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I want to buy a console but I have no idea which one should I choose, help me decide
Xbone or PS4


Wii U

Wait for E3, then decide

just wait, they are going to reveal new hardware on the next E3 so the price will drop on both of those you mention

wait for PS4.5 AKA PS4 Neo if u wanna buy 1...

Wait for the new generation. Or even wait until Nintendo presents their new Console.

wait there will be new consoles prety much comfirmed. if you dont have a 3ds, idk what are you waiting for tho


Get steam. It's pretty much the same as playing on a console but with free online play.

Neither, run from this hobby as fast as you can

it's not a hobby, it's a life style

Wait for the new ps4k

What are the pros and cons of both ds4 and xbone controller? I wanna buy a new controller.

Buy a PS3, wait for the PS4.5. Don't fall for the PS4 meme, it's outdated hardware.

ps4 good for small hands like t-rex

xbone good for big hands, like fappers




I guess I'll just wait for next gen

I havent used an xbone yet but the DS4 is pretty good, i like it better than the 360 because it has a better Dpad, my only gripe with it is battery life, but i have 2 and i use one while the other is charging

Also xbox one controller has a better placement of analog sticks

And worse placement on the Dpad


First ive had a xbox one but that bitch is fukkin slowly
Now ive a ps4 that thing is fukkin incredible fast

I have some tips for keeping the charge longer:
-Turn off vibration
-Dim the light
-turn off speaker functions

Alternatively replace the battery with a higher charge capability, disconnect the lightbar or buy an external battery pack.

Yeah i know about that, but i dont mind it that much because i have 2 controllers that i can swap between indefinitely, id rather keep on the functions

You need a new 4k tv for the psneo you fukkin cunt


What about material quality? There were complaints in particular about the shoulder and trigger buttons for both controllers. And obviously the joysticks of the ds4.

I havent have any issues yet with any of my 3 DS4, about the joysticks, those were only the very first DS4 made that had shitty thumbstick material, all of my DS4 feel like they have different material on the thumbsticks but they all hold up pretty well

Buy old ps3 slim with 10+ games for 150$ from someone unril the ps4.5 comes out

Xbone controller material seems to be strong, you have that feeling that you can throw it on the wall and nothing will happen to it