What's with the sudden surge of Blizzard shills on Sup Forums

what's with the sudden surge of Blizzard shills on Sup Forums

Overwatch open beta was fun, get over it

Game that had 10 million people play the beta turned out to be pretty good.
Chances are a few of those 10 million are on Sup Forums

literally nothing else, we've been through this shit hundrets of times, just hype a mediocre game up as much as you can and people will flood this board shitting on everyone that brings up valid complaints while shitposting every other thread to death


Next week everybody will hate it again. Business as usual.

Nice try activision, you won't get a single shekel from me

>how dare people talk about new games! shill shill!

There are no other decent games coming out besides Doom.

>people unironically denying shills

The greatest proof of viral marketing

Paid-posting, my friend

>new game
Tf2 won't stop existing no matter how hard you deny it's existance.

>He's on to us

a lot of people enjoyed Overwatch
That's it.

You're the greatest proof of Sup Forums being retarded

Nice try, shill. Kill yourself

Are you new to Sup Forums?
There's always this much posting about a popular game before release.

Hello, activision.

Fuck the mods, there're literally 10 Ow threads right now and the game barely has content
It IS viral marketing,
why not stay in one thread or go to /vg ?


Hello, blizzard.

Stop falseflagging you faggot, we know you shill here

FUCK OFF SHILL. Reverse physchology doesn't work on me.

Fuck off. (You) ARE the shill.

>calling out shills means you're a shill
You don't really know what that word means, do you?

Reverse physchology doesn't work one faggot

>barely has content
It has waifus.

Where do you think you are?

Fuck off Bobby kotick

Stop shilling the shilling shills you shill

>the false-flag meme
>the shill meme
>the reverse psychology meme
>the paid posting meme
One day you faggots will realize you're two sides of a perpetual cycle of viral marketing. Blizzard and all those other companies don't need to hire shills to do their work - as long as they put their work out into the world in the first place and generate one or two minor controversies, you fuckers will do it for free until the end of time and both sides will think they're promoting some kind of justice and/or fighting the "enemy"

I need to get out of this cancerous wasteland

>all those (you)

You're not fooling anybody, shill.

case in point

If 30 billion flies like the smell of shit, are they wrong?

No I'm fully aware, but is anyone really against this board permanently looking like this thread

Hello, Robert "Bobby" Kotick

Don't even need to generate controversy, some things (like new Blizzard titles) will get all the attention they need anyway.

Same thing how people accuse DICE of putting a black guy on the Battlefield 1 cover so that was all that people would talk about. No, retards, a new Battlefield game is always big news and it will be critically and commercially acclaimed anyway. No one forced you to go KKK on them and then bitch about how they're totally going to use your racism against you when the game is out and you find actual problems to bitch about.

Right or wrong, it'll generate quite a buzz either way.

Get it?


It's a free board. I can post what I want.


I wish i was a paid shill irl

Dude, you know shills are like undercover cops, right? They have to tell you if you ask. It's the law.

You and me both, family. I'm getting too old for this shit.

Nice try shill


Nice photoshop, activision.


>On second thought, let's not go to Sup Forums. It is a silly place.