Going to be released next week

>going to be released next week
>no threads about it

Are you hyped, Sup Forums or do you sabotage it, because of the preorder bonus?

I'm waiting for it to come out and see if it's a steaming pile.

do we got any kind of tests so far?

>'no threads about it'
>gigantic thread on the way to bump limit

there is one full thread. Difference is that CA/Sega dosent pay shill. Its pretty obvious really. One of the biggest rts games coming and only couple chill threads. Meanwhile all the overwatch, battlefield, you name it.

The latest Total Wars sucked fucking dick. I'm not hyped in the slightest, but it would be nice if it was good, Warhammer setting could work well with this style of game.

Who the fuck gives a fuck about Warhammer?

Where's my WH40K Creative Assembly game? Or an actual good Rome 2?

What didn't you like about Rom 2?
Bugs? DLCs?

>Where's my WH40K Creative Assembly game?

In a rubbish bin labeled 'shit ideas' hopefully

40k lmao.

>people unironically like Warhammer of Warcraft more than 40HK
>even so 90% of the ideas are stolen from Blizzard


Shit UI with "cards" that you can't tell what the fuck unit they represent. Broken AI can't go through or attack gates. No general/hero units or family trees. Ran like garbage.

To be fair, I played it at Launch and Creative Assembly are without fail, fucking shit at launching games. But unless it's been completely overhauled, I doubt it's much better seeings how they release Atilla not long after with basically the same content. They did the same shit with Empire. Release a broken shit game, then fix it's problems and re-release it under a new name the next year for another $60.

Will it have Denuvo?

>no threads

To be fair Blizzard and GW have been stealing ideas off of each other for a long time.

When it was released I was pretty disappointed since I'd rather have medieval 3, or even better an empire 2 with a new engine and better AI that didn't completely fuck up musket line warfare.

While I'd still much rather have one of those two I'm pretty hyped because fuck yeah total war. I do hope that this is a temporary try at something different and that their main efforts will always be put into historical stuff.

Space muhreens and shit right?

40k is more popular yes. Fantasy was just superior game to play.

Warhammer Fantasy

>fairly unique take on fantasy that combines Prussian style, bit of steampunk, while riffing on stereotypical fantasy tropes
>all infused with British dark humor

Warhammer 40k

>grimdark shit for 15 year old edgelords
>zero humor outside of Orks

yes, no stealing this time

>Warhammer Fantasy
Performed so poorly GW killed it off and is currently rebranding/rebuilding it.

>Warhammer 40k
Still selling well, would probably benefit from a major reboot just to clear out all the convoluted canon arising from years of retcons and new editions.

Say what you will about 15 year old edgelords, but their parents have the deep wallets GW is interested in.

I'll get it on sale next year.

Everyone knows that 40k is where the cash goes. 40k is more popular. But is something popular always the best? Yes and no. As a game fantasy was miles ahead of 40k.

>As a game fantasy was miles ahead of 40k.
Mostly because Fantasy had gone through so many editions. By the time 40k was in 3rd, Fantasy was in 6th or so. They had refined the rules down to something good. Then they went and fucked it all up again with later editions in their blind charge for cash.

don't really understand games workshop. They give the license out to anybody these days, but not to the "good" companies. Why?

I'm 70% sure CA will turn it into dog shit again.

At least they can't just copy paste units now because everyone is a different race, but they will probably still find a way.

Probably because the larger companies remember the multiple times GW has green lit a large project only to turn around and pull the rights leaving people in development limbo. That or the licensing arrangements aren't very good and so are only of interest for certain companies who believe they can make the deal work.

I think people are busy with Stellaris right now.

Hope this TW is good though.

but they give their license to fucking mobile and shitter companies. all those shitty warhammer games.

>but they give their license to fucking mobile and shitter companies
And those are companies that are the most likely to take a shitty licensing deal because they need big names to pull in money, and have the least to lose in case of a sour deal.


I'll buy it after all the 300 bucks of DLC is released. And it's on sale.
Maybe, still half regret Shogun 2 even after it was on sale.