>Arrow in the knee
yup, DOOM is shit confirmed

A game isn't shit just because it has an old meme in it.

Grow up.

Look at this butthurt Redditor

ayy lmao

Stay angry, friend

>plays bethesda game
>complains about reference to their own game
>implying the arrow on top of the screen that you look all the time at is not reminding you of skyrim

Are you trolling?


No U

why do you care? did memes fucked your mom or you losers just want to act superior about not liking fucking internet memes?

I spout memes in your moms ear while I fuck her kiddo

Your life must be hell if small detail like that can ruin the whole thing for you.

Listen kid, either you can knock off the attitude RIGHT NOW or I will take matter into my own hands and make sure you never EVER post here again. This is your one and only warning. DON'T TICK ME OFF

You are retarded.

Seeing this thread multiple times every single day is at least a hundred times worse than any shitty little reference ever could be.

Agreed, doom is trash. Memes, slow movement, shitty guns, shitty multiplayer. Come the fuck on

stay salty pirate scum

Steam refunds are a thing kiddo

post your doom steam refund

I see what you did there

I dont have to post shit for you faggot



Whoa, you did it!



Fuck you, Sup Forums. Fuck you.


H0ly Shit.



Something wrong there BUDDY?


>I fuck her kiddo
pedos are scum

>Look at this butthurt Redditor
summertime ... the newfags are in, time to go /out/.


Ooooh shit

something wrong Kiddo?

>Reddit calling out summer
H0ly FuK

This was a big FUCK YOU FAGIT towards Tom Hall, I wonder why?


>H0ly FuK
stfu newfag, go spread your reddit shitposting on Sup Forums

>tfw I find out I can literally predict the future

>Bloodborne has ayy lmao meme
Fucking hypocrytes


>it's okay if D00M does it
Fuck off, and somehow Borderlands is terrible?

>they finally filtered it


>shit gameplay
>shit writing
>art style shamelessly ripped off with zero credits given
Yeah Borederlands is shit

And a Bethesda funded and published game has one shitty meme in it and that somehow ruins the whole game because autism


>b-b-But it's just one reference!
Keep telling yourelf that

So, trolling aside, how's the game?

Only filtered if in caps newcuck

It's alright


Prove me wrong you autist
>it's easily missable
>it's not shoved in your face while you don't control your character
>you can just continue walking past it
>but it somehow ruins a game that's 99% gameplay

>recently implemented
>don't shitpost with cuck often

>greentexting out of context and putting words into my mouth

>the entire game is written off because of 1 (ONE) lame hidden easter egg

Why don't you just admit you hate videogames?

Nice rebuttal

So fucking lame.

**Let's see if those work**

Man. Poor guy looks like he's feelin' it.



Based Shadow showing us how its done.

I love how all this hatin on meme retroactively have turned Fallout 1 and 2 into the biggest turds in the franchise, followed with wacky wasteland Fallout NV, due to all them ebin cultural references.

>DOOM is shit because it has a tired, old, overused meme in it
>he says while posting on Sup Forums

Newfag pls go

Most New Vegas fanboys haven't actually played the originals. they just pretend they have so they can be "hardcore" and "old-school".

Doom had video game references since Doom 2.