Salty masterrace

>salty masterrace

funny thing the "masterrace" won't get to play it even on choppy performance.

god i wish consolefags could stop perpetuating this stupid meme
pc players dont care, we've always had to deal with stuff like this

Why are you going there?
Is this a cry for help?

Why would i want to?

>pc players dont care
That's right OP, who cares about quality video games. Much more fun to play ASSFAGGOTS and... first.. person....

This is what youre doing with your life. How would your parents react to you in this moment?

it's because one or two exclusives are the only thing consoles have that pc doesn't

>posting a reddit screencap
>going on reddit

shouldn't you be busy jerking off to bernie sanders and making angry BLM blog posts, faggot?

There are literally hundreds of games that are pc exclusive.
You get one decent game yearly and act like we care.

Say it with me



Go mention how you hate PC gaming or talk about how you dislike DRM like steam. Wait and see how many replies you'll get. Sometimes they don't even read your whole post, they see criticism of their platform and fucking pounce. It's really sad.

First Bloodborne and then Uncharted 4! Damnit! Why are we stuck with garbage games like Rocket League or some MOBA garbage while Sony gets all the best games. IT'S NOT FAIR!

I even own a PS4 and I dont want to play this shitty chinese games, what are you a faggot?

Alright, thats 5 games. Good for you.
And no, none of theese games interest me. But if you are claiming that PC doesn't have hundreds of great games that are not available on console, then you are just lying to yourself

>And no, none of theese games interest me.
So why do people beg for them online?

>Alright, thats 5 games. Good for you

That is still 4 more than we got. I hate Sony for winning!

>And no, none of theese games interest me.
>interest me.

Why do Peruvians even try?

there are thousands and thousands of console games on all platforms. who gives a shit. console games are better.

>muh muh fps
>muh muh starcraft
>muh muh moba and mmorpgs
>muh 16000dpi gamur mouse

>me me ME!!!!! ME!!!!!!
This isn't about (You)

>So why do people beg for them online?
Those are consolefags trying to make it sound like we care about that one game you get a year

Well the post was about me, i responded in the same manner.

You have to be lying to yourself if you truly think just having a PC is something to be proud of.

Become an idort and enjoy all the games you ignorant poor faggots. I'm pretty poor myself too though.

>>So why do people beg for them online?
>Those are consolefags trying to make it sound like we care about that one game you get a year
Well if you go to any forum dedicated to PC gaming, you'll see a bunch of petitions plastered and people begging there or is it just a jewish conspiracy?

Why do console kids beg for mods?

I can name tons of others but you'll just meme yourself out of this discussion by saying you can't speak Japanese, as if that makes the game not real.


Year ago my friend gave me ps3 with his games for 3 months. There was uncharted 1,2,3 on it. I didn't even started it because I know the game is shit (watched 1 minute of gameplay on youtube). All I did was completed Demon souls and played Atelier games. Like seriously why do you guys keep mentioning this shit? Persona 5, yes. Bloodborne, yes. But not this transgenderlaracroftwannabe with covers and regeneration.

>I didn't even started it because I know the game is shit (watched 1 minute of gameplay on youtube)
I'm sure your "friend" gave you his PS3 alright

A subreddit literally dedicated to circlejerking and consolewars with half a million subscribers

I've said it before and I'll say it again, PC users are the most fucking cancerous people to have ever come to existence and they wear what is supposed to be considered lowly behaviour, such as engaging in console wars, they wear it as some kind of badge of honour.

I'll never cease to be disgusted at how fucking utterly miserable and cancerous PC users are god dam I'm nearly impressed at how pathetic they are.

>i posted it again XXXDDD
show me where you are better saying retarded shit like this

Sure you are sonycuck. Say hello to my kitty.

I still don't get the 'war' between consoles and pcs. who the fuck cares what you play and what you play on? It's all personal choice anyways.

pc gamer already came out of the woodworks to protect his honor.

Even more convincing

>show me where you are better saying retarded shit like this

How about I don't fucking raid PC game threads for starters or even acknowledge them in general and I only end up talk about them when they pop up in situations like this which 100% of the time turns out to be them console bashing and shitposting.

ooh nice argument

Jesus fucking christ. Why can't consolefags realize that they are the cancer?

>video game
i'd rather play league of babies tbqh

>literally an entire subreddit dedicated to nothing but circlejerking about how superior PC is and mocking consoles

reddit is a ridiculous place.
do these people have no self-awareness at all?

>being this utterly devastated at some friendly bantz

I bet you're a ultra sensitive burgerlander, and would rather have leddit-style fake politeness

So how long till the bubble pops and people look back on this cultish shit and everyone pretends they were never a part of it?

>mfw i was a pc gamer my entire life and enjoyed talking games with my console-playing friends

Are you faggots mentally retarded or is this pc-console hate just a forced meme by this point?

I've always been a pc kind of guy, but all these recent ps4 exclusives make me want to buy one.

I hope reddit is all satire

I'm starting to get the feeling people who actually play games on their pc/console(s) aren't on these subs and are ya'know. playing games.
Maybe these people don't actually game.

you greentexted and meme'd. you already proved you're a 13 year old pc elitist fag.


fuck off

>russian filename
Promise you won't eat the cute kitty, you can survive this recession without going that far

Why do poor PC gamers, and poorfags who only own one or two platforms in general care about games on other platforms so much? Shouldn't you just care about what's on your shit? Unless you can afford all platforms and own all platforms, it doesn't make sense for you to post angrily about games that will never affect you.

But you can play most of the games that have been on console for PC. For free. Aside from some from last and current gen, and last gen might not be a problem soon.

He's alright :)

>having friends on the enemy side
>being friends with peasants who have never experienced 60 fps in their lives

Fucking disgusting

560,063 subs too

I was around before this group started and what started out as a circle jerk really quickly evolved into a this fully functioning ideology where people literally started to believe companies like Sony were actually holding back the gaming industry and that Steam and Nvidia are gods gift to gamers.

Console wars were that of a non-issue before PCMR came into the picture, they honestly started taking console wars seriously and they are clearly proud of what they've accomplished and seek to further fragment the industry.


I think what's more sad is that you actually admit to shitposting on r/PCmasterrace and the fact that you're assblasted that they don't give you any attention.

How is it even possible to be this self unaware?

Why are console fags spewing around the grapes meme? I spent 700$ yesterday to upgrade my PC so I can play Rainbow Six Siege in 2K on my selfmade VR headset for 400$ in 60fps.
If I wanted to play shitty dudebro games with subpar fps, I could order one from Amazon right away. But I don't. And I still make fun of consolefags for putting up with somehting like that.

I get why people game on PC and why some don't want to play games the traditional way but I'll never respect if the kind of person who dumps thousands into their builds then goes off and plays games like rocket leauge, dota and console optimised multiplats.

At that point you're a poser, you're just a console user who wants to feel superior to other people and you're not worthy being called a PC gamer.

I watched the uncharted cinematics on youtube and my reaction was "holy shit I just saved myself $60 bucks by just watching it here".

Its a good game but it's definitely not something any PC gamer is missing out on.

of those I want to play Bloodborne, Last Guardian... I can't fathom buying a console just for those two games. Persona 5 I'mma borrow my friend's PS3 to play so no problem there.


I get this sinking feeling that these posts are all coming from the same very sad man who has nothing better to do with his time.

These posts are all structured exactly the same and aren't funny enough to be perpetuated... Is there really some sony fan who is on Sup Forums 24/7 posting this stuff?

>I can't fathom buying a console just for those two games.

You know we totally think a like, I personally can't fathom building a $2000 PC to play undertales and that other xcom game that has performance issues.

>Is there really some sony fan who is on Sup Forums 24/7 posting this stuff?

Have you seen many of these posts? power............of


>There are adults
>On this very board
>Some probably even older than 20
>Angry over the fact that someone plays videogames on a different platform then what they do.

>I personally can't fathom building a $2000 PC to play undertales and that other xcom game that has performance issues.

Except we play other games besides exclusives too. Even if you're an idort with a capable gaming PC, there's literally no reason not to choose PC as your primary gaming platform.

Honestly, it's probably not any fan of something in particular. It's more likely to just be someone who makes posts like that to rile up actual console warring autists who always respond and get legitimately mad at retarded posts poking fun at them. It's sad that there's people on Sup Forums so set into console warring that they assume that anything mean said to them is from their most hated platform.

fact of the matter is that most of these so called 'pc gamers' can't afford consoles or games or even gaming pc's, they're just broke people who can only justify buying a 300 dollar pc because 'work' or 'school' and they play all their games on medium or low settings and they pirate all their games

gaming isn't for everyone, especially poorfags

>Except we play other games besides exclusives too
Shitty AAA games aren't good anymore, at one point maybe, but they're pretty much summer blockbusters now
Unless you're a normie, you won't find any enjoyment in them and this place isn't exactly normie friendly

All you need are like 10 rampant neet shitposters user. Remember Ruga?

Well my PC costed $700 built from cratch.. Including a gaming mouse in that price. It's 4 years old and I haven't found a game I can't play at 60 FPS yet.

How much does 4 years of subscriptions to Sony to be able to play online cost?

>I personally can't fathom building a $2000 PC to play undertales and that other xcom game that has performance issues.
I can play it and thousands of other games including emulation (can even run wii games through dolphin with 60 fps) on my 7 y.o. pc (300$).

I honestly don't. Drop your phone in the toilet anytime.

The funny thing is, this whole masterrace thing started as a joke by Yahtzee and now there are people who take it seriously, it's like watching a caterpillar turn into a butterfly. Where did this shit even come from? I'm not even older than 20 and I can still remember when it was a joke.


60 fps but at what cost you cunt? shadows off? low detail? get the fuck out

>garbage games like Rocket League
I can't tell if this is bait or you're really this stupid.

Spotted the redditor

>Shitty AAA games aren't good anymore

Except for when they benefit the platform of your choice, right? Also I hope you're not suggesting that Uncharted isn't AAA.

that place is full of complete fucking retards

I kinda appreciate mods being hands-off but I can't help but wonder, if that really is the case, what would Sup Forums look like if they just permanently banned that kind of baiting shitposting.

Would Sup Forums go back to being a cool place where we talked about obscure games and discovered neat shit that wasn't being talked about anywhere? I discovered Cave Story like almost a decade ago on Sup Forums and I kind of miss back before it was in such a sorry state.

>tfw have a PC
>also have a PS4

Sure feels good being an adult lol

Mods don't give a shit anymore, I hardly notice any consolewar threads get deleted lately. I'm convinced the only way to get banned on this shithole of a board these days is to post porn.

Accusing people of being from leddit doesn't make your falseflag mobileposting wojack horseshit funny.

I don't want to play it anyways. Personally I don't like Uncharted, 2 was about the most tolerable one. I wish Naughty Dog would go back to Crash and Jak honestly.

>inb4 hurr durr you just salty and want to play it

I own a PS4 and a Wii U, I just recognize that PC games run better and are typically more optimized than console games, so I tend to play them on PC when given the chance. I just don't like Uncharted.

I think you're drawing too much from his comment. He's just saying that for people that don't care, they seem to get awfully defensive over any criticism.
Even as an idort I find myself wanting console exclusives on PC, and they're games I've already played. It's understandable that others that can't play it will just focus on its flaws to make it less desirable. It's a shit attitude, but it's one that's shared by each platform.

>not even 60fps

>$699 card compared to $550 card

>Tfw just completed Bloodborne and is now playing Endless legend on PC

200$ minimum

Just like Sup Forums?

>tfw building a pc when the new Nvidia cards come out
>tfw own a ps4
>tfw own a 3ds and vita

I turn nothing off. Dark Souls 3 is maxed out, runs twice as smooth as it ever will on your ps4.

Playing alot of roms on Dolphin at 60fps and 1080 like some other user here as posted. All just cause I have a halfway decent PC.

Don't worry tho I'll be upgrading to the new nvidia card in a year or two.

Give it a couple years or so, all those exclusive titles will be sitting on some hard drive just waiting to be booted into an emulator. I have a 6 year old, decent tier laptop that handles PSP emulation perfectly, so even if everything moves towards "uncrackable" on PC, it'll still be subject to smooth piracy eventually. It's a lot less hassle to crack a BIOS and such than to crack hundreds of individual games, and even the updates are bound to be rippable.

>don't get upset that I can't play a game because I'm an idort
My only real regret is getting the Xbone, if I'm honest. That, and I do find myself thinking "Fuck, I wish this was on PC" for some games.

Do Sonyggers still wonder why they always come up top in the "most obnoxious fanbase" polls?

>reddit screenshots

>tfw all these NEVER EVER threads
>borrowed friend's PS4 to play through Bloodborne so I never have to buy a sony console again.

Man, people who care so much about platform wars sure do disgust me. Right, user?

I don't even get a solid 60 from Dark Souls 3 with all settings at max, and I have a i7 4790K/980.

Made my PC a while ago with the intention of getting a graphics card down the line but now I can't think of a reason I would. The only I do on PC is play smite which is fine on integrated like most other games. Best game I played on PC was the stanely parable if you can even consider that a game, and shovel knight but now I have it on Wii U. PC gaming sucks, it's exclusive shit no one wants and a bunch of f2p lottery machine jew shit. Don't have a ps4 but with that you at least get japanese shit and large communities. PC only really beats xbone but that isn't saying much at all

#4theplayers. Better buy that high-end gaming noose to do it now.