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Video Games #3381
Video Games
So is it Kos or Kosm?
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing SFV right now
Are mods a significant feature for PC gaming? (read bottom to top)
I really want to get absorbed in an RPG with a good story and atmosphere. What would you recommend?
Game is actually fun
Overwatch - Pharah Comic
What are some games which severely embarrass you?
Is ultrawide even worth it for gaming? Are there even any games that use it
Would you a Slaaneshi daemon?
What's your excuse for not owning a PC when a $335 build outperforms both a $300 PS4 and a $400 Xbox One?
Pick one
Dark Souls 3 Characters
One of these threads?
When did they stop caring about boxart?
Spend a lengthy amount of time coming up with a good unique gamertag
Why are there so few high fat/thicc girls in vidya? I rely on fan art to satisfy my interests
Ah. So this is PC Gaming
LttP > OoT = MM >> WW > TP >>>> SS
What games distract you from the crushing loneliness you feel?
How many Touhou games have you gotten 1ccs on?
How's the modding community for the original Alice?
What was his goal?
That faggot who says "this", "/thread", or"underrated post" and adds nothing to the discussion
Why do people hate this game? Maybe it doesn't hold up to TTYD, but it has a better story, soundtrack...
Hey, do any of you guys feel nostalgic enough towards Phantasy Star Online to come and play...
Bigger Bitch Than Anthony Burch
Angry Birds
Knuckle Sandwich
What was the point of this boss?
It's gonna sting like fuck paying £43.99 for this shit
How are these remakes? Gen 3 was my favorite
DBX2: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Zero Time Dilemma
What the hell were they thinking? Do they want to prevent a competitive scene from forming...
Its worth buying at full price?
And then there's THIS asshole
What are some gaming things you do IRL?
Did they fuck?
Why are we not talking about it more?
Should I bother to play through this or should I just straight to the second one...
After coming from the first two games why is this game so easy?
Every. Single. Time
What is our verdict?
Is EVERY fucking science fiction MMO doomed to fail?
Hey user! Got any 18 player games?
Which is more Iconic, Sup Forums?
Risk of Rain thread
The best game on DS
Gargos Stream
I didn't ask for this
Why do people like this stick layout?
Mfw going to an anime.vidya con tomorrow
Why are console players so rude compared to PC gamers?
VITA thread
New Kojima Game
16 years old
Apparently PC gamers are the best at Hitman, second Xbox One
"We want the Tumblr/Overwatch Audience"
If you focused all your vidya time into creating or practicing some actually meaningful skill how talented would you be?
I'll give you exactly fifteen seconds to post why you haven't learned japanese yet?
I don't know if anyone story timed this yesterday, but I'm sharing it now because it was good
Why is "Fully Armoured, Face Covered By Helmet Guy" the protagonist in every action game now?
ITT:Talentless hacks whose work is only loved by autists
Ya Groove
Friendly reminder that after creating one of the most successful game franchises ever to exist...
Poorfag general
The last character you played as is facing Satoshi and all of his Pokemon
Blood and Wine sountrack
Snapping shitty video games
Why do people like these games?
Archvie for tweet?
Digimon Mediaverse announced
ITT your most played game and how many hours you have wasted on it?
Minecraft 2 ideas
Opinions on this game?
Screenshot thread
It's thursday
So... When?
Tfw no New Lego Racer game
What do people think of the nameless king?
Presale demands for warcraft movie very low
How can you judge a game you haven't played?
ITT Good games that no one has played
Report Finds That Kids Prefer Phones And Tablets Over Nintendo’s Handhelds On Car Trips
This literally looks like an overwatch character
This is Low
So THIS is why Uncharted games are so linear and cinematic
God, shouldn't a remaster look BETTER than the original...
What were his motives?
You now remember Little Big Planet
Mobile Gaming - The New Golden Age
Why do they call it an "Xbox One"?
What's your favourite music game?
Post webms and dark souls stories
This is the best piece of hardware this generation. I'm not kidding. It's even better if you like JRPGs and comfy games...
A girl with superhuman computational abilities and ingenious programming capabilities...
MGSV 80's Movies Preset
What vidya girl has the best breasts?
I am EXTREMELY bored of everything. I have watched anime nonstop for the past 3 months and I am just done with it...
Bravely Default
What is the hardest game you have ever played, Sup Forums?
So... this is getting localized, right?
This is NoA's official account
Just How Bad Is It?
Playing gmod
Final Fantasy XV
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- Blood and Wine
New vegas thread
E3 thread
We pull in money, recruits, just to combat Hope. Rubbing our noses in bloody battlefield dirt. All for despair
Am I the only one here whos played this little gem?
Stand up...there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?
Fire Emblem 4 finally got a redone translation patch. Still in beta, but that's cool
Gore thread?
Would you post furry art on your game's official Twitter account to attract more players?
Would you wear gaming related clothes?
Are they going to announce Final Fantasy X-3 this year?
I only trust you, guys
Post what you're playing
Why do so many controllers use a criss cross button??
How could we go about another match up?
My hotel's as clean as an Elven arse!
Do you think there will be any video games based on the new Ghostbusters?
Filename thread
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Why aren't you guys discussing this DLC?
Yugoslav wars
Do you balance exercise with vidya? you have no excuse to not be /fit/
Who /special edition/ here?
What went wrong?
There are people who don't side with the Omnics
What's the most difficult game you've ever played Sup Forums?
What video games let me be a giant?
This is a gun conversion
Name on point in which Consoles are advantaged to computers
Pokemon Sun and Moon will feature multiple islands
Steam avatar thread
ITT games that prove him wrong
Tanks in video games thread
Fucking hell, Mario Party 6, the one video I want to watch from their site, and the dropbox is dead
ITT no bullshit, just post a game you think is fun so that other Anons can check it out and have fun playing it
Since Sup Forums is contrarian as fuck does this mean this will become Sup Forums's winner over Onlywatch?
No Overwatch thread
So I'm starting to get into game making and made this pixel art for a ground texture...
Get in here faggots
Start pc up today
Would you trust this ayy?
I don't play these games or even have a passing interest but why do people dislike this new Honkers girl
ITT: cute characters
How do you feel about the speedrunning community?
Are you fuckin smegma guzzling cum queefing homofags HYPED for overwatch?
Doomguy doesnt give a fuck about the story and neither should you
ITT: Great huge boobs in vidya
ITT: Shameful vidya faps
Fuck this industry
You're a pack of fucking liars
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
24 more days, Sup Forums
No YIIK thread
NASA wireless bandwidth speedrunning silky smooth 12 FPS edition
Watch out for niggers
Gran Turismo Sport
Would you a fish?
Find a fucking flaw
Best gaming Youtubers
ITT: The raw unforgettable vidya experiences that made you glad to be born in this day and age
Poverty ghosts: what kind of fan do you use to keep cool while playing vidya in the summer months?
Ragnarok Online
GTAV made $1 billion in revenue first day
What was her fucking problem?
Is one person pirating a game the same as another one person deciding to not buy the game...
Which of these Princesses is the one from you?
Any good games from Finland?
Battle Stations!
Halo5 forge on PC
Persona 5 thread?
God-Tier Vidya End Credits Music
How many of you are NEETs?
Battleborn is dead they said
Who's your favorite Sonic girl?
Windows 10 self-installed itself. should I?
What's a game where the protagonist finds redemption but suffers greatly in the process?
Do you play your 3ds in public
So uh
What went wrong?
Oh snap! Overwatch HYPUUU!
Why does nobody like playing healer?
What are some good games to play drunk?
What was his fucking problem?
Would you fuck Link?
What's on your wishlist?
"Classes only have 4 buttons."
ITT: Moments you actually shed tears in video games
Why do we hate Yukari again?
So, tomorrow...
Build me a fully functioning PC that is capable of doing at least constant 30fps at 1080p for the same price as this...
Bigger Bitch Than Anthony Burch
What's the point of this QTE when your character just gets the shit beat out of him anyways?
He's not playing Uncharted 4 right now
Now that the dust has settled can we finally admit it was a shitty game and nothing more than System Shock/Half-Life...
Could someone photoshop the left so it looks like Console players and photoshop the right so it looks like PC players...
Do you wear gaming related clothes?
He pronounces it "eye dee"
Would you like to donate to the Hakurei Shrine, mister?
Thoughts on him?
So now that all the dust has settled and this is the game of the millennia that people wouldnt stop talking about
Halo 3 had 10m unique players each month
Why did they even bother adding this piece of shit when its only used in 2 levels...
Jesus they KILLED the fucking game
Why can't devs get mechs right anymore...
350,000 African-Americans served in WW1
But...but PC has better graphics than consoles!!!
Which version Sup Forums?
How are those old free mousepads holding up, Sup Forums?
Since the GTX 1080 is capable of 4K I have decided to upgrade to a 4K monitor
Hey user, you're a gamer, right?
ITT: We post smash 4 mains and secondarys and anons guess what type of people we are based on mains and secondarys I'll...
Dark Souls 3 Incoming Patch Tomorrow
Why the fuck anyone say anything bad about Naughty Dog...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- Blood and Wine “New Region” Trailer
You guys have been missing your dose
Was Stick of Truth any good?
What are some fun games to play with your girlfriend?
New IMAS trailer, get hyped!
Whats the best game inspired by Lovecraft?
So thanks to the massive success of Doom, is it a new era for FIPS?
Hyrule Warriors
Fuck, I can't decide which of the new Pokemon starters to pick
Never played Skyward Sword, is it worth playing?
Whoa................................... so this.................................... is the power...
What advice would you give someone who's going to buy a Vita
Zelda thread
Dark Souls III sucks
Thoughts on these fags?
Sup Forums Presidential Election
TW3WH Anniversary
Why was this game so fun
Currently no dark souls thread
Do you still feel The Phantom Pain™, user?
Kiera best Witcher III grill
You hype for the unveiling yet?
Make this vidya related
Who here is going to watch NASA? It starts in half an hour
Sup Sup Forums
What do you guys think of my friends new mouse? He's a raider in warcraft
Boss can take control of one of your party members
Explain this
Random operetic wailing
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who don't have a single platinum trophy
There has never been a better fromsoft track prove me wrong
ITT: real places that look like they're straight out of video games
Would a Top Gear video game be good?
Aside from MGQ, any more games that prominently feature Monster Girls?
Can we get a FILENAME THREAD going you fuckin cumguzling faggots?
Dating a gamer girl
Pokemon sun and moon
Post good local multiplayer games that have come out since 2010
PS4 Neo Obsolete
Digital Foundry have spoken. Homefront 2 is a "superb" PC game with shit console ports
So why do you hate pirates?
Fire 1
What are some fun and comfy platformer games?
How many months do you guys think this shit will go 10 euros or free to play in ?
He says he is a "gamer" but he never played Shenmue
Objective: protect the girl
Black MCs
Why aren't there more people talking about this glorious fucking game?
Why is this allowed?
Why does she hate me? what did i do wrong?
Do you like Japanese games?
Hey Sup Forums which of the new Pokemon starters is your favorite?
Which Video Options?
What games have characters in Chinese dresses?
So, i just finished the first DOOM after playing the new one...
Tfw buying girlfriend 50gp
I ran system requirements lab on this game and everything checks out except for my CPU speed which is 1...
What could this mean? New heroes?
Hello my name is mister Drawoh...
How have videogames affected your phisical appearance Sup Forums?
So Sup Forums, what games are you looking forward to?
Who is better Luigi or Tails?
Comfy morrowind thread here
Total war warhammer
Killing goblins
You have exactly 3 days to 100% the last game you played before I empty a whole clip into your ass!
Best looking game of all time
The pre-order is live!
Will you pirate it?
Did you hear the latest news? Angry video game nerd is a woman hater
Simple question Sup Forums what is a program i can use to globally cap all my games fps?
Imagine you have the cursed belt from Baldur's Gate
Name a better intro
Any game where I can beat the shit out of rioters ?
We'll go when the bird flies. Can you remember that?
When was the last time a game made you feel like this?
Can we have a comfy Modern Warfare thread?
Why haven't you preordered Guilty Gear yet?
Did you spare him?
Hes not playing the division right now
LO- wait, should we like this one?
Melee weapons leave gunshot marks
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing stalker right now
Lionhead Wanted SJW Cover; Microsoft Declined
Who lastgen here ?
When was the last time you enjoyed a videogame, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you working on your own VN right now? It's free and easy
Indie games thread
PC cost like what - two times the price for the gpu alone to get the same experience like on the Xbox One?
I'm still buying it
Wait so is it a remake? A sequel? A reboot? A reimagining?
Batman: Return To Arkham Confirmed
Why does Europe hate Kojima?
ITT: canceled games
Any awesome maps for prison architect?
This was rendered in real time on a laptop APU from 2013
Does Sup Forums play Rocket League or is it too Reddit?
New Rockstar games "will be revealed soon"
This is easily a more acomplished package considering the story, visuals and atmosphere than either VI or VII...
I just needed to tell someone that this is the only piece of software I have ever encountered which has caused me to...
Yippee-yay there'll be no wedding bells, for today
Buyer's remorse thread
Play pic related at launch
Boots of blinding speed
Hideo Kojima's World Tour Has Been to Find an Engine for his New Game
I dont know what to play
It's been more than 4 years, and nothing has topped this
Why aint you playing it?
Overwatch Thead
Nioh changes based on demo feedback
Well, looks like I have found my newest fetish
Nekopara wins GOTY
No coop campaign
Hello darkness my old friend
What's with the sudden surge of Blizzard shills on Sup Forums
Most skins are just shitty recolors
You guys realize that the main problem with consoles is the shitty controls, right? Graphics can get fucked...
Well that was fucked up
ITT : Reviewer you can trust
Holy shit is Vault 118 the best Vault in all the games? Todd the fucking madman
Do you like this new game, Sup Forums?
Smash v1.16 Patch Discussion
Final Fantasy XV
In the year 2016, these are considered "bad" graphics for an open world game
Major, I
Are there any good vidya fan-made animations out there?
Capture six star systems
So this is a thing
Who do you pick?
Will you buy it?
My new DLC might be a buggy, fucked-up mess, but you'd better buy it anyways
What is Sup Forums's thoughts on Kali Muscle and his recent foray into gaming?
Make an African American Character
Do you miss alpha Minecraft, Sup Forums?
I can't do it. she must have beat me 50 times
Has a video game ever got you in trouble with your parents when you were younger?
Why is this ok?
"What game you playing son?"
Why doesn't he have a new game?
What the FUCK were Kefka's motives?
Sea Of Thieves
Why are all you fucktards paying actual money for this shit?
What do you think of people who unironically say git gud when talking about Dark Souls?
Why do people like this boss so much?
Is this the most gory and twisted game ever made? I feel like they really pushed it this time
Only Dark Souls fans would understand this feeling
Can someone explain why they are considered one of the hardest bosses in DS when I was able to beat them on the first...
Are you hyped for the Neptunia killer?
What FPS games would you recommend someone that wants a fun and hard shooter to play? Can be old or new
Post a fruit, others try to guess the game
Got the Vive a couple days ago. All I have is the free stuff that comes bundled with it (Tilt Brush...
Oh my, mail? For me?
So, how many of you actually havehad relationships...
I can't believe i lost to shills, well played blizzard, well played
Short Summary:
Who's your favorite Sonic girl?
Let's face it, this is what Samus has become 2016. Big tits and a fat ass
To my side, my noble Einherjar!
It's that time
Salty masterrace
Zelda U thread
What was the first video game you ever played?
What's the hardest game you ever played?
Kojima LIVE Q&A
Should I buy DOOM 4?
How do you feel about Guilty Gear?
I want to marry Pharah and make her my beautiful bride!
Vidya cosplay thread. Keep it vidya
Can someone tell this guy to lose some fucking weight?
Can we have a thread showcasing the actual pro gameplay in overwatch?
Zero Time Dilemma
"You're like a spoiled rich kid who gets everything bought for you your entire life...
Man, you know what? Fuck it
Pick one
African guy is a gorrila
Htol#NiQ: The Firefly Diary
Atelier Rorona Plus appears in SteamDB list
Those hips
Did you ever have a video game sleepover?
Post some bad bosses
What's Sup Forums honest opinion about female wandering knights?
Tfw you fell in love with another video game girl
It is not a dispute that Polish are the ultimate game creators, their third game and second on a bigger scale got goty...
Is this Dark Souls for kids?
Is this worth playing if I don't like weeb games? I've heard there's a lot of cutscenes, which is making me skeptical
I'm dying Sup Forums
Does Sup Forums like Smite?
Never has a simple piece of software ever caused this much analdevastation
DOOM continuity
Post literally perfect games
Vidya Games
That kid who used rare candies on all his Pokemon
Daily reminder that if you're older than 21 and have not yet made it big in youtube, then it's too late to start
The best SP in an FPS since Halo 3
ITT: Spooky stuff in non horror games
Who was in the wrong here?
How do the effects of marijuana affect your gaming skills?
2016 goty
Did you ever use [Run Away] in a JRPG?
Bow to the uncrackable master
This is literally the best game I've seen come out of this decade like omg
Webm thread
Draw a girl
It's time, Sup Forums
At grocery store
Can we have a AVGN appreciation thread?
BDO vs. GW2
Why are games having so many female protagonists?
Calling video games a hobby is like calling heroin a hobby
Civ 5
How do we make video games great again?
Brazil is home to the largest Japanese population outside Japan, estimated to number more than 1.5 million
Help me ruin this trolls night
Why do games based on movies tend to suck?
"Top 10 ***** from video games!"
How's that YouTube channel going user?
What does Sup Forums think of achievements and trophies?
It comes to my attention that some of you faggots haven't bought my season pass yet...
This game is pretty good fàm, I wonder if she will make any sequels to it
Any tips for a new player? Just made it to Taurus demon and got destroyed. Playing as a wanderer by the way
They probably reused the same code for takedowns from skyrim and wrote the whole movement based off of...
So we gonna have another creepy thread tonight or what?
About to play Persona 3. Who do I take as my love interest?
Your job
This game is actually pretty fun
Final boss is an ancient God who can create universes
Is anyone else still angry?
It really sucks to see the series end with this title
Why did demons souls get good reviews and become popular...
Game has two endings
Games you are excited for
Why is Undertale's sprite work so half assed? You could easily make this in MS Paint in seconds. Fucking disgusting
Am I becoming an old man or something...
A lot of recent MMOs tried to make the cut as a pay to play MMO only to have to go free to play because they couldn't...
CGI from 30 years ago
Any people on this board that consider this a "sport"?
Nintendo Leak: Mario Party 2 HD
Can Sup Forums literally find a single flaw in this game...
So now that we know Splatoon is a failed experiment, when will Nintendo make a real online game like Battlefield?
Total Warhammer: 5 Days Until Release Edition
New video
Rest in piece
Why are ESRB ratings so aesthetic? How come no one else compares?
You've been put in charge of designing the controller for a next-gen console
What was her problem?
Kirby thread? Kirby thread! discuss deep lore, post lewds etc
I got Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition for like $6 and while the last boss was shitty as fuck it got me into wanting more...
First one to roll dubs gets a free copy of overwatch
The real Danganronpa 3 will be an anime
Ace Attorney Thread
1080 GTX has full Async Compute support
Crash bandicoot kickstarter
Are developers really out of ideas?
What are some games where you can go giant?
What was the game in this series that dropped the ball?
Smash v1.16 Patch Discussion
John Walker
How could have Nintendo made the Wii U as popular as the Wii?
Can we talk about this too?
Why was scared Alice so cute?
PC Gaming rig I found on Craigslist
Just found out I completely fucked my game by saving in one of the puzzle rooms, so fuck it...
How do these games stack up to each other and their main inspiration of Earthbound?
Show me your best Neptuina meme in your hard drive
Holy FUCK this series is awful. What's the appeal of the Stalker trilogy...
Sound: ON/OFF
Don't pretend you aren't going to buy it if you haven't already
What videogames are there where I can simulate plane hijacking?
What went so fucking wrong?
Dark Souls 2 has 31 bosses
More than 55% of MGS fans don't recognize this character
You walk into a siege and this guy slaps your liege's ass
Literally impossible
Fuck dark souls "DEEPEST" lore!!
Def Jam thread cuz you my nigga if you love these games
Best Sonic girl
*waits for overwatch*
Back when i was alive i enjoyed playing halo but never really got into it enough to play the sequels is five a good...
Are video games art? Why or why not?
E3 2016
Legion Thread
Vita thread: why only Japan gets all the glory edition
My friend is in a statistics course or something and performed an experiment for it...
PS3 still relavant?
Dark Souls ain't got shit on this deep, complex Uncharted combat
Nintendo may start selling computer software
ITT: Characters who are literally you
Do most of you have really high standards for games or are my standards just shit?
What's the most overrated game ever and why is it Resident Evil 4?
Dating Sims
Now that Marvel vs Capcom is a dead franchise, would you like to see another "vs"? Like Shonen Jump vs Capcom?
Elder Scrolls 6 General
Shiritori thrad
So to get a Doom related discussion in that ISN'T about the new game, lets talk about this
Zero Time Dilemma gameplay
Best girl has no route
Left or Right, Sup Forums?
What are your thoughts on the BL2 Vita bundle ?
Favorite Fallout 4 companion?
Why are MOBA communities like Dota and LoL such a bunch of fucking douchebags...
Signs that a game will be shit
Would you have liked to see X continue to use a laser sword?
Game Dev Thread - Nicefag edition
What do you think would be the ultimate Kamen Rider video games?
The great debate
Square enix are retarded. FF7 doesn't even need a remake. If anything needs a remake it's FF8...
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Why is Half Life such a good game?
Kirby has just absorbed the main character of the last vidya you played
Not showing your appreciation for your healer at the end of the match
Itt Sup Forums memes you were sad didn't take off
Anyone who likes BN
Inb4 this gets universal 10/10
What is the best settlement location in Fallout 4?
Name one flaw
It's already double funded
See those mountains?
So what was the general consensus on this game? It's shit right?
How did we go from this
What are your thoughts on dragon age inquisition Sup Forums? Would you recommend playing it?
Finished this today. Best PS3 game I've ever played
Never played an Elder Scrolls, which should I start with?
Can any of you guys give me a good medieval renaissance name to give my character in dark souls?
I missed all of these because I was too big of a weeb during 6th gen, and I want to play one...
Hey guys, just a reminder that Far Harbor DLC is coming out in a few hours. Did you pre-order? It's gonna be worth it...
Uncharted 4 confirmed GoTY
Re-play Far Cry 2 for the first time since release
Can we have a discussion about WASD vs ESDF? Without the memes please?
Ok imagine an Avatar inspired RPG. How fucking great would that be...
Who are you gonna main in overwatch?
Hello everyone! Just coming by to say I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the vidya you play today!
Why did gamesharks die off?
Bulborb tries its hardest for you
Just bought pic related. Tomorrow I'll meet with a guy that sells tons of used games. I've searched the wiki, but still...
Alright, Sup Forums. I'm torn
Installed this mod for FO4 ?
Profile Pic Thread
ITT: You reinstall, you lose
I'm the world champ you know, I bet you can't beat me!
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...