Do people play it for the game or for the "waifus"?

Do people play it for the game or for the "waifus"?

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I play it because MOBAs are shit for faggots and Battleborn sucks

My favorite heroes are Tollborjn, Mercy, Bastion, and Pharah

the "core gaming audience" is so full of desperate virgins if you made fucking tic-tac-toe with girls in it people would buy it

Waifu is such a disgusting weeb word. I prefer Overwatchus myself.

whats the difference. At least they play video games. That's much better than Sup Forums.

you mean they don't play it for bastion?

I'll play it because its a fun game

mei best waifu, all other waifu are a shit

We'll find out a month or two after launch

>do people play it

Kill your self

I couldn't care less about the waifus. The game is tons of stress-less casual fun, and reminds me of the owning I did when I was younger with better reflexes on more skill-intensive FPSes like CS, which is enough for me on my downtime between epic Civ sessions.


Kill yourself

No one is playing it you idiot

i have fun and like the waifus

why are they mutually exclusive

>tfw no money on overwatch
>tfw wont be able to heal all those strong heroes

I'm hoping the japanese create a decent widowxtracer doujin soon.

Sup Forums only deals in absolutes

>no "I don't play it" option

just don't vote
what are you even doing here

He's asking "why do you play it", not "do you play it?", moron.

Then get a medical profession and help out real people

But this is video games and Im too mentally special for a job


Kek then earn money

For the game.

How am I supposed to do that

Here? Shill for le waifus the same autist how made DoA threads every fucking day.

Sell drugs or rob people. If you're to beta for that then whore your self out. Other than that, good luck finding someone to give you money

Or you can sell old shit you don't use

Already have problems with police. My only hope that someone from heavens drops me a copy of ow

K good luck and god speed(who knows, maybe that someone is Mercy ;))


Cause it's a fun game AND for the waifus.

I play for the funz and make it not fun for others on the other team /reaperout

I play it because it's fun on its own, but even better with friends

>do people play a game that is 99% first-person with people constantly moving around to ogle waifus?

It's finally a new TF2 after 9 god damn long years.
a Team Fortress 2, without the market bullshit, without alternative weapons, without hat trading, without people idling, without Free 2 Play, without incompetent developers who realised that they can make more money by not making games and instead just publish community made items.
It's a new beginning, a new era, of class based arena shootin'
also every other online game on the market currently is shit. i rather see this being popular than ASSFAGGOTS or CSGO

Posting in every thread because I like the video.

Overwatch reminds me of TF2 before Valve fucked it up with alternative weapons. Back when you saw a enemy demoman and knew exactly what he was about, instead of him having any combination of weapons that muck up the game.

Only downside is we're stuck with Blizzard's maps.

I play it for a game.

The waifus are just a bonus.

I play it because I like it and I want to. Waifus did catch my eye though. I know, your probably triggered because I have an eye for sexy girls, huh? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Mercy top tier waifu.

So why are these devs so incompetent?
>League of legends huge success
>Blizzard doesn't make Dota 2
>gets cucked by valve
>blizzard's heroes of the storm is underperforming
and now with TF2
>Valve makes TF2
>doesn't make a sequel in 10 years
>Blizzard makes basically a spiritual successor
>gets huge, blows up, millions of players
>even if valve announced TF3 today, people wouldn't really care
the business people behind videogame companys have no idea what they are doing.

Half of these look like garbage. Sfm artists really are lazy asshole when it comes to making things look realistic. Well, except for Ellowas.

if roadhog can be considered waifu, then i'm playing for the waifu

>tfw no Franken Fran skin for Mercy.

>ow is a spiritual successor to tf2


can't apologize for the truth.

I used to love TF2. Now I can't stand to play it.
I had a blast playing the Open Beta.

Spiritual Successor? Whatever you wanna call it, it works for me.

>playing hanzowatch for any other expressed purpose but to shoot arrows ar other arrow shooters

>complaining about bastion
It's like you want people to think you're bad at the game

I play it to increase my APM.


me personally? I just like the porn. The game itself is pretty shit. I do like the fact that a western company is taking the bold step of competing with japan in the shitty waifu game genre however.

I expect to see this on Steam within a week.

Went for the waifus, stayed for the fun

Friendly reminder that criticism of Overwatch is forbidden