Does Sup Forums play Rocket League or is it too Reddit?

Does Sup Forums play Rocket League or is it too Reddit?

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I once got the blue star in premade 3v3.

Since then I'm stuck at gold star everywhere. Can't get out my elo hell since a bit of time.

Fuck yeah I play it, it's the only game that gives me thrills and laffs at the same time

I know the feel. I feel terrible whenever I try to play by myself and am in prospect elite/low challenger in all my shit. I only really feel comfortable and play better when I'm fucking around in normals with friends, but I don't have any that play very often.

Yeah I agree, playing with friendos on Skype or w/e and yelling and fucking around is great

Is it even possible for a videogame to be "too reddit"?
they're just video games, it's not like they can encourage you to go to reddit, downvote racism and upvote screengrabs.

See overtale, and that game with a lesbian wondering in first person in a house doing jack shit. Goddamn my brain has failed me.

I played Undertale. I think the game itself is fine, but the community circlejerking around is it definitely too Tumblry and Reddit bait.

I dunno, not in my opinion. There isn't a general on /vg/ and I didn't know how popular it was around here, I really just look at /gif/ nowadays.

I thought it was possible "too reddit" could be an opinion some people might have because the scrolling link to the sub at the bottom of the main menu/ reddit alien antenna and shit idk

>is it too Reddit?
What the fuck does that even mean? Can any of you explain or do you all just enjoy spewing shit out of your mouths all day?

The "reddit memegame" shitposters are just that, shitposters. At least they're not "I didn't get gud, this game sucks" posters

Bahaha yeah, Gone Home had No Story and also No Gameplay. The character doesn't overcome challenges through personal growth, she just sort of ... reads about gay people suffering First World Oppression.
If the gay people solved their problems, either by being less faggots, or being MORE faggots and faggoting through the problem at KappaPride miles per hour, that'd be a story. But they don't.
Shit story shit game 9/10 would be 10/10 only it didn't have $120 worth of DLC.

He's preemptively mentioning it because of Sup Forums's contrarian nature.

Rocket league's dope. Best if you can play with a friend though. Randoms can ruin a good time real quick

I play it, mostly when drunk

>do you all just enjoy spewing shit out of your mouths all day?
taking my posts without humor or irony for a week and i thought everyone should know

/vg/ is where generals go to die.

Never heard of it. Assume by name it's some form of Undertale fangame. I played a few of those - Gaster fight was intense.

see Like I said, I didn't know if everyone would dislike it due to the Reddit references or something.

I don't really like spewing shit, it happens occasionally though.

Fair enough.

Preach. I need to just keep playing and get better mechanically and shit, I'm not the best at all but spergs that just race at the ball full speed constantly when I'm playing alone drive me crazy,

I've played drunk a few times, good stuff.

it means that if the game is liked in reddit then his sekret klub won't like it and we, yes WE the sekret klub, will kick him out of this epic place of randomness XD

that's basically what that ment

It's the "game that got mildly popular on Sup Forums first but everyone now know about it so it's shit now"

I think it's mostly because Sup Forums is full of cunts like you will claim not to like something they've never tried if it's popular enough or is enjoyed by certain audiences.

It's means that he's a faggot that form his opinion based from a site's opinion about other sites

I can get drunk assholes to play it from the get go. It's just like a flash physics game in that sense.

But my god are some people fucking tryhards at the back end of the ranked ladder. They think they are just like a pro sports player who deserves respect.

Is it me or aerials are easier in Basketball mode?

Kill yourself.

Well it's not like twitch integration makes a game part of a SJW cultist den (i.e. like 99% of , I've played Quiplash with Sup Forums on twitch and it didn't turn me into a guy that celebrates the death of free speech.

Is he wrong?

Been playing it steadily since release. Impossible to go anywhere near high ratings unless you're in premades.

It's a tiny fucking map. Aerials will be the same, but you're more likely to get it through no matter how you hit it in that giant hoop on that tiny map.

Was this place ever le sekrit club?
The place was shilled on SomethingAwful, YTMND and the World of Warcraft forums.

I clearly like the game regardless of how others feel user, I was just asking if that was other's here opinions out of curiosity.

That game looks real fun with a group of like minded people to play


Hoops is a fucking shit mode.

guess i hit a nerve there.

the delays inherent in Quiplash make it not as fun as you might think, but that's the problem with stream games - either you have 15+ second delays between player actions, or people's inputs get dropped.
Yes I know.

>I was just asking if that was other's here opinions

Yeah it's definitely disappointing, I was hoping for...idk something better. I still think it's better than snow day at least.


>Neo-Sup Forums loves this casual garbage

I wouldn't expect anything less after threads about mobile games, the memetale shill threads and the occasional COD/Halo loving faggots.


I just noticed that

>better than snow day
That's really not hard. All those ideas they have for extra game modes seem great until you see how they actually implement them. The skill cap for those modes is always lower than the normal mode so they'll never actually catch on with the people who play a lot of the game.


>the memetale shill threads
I ERP'd with a Temmie a few days ago on /trash/.
I'm not entirely sure what I was doing but I had fun nonetheless. Presumably I increased my degeneracy points but whatever, I'm on Sup Forums.
I kind of want to enter into a romantic relationship with %playername% the demon of unstoppable genocide and rising numbers.

Really? I really enjoy it, I haven't played much but even so. Playing splitscreen is stupid fun.

I enjoy mobile games tho >.>

I've been playing UFO: Enemy Unknown on my phone lately. Shit's top tier fun.

I dunno about the skill cap for Hoops being lower, if everyone's trash at aerials it can easily be like a 1-0 game full of 5 minutes of retards bashing the ball into walls hoping it goes in. Otherwise I agree with you though.

You could argue they're handy for practicing a few specific things (aerials, wall ball/puck control) but it's probably not any better than just practicing that shit in normal modes.

Its pretty good

>Too Reddit

Nice meme.
Someone wanna open a server?

You mean a private match?


Name: Reddit
PW: memegame

Let's have a nice 4v4 sesh

GET IN HERE, 2 peeps already in

3 now

Play it pretty much every day, it's fun. I'm rising star but I don't really play ranked.

I usually hop on for a couple of games when I get bored or just want to chill and listen to my music. Great game for this kind of shit, especially since the matches are only around 5 minutes

I have a nice new leak for you guys


4 now



Can't wait to breakdance

>More pre-sets to choose from
>You can put them anywhere
You better not be lying to me, user



Holy cow!
Holy cow!
Holy cow!
Holy cow!

its reddit but i secretly like it, i just dont tell Sup Forums that i play it :333

>that filename

Can't wait for sarcastic Great Clear and Calculalted