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I can't.
She's the best Atelier girl, for me at least. I like her design and personality a lot. A shame they ruined her character in Meruru
I'm in full agreement.
Can't see her vagina bones.
The original game 3d model
There aren't any more Arland games and Mel is dead.
pc when x
Literally never
I thought pc fags hated jap games anyway
She is the heroine of the game that casualized the series.
Well, Iris 1 probably did that, but her game definitely helped.
I'm literally buying a PS4 for Sophie
This better not be shit
Sounds like you either never played an Atelier game before or Atelier Rorona or both. Maybe it's time to stop posting?
More JRPGs are gradually finding their way onto Steam. I don't care either way since I own the saga on Vita but I wouldn't mind it on PC. If they can do it for Nep they should be able to do it for Atelier.
PC fags love old as fuck trash games with sexy animu girls though.
Neptunia games sells a lot so maybe good games like Atelier would sell.(It probably won't since they're more cute than sexy)
I just don't see how it can be profitable. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but it doesn't seem like there's money to be made on a platform where the majority of people won't buy a game unless it's on sale.
Hardcore fanboys who can't afford a multiple gaming platforms hate jap games because they were so often console exclusives.
Nigga, the only real new JRPG provider for PC is Compile Heart who provides nothing more than Kusoge.
neptunia sold 300 000 copies on steam
even if they only made 1$ per copy it's still a shitload of money
>300k dollars
>A lot of money in a business such as this
Too young, stupid outfit and shit for brains. Now that I jave triggered a bunch of autistic self denial pedophiles with borderline bottom of the berral ferish I'll fly away to space
It's probably enough to cover the porting costs, though.
>Too young
Who wants a Rorona in her 30s? Not me, that's for sure.
That's why I called you fags autistic self denial pedophiles. Meme or no meme
>Who wants a Rorona in her 30s? Not me, that's for sure.
Pretty much everyone. People hated Loli Rorona in Meruru, that's why Ayesha got actually old instead of being turned back into a fucking loli just because muh christmas cake spoop
>its moeshit
Oh it was just a quote, disregard this then.
Also, Kusoge basically prints money since people buy it for nothing but waifushit
Mature ayesha is the fucking shit tough
>shitload of money
Something is really wrong with her nose.
I even bought the limited edition so TK can screw me even harder
it is more than profitable since there are literally no publishing fees for steam beyond a small cut, even by selling a game fro 15$ you would make profits, and games on steam stay there for eternity
TK hasn't existed in years.
Also, it's good from what I've heard.
>300k dollars
>not a lot
nigger they aren't AAA games with 80 million marketing stunts, we are talking nipponese shitflinging games with 100k budgets
When your game is made on a shoestring budget and you spend no effort porting it; yes.
>Thinking that it's actually made with something like 100k budget
Does Rorona really have big boobs? Because the story says they were just paddings
Rorona is pretty average for the universe
Bitches are just jealous
Fat cow with useless udders.
A new Atelier game is going to be announced next week in next week's issue of Dengeki
Bad game
She's not Ayesha.
Rorona is my #2
I don't play these games but that Totori chick is cuter
>thinking they have a serius budget
She's not Meruru.
She's too old.
I want to hotglue loli Rorona!!!
That's not Meruru
>PS3 version has no dual audio
Yeah that was pretty bad
They learned to never pull that again from the backlash
>he doesn't have two PS3
>missing out on dem undub releases
My condolences.
I'm slightly annoyed that they didn't include the Japanese audio on the cart for Escha+ so you still have to download it. I'm sure it would have fit.
>New Atelier getting revealed in the next Dengeki Playstation magazine
Get hyped
What about the last new one that isn't even out?
Intl releases and new announcements in Japan usually happen around the same time
What are you talking about, Sophie or Shallie+?
Because Sophie comes out in wnflish in a few weeks.
Wonder how many shitty typos they included in Sophie
Does TK have no QA?
She isn't Ayesha.
>Ayesha's Christmas cake body is only teased in shallie
Ayesha's hat just looks like a different color nurse hat
>Christmas cake
Isn't she only 17 or so?
Shallie+ has playable cake Ayesha. She is as dumb as ever
In shallie she would be late 20s
Almost 30, yes
They didn't even really change her character model, I think that's what people's complaints are.
not a nep
Old hag. Who would want a protagonist that's over 12?
Astrid please
How did you guess?
>play meruru
>find out loli meruru is a superstrong tank
Y tho
Time limits in an RPG are dumb
your dumb
>I am a massive fucking pleb the post
It's fun though
>new Atelier next week
Who'll be the artist? Hopefully not this guy again.
Requesting that image that points out how stupid Sophies costume is
What's wrong with Yuugen?
They turned her into a loli for no reason.
She is not real
>atelier is not real
>I will never meet my very own Ayesha
Just kill me.
Whats the best way to start/experience this game series?
I'm caught up on Neps and want to try something new.
Rorona plus or Ayesha plus
Shuu shuu
Back to your containment thread
I offer you this tribute to leave
Rorona Plus.
Stay away from the original Rorona, it's shite.
Noires face looks wrong
too cute
I hope next Atelier will be drawn by this guy.
>Sophie costs 50 British bongs aka 73 dollarydoos
I'll check out Rorona Plus, I have no Vita.
Thanks bros.
>all that loli porn
Horrible and totally unfitting for Atelier, never post again