
Its bad game design when you know what you have to do, but have to do it 5-10 times. Your chance of winning is tied to wither or not the Chocobo Trainer messes up with a slow start, not your own skill.
Read the post again
I would say even worse than 13.
just use cheat engine retard
But I've never had to try for HOURS like I've seen in so many complaints. It shouldn't be that difficult for anyone.
What was it, 300 dodges in a row with no hits at all or it resets the counter? Who the fuck designed this.
The only ultimate I didn't get was wakka's, anyway. Fucking blitzball took forever.
>Have to wrestle with the controls because the Chocobo is purposely unstable
>Need to collect a certain amount of balloons to lower your time to 0.00.00
>Have to avoid getting hit by as few randomly spawning birds as possible that add to your time when hit
>And you HAVE to win 1st place on top of all this shit
This minigame is probably the worst of them all in FFX. Lulu's is annoying, Khimari's is just a pain in the ass due to the camera angle, but Tidus's can just fuck right off with how piss inducingly difficult and frustrating it is.
200 dodges and the counter resets if you save or exit the game
When I was a kid, it took me hours. Because I was an impulsive snot faced teen who just expected instant results. I played the HD remake last year and it took me about eight tries. Because I learned the pattern in the first two tries, then it took six more for the Chocobo Trainer to mess up and let me win.
Even taking your time however, its still a shitty mini game. And there's no excuse for it. Even overlooking how you have to wait for the Chocobo Trainer to mess up, the game itself feels like it was coded in less than a day. Invisible walls, texture clipping and bad Chocobo controls all make it harder than it should be. Its just one of the biggest examples of how SquareEnix will spend a month making a 3D model for a Chocobo, then only a couple hours making the controls for how it moves. Because gameplay doesn't matter. Only the visuals matter.
I don't know what it is, but the response time to dodge lightning on the PS3 version is a LOT quicker than it was on the PS2. I felt so overwhelmed by my lack of reflex that I decided to just skip it.
Does the PC version have cheats like IX did?
You can get 99 of every consumable item, unlimited gil and fully unlock the sphere grid, all from the main menu. It also has a turbo mode.
Shit, why even play then?
for the story?
It's for the walking simulator audience.
i literally did everything in FFX when i was fifteen or so. lulu lightning and chocobo race are nothing
The horror. The horror.
>tfw still haven't bothered finishing it even though I've done what is considered the hardest part of the gmme
Why do I do this to myself
Story / endgame content
you still need to get all the celestial weapons and their sigils since those don't fall into the "consumable" category
You've defeated all the dark aeons?
>Want to play X-2 for fun as fuck combat and job system.
>Autism won't let me start it until I beat X.
>grind to max aeons stats
>get to the end of the game
>have to fight your own aeons.. and only throw gil seems to do any fucking damage
>playing FFX for the story
>playing any FF game for the story
I know story is the focus, but they're possibly the worst stories I've ever seen in a JRPG. And FFX is second only to FFIV in stupid plot twists and bullshit triggers.
Its pretty bad when you play a 30 hours game, only to find out that you could have gotten the airship and rammed into Sin right when when met Rikku.
>dodge 200 lightning bolts in a row
Literally who approved this shit under the guise of being a good idea?
>le X-2 is better than X meme
>want to play FFX remastered
>remember all the sigil grinds
whatever you say chief
>Best combat system
>Best job system
Lulu is not viable in the endgame anyway, you can ignore that one.
Does that trick still work, where you trigger a lightning strike by walking into that crater? That made it so much easier.
>want to play X-2 and just relax
>can't force myself to do another chocobo race or dodge one more lightning attack
Really sucks since I was enjoying the game up until this point, never being able to complete X in it's entirety just kills my desire to play X-2.
But onion knight is the coolest looking celestial weapon...
>DAT shield
Video game confession thread?
It's never taken me more than a few tries to complete the chocobo race, but never once in my life have I dodged 200 lightning bolts.
>Best combat system
>actualy liking atb system
>not getting it out of the way in 15 mins
>it's a I can only play RPGs with fancy retardo jap sony graphics so I'll never know what a good RPG feels like episode
Damn you just sperged out a bit there
Nude mods when?
>you can totally move except not really
>shitty dress-up sim
X-2 has the worst everything, including the combat system.
How were you ever supposed to find the secret airship locations without having it spoiled for you?
hold me Sup Forums
X-2 Yuna got a nude model for SFM semi-recently. Lulu also got one a long time ago but who the fuck cares about her.
Before that, Rikku, Yuna and Tidus from X got nude models for XPS that are rather shitty, but still better than nothing.
Ahh, I want a good nude model of X Rikku and Mindy
Randomly clicking all over the map
>ewww girls changing dresses
is auron real?
Dark Aeons aren't hard, they just require an autistic amount of grinding.
They're still a lot harder than anything you'll encounter in the main story
Buy the guide. No, really. Most obscure things like that are literally only in to sell guides. That's why the Zodiac Spear shitshow in FFXII was allowed to happen.
It's an...
>ice on the road don't know where it goes episode
Dark Anima raped me.
A lot.
How can Auron be real, if our sin isn't?
Firkraag was a little bitch
I did that mini game when i was 13, it's not that hard retard.
>worst mini game in video game history
try dodging 200 lightnings without using the glitch.
>finger of death
>best weapon in the game is locked behind the best minigame in video game history
I fucking love Blitzball.
If you ever had trouble, you weren't fielding enough wizards
What the fuck happened?
>all these FFX threads in last couple weeks
>implying PC isn't for console scraps
This is true. I'll never undertand why people claim FF games don't require grinding. They actually take more grinding than most JRPG series because of shitty gameplay mechanics. Materia and FFTactics in particular.
Can you beat the game without grinding? Sure. But if you want to do anything actually fun, you have to grind for many hours.
>Zodiac Spear shitshow
you just know that was fucking Kawazu's idea, too. exactly the kind of shit he would pull
>tfw i actually got all the weapons (except wakka's fuck blitzball) back in the day
>tfw i never want to go through it again and that's the main reason i've never replayed 10
if tidus isnt real
how come he can go to th farplane??
I've always heard FF games have this kick ass job system, yet none of them I've played besides ARR have a job system. (Minus tactics)
Played 1, 2, 4, 7, 13 (for all of three hours), and now X.
No job system. Which of these 14 FF games actually use a job system I always hear about.
Are secrets like that really a bad thing though, if the game is considered complete even without it being found?
No, he's right. The stories are mostly shit.
>Playing RPG
>Come across the worst minigame you could possibly imagine
>Immediately look up if anything is locked behind said minigame
>There's nothing
thanks FF9
>The port itself is great, they messed up the faces a bit though
It blows my mind that they didn't use the high detail cutscene models for the normal game.
There is absolutely no reason to.
Because he's something else entirely. A manifistation of the faith.
"undead" people can't go in there like auron or seymour for example.
He can because hes not even undead. He's just something else.
Still sperged out
What a very redundant question.
I'd kind of count 1 since multiple playthroughs with different parties was pretty awesome especially at the time
other than that 3, 5, 11(mmo) and I THINK the international versions of 10 and 12 but i've never played them
also, any tactics, 4 heroes of light, Bravely Default/Second has the same job system and is essentially FF
i guess, technically, 13 but everything about it is shit so dont even bother
they didnt mess them up a bit
they messed them up beyond reconstruction
When i was younger, i used to ignore blue magic.
Now i cannot go on without a blue mage.
but auron is the same thing isnt he? clinging to life
did tidus really exit 1000 years back though?
was auron murdered?
I feel the same but
Always an exception to the rule.
They're very different. Tidus is basically a really small Aeon. Auron's an Unsent - usually an Unsent becomes a fiend, but if you're a stonking huge badass like Auron or Seymour you can cling to your human body through force of will.
No, he tried to take on Yunalesca at SL1 and got his fucking ass kicked. He started it.
it's not so bad if it's just super secret and you have to look it up
anything missable is annoying, though, even if it's not "required." zodiac spear had idiotic requirements you could fuck up by accident just playing the game normally if you didn't look it all up beforehand
>No, he tried to take on Yunalesca at SL1 and got his fucking ass kicked. He started it.
kek what
No. He got his stupid ass killed when he tried to kill Yunalesca by himself.
Calabadahbadoo was awful though. You could piece together a much better weapon and its only redeeming quality, the damage break could be acquired through other means.
He got wrecked by yunalesca and died after rin helped him.
>did tidus really exist 1000 years back though?
Have you only played X? If so then no.
Have you played X-2? If so then kind of.
Have you read FFX-2.5? Then he did exist, but then died.