What is wrong with modern gamers?
What is wrong with modern gamers?
Too much spoonfeeding ever since Oblivion and it's objective marker.
Perhaps the rot set in earlier, but I can't think of anything else at the mo'.
I'm a modern gamer. Why do I have to do puzzles? Why can't a game just talk me through everything so I can enjoy the story and overall experience without thinking to hard after a long day?
Soon these people will need explicit direction on how to take a piss.
FPS games were starting to get less and less open too
the fact that there's some hipster faggots out there that literally think like this scare me
Dishonored is still an excellent game. Favorite game of the last generation, easily 2012's GOTY. A great successor to games like Deus Ex and Thief 1 and 2. It's not a flawless game by any means, the difficulty was definitely too easy even on the hardest difficulty, but that doesn't change the fact the game is great.
>Inb4 some retard complains about Chaos
They don't know a world before the internet. When they don't know something and can't look up an answer in 5 seconds, they are immediately stumped and have no motivation to try out things. People have no curiosity these days and aren't willing to just test things and look around.
I enjoyed it as well, but for me, this is one of those games that I play once and have a blast and then never touch it again. Also that OP mission is my favourite, it was absolutely beautiful.