why havent you unlocked them yet Sup Forums
Why havent you unlocked them yet Sup Forums
Keeping my Wii U offline until I can hack it.
because im waiting for the kpop characters
Now that they're getting popular, I wonder if they'll get more vidya related appearances.
Because they're overrated and pretty much the definition of meme metal. I find it hilarious how much you people will shit on metal, but then praise a band that is in the genre you hate just because it has "cute girls."
is lifelike sweaty preteen face possible with the GTX 1080?
If they werent real life anime waifus nobody would care about this shit.
Ladybaby is objectively better.
Japan hates Korea, so you may be waiting for a while.
Marry Su
Marry Yui
Marry Moa
kill gaijin
are they in the bullet club?
I'm gonna marry Yui!!!
I find hilarious how buttmad are metalfags over them.
this should be posted on Sup Forums
WTF is wrong with you all?
>not liking Ladybaby
what's wrong with you is the more pressing question
How old are they?
get a load of this buttmad metal faggot
Reminder that Su is legal
The metalfags are upset because hypocritical memesters like Babymetal because of their kawaii nonsense instead of the actual quality of their music. And no, I think there are lots of good Japanese female musicians.
>main face of the group is the ugliest
Moa is 16
Suzi (the hot one) is 18
Yui is 16
they were legal in my country since babymetal started
But why hate?
I don't get why people hate this stuff
Do people actually want their artists to be recognized by a big public?
i fapped to them in my country since they started
they seem very suspiciously massively advertised in a short time
there's gotta be hundreds or thousands of up-and-coming bands all over the world, so why them?
Sup Forums is shit taste central
no surprise
how does Su keep her hair so wet and stuck to her perfect creamy face like that?
also will the GTX 1080 be able to reproduce her hair and glistening wet skin with full tessellation enabled?
Oh shit Rob Zombie knows what's up.
Tell that to Falcom, nigga.
You should have said it in 2014.
Su is best.
Baby metal is hardly metal so there's no cognitive dissonance with disliking metal but liking this pop garbage.
He one in the center should wash her hair once in a while. Fucking disgusting
Go away evil dogger!
Go away evil dogger
because she's a miracle of the universe.
Kill tight, dogger
But I did? The event course for it was even on the easy side for event courses.
Ice Climber level was solid though.
what type of ERSB raiting would their NISA fan service game get?
No, I want them to be GOOD.
What the fuck is wrong with her ears
>Moa's hand placement.
Damn, she just casually claimed whoever that girl is. How is she so alpha?
>their music makes me kill things
So, their music is metal
I saw them live last week here in Detroit. It was a really good show.
But I got them the very day they became available, as I do with all Mystery Mushrooms. Except Fighter Fly, fuck that one.
They're her best asset
Rob is such a cool guy, man
Go away evil dogger.
i thought it was her delicious arms?
Well you thought wrong!
He has good taste.
Boh is best girl, though.
you're right, its actually her upper thighs
What's with the Japanese fondness of singing so nasally? It sounds very shallow.
Is there something wrong with her teeth?
not sure if it's the angle or if there's actually something fucked up
Maybe they didn't fell for the corporate casted band that plays a lifeless sad excuse of music with a gimmick.
Listening to baby metal is only one step above listening to current years muricas idol winner.
which one got that sex video
shes still growing user, her 2nd set are just coming in
>16 year old metal jailbait
is this heaven?
too bad they had to pixelate it since it was filmed in japan
Go away evil dogger.
Despair, shit.
Go away evil dogger.
what a gr8 little culture
Go away evil dogger
>meanwhile in america, "fat acceptance" is actually a thing
Don't throw stones in glass houses, user.
Go away evil dogger.
What is going on with the hand situation.
I assume they aren't throwing the horns.
american ''''''''''''culture'''''''''''''''
These girls ever do any sexy photoshoots?
you seem to think i was being sarcastic.
i want to lick every inch of su-su's perfect sweaty body
Getting fat for the aesthetics is very very limited, as is fat acceptance. Nobody likes fat people, not even the fat people themselves.
it's fox sign you degenerate
its the turkish mafia sign, which the Kliq used in WWF and NWO and now the Bullet Club use it, which is a popular New Japan Pro Wrestling group
why not just throw the horns tho
because nobody does that, and the bullet club are literally globally known, much more in japan itself
it's known as Muto's sign in Japan
>because nobody does that
Fuck, I was in a stadium full of nobodies 2 months ago in Tacoma.
Somebody should tell literally every rock and metal fan ever that they should switch to some dumb japanese wrestling fox thing.
I wish they come again to my country
If I recall correctly, the girls throw that fox sign because their manager couldn't make them understand how to throw proper horns, they had no idea of what was he talking about.
>I was in a stadium full of nobodies
>metal fans
You walked yourself into this, bro.
>fox thing
i already told you, nash, hbk, razor and triple H were doing it in the mid-90s after a tour to turkey and seeing mafia members showing the sign
then it got popularized, now the bullet club members use it
also nobody cares what your non qtpi band does
It's partly because of the whole "fox god" thing. And because he wants them to be somewhat family friendly since it's "Baby" metal so thought promoting devil horns might not be cool for little kids.
Although, then in one concert, he had Su get crucified live on stage.
Nobody is that stupid, user.
I mean, why would a "metal" band ever use the sign for heavy metal when they could use a dumb fox sign
>nash, hbk, razor and triple H
Do you guys throw horns with the thumb between the middle two fingers or at a right angle to the middle fingers.
First is casual, second is formal.
It's a kitsune sign, you colossal faggot you. If there is something more irrelevant than metal fans, that would be wrestling fans.