What is wrong with modern gamers?

What is wrong with modern gamers?

Too much spoonfeeding ever since Oblivion and it's objective marker.
Perhaps the rot set in earlier, but I can't think of anything else at the mo'.

I'm a modern gamer. Why do I have to do puzzles? Why can't a game just talk me through everything so I can enjoy the story and overall experience without thinking to hard after a long day?

Soon these people will need explicit direction on how to take a piss.

FPS games were starting to get less and less open too

the fact that there's some hipster faggots out there that literally think like this scare me

Dishonored is still an excellent game. Favorite game of the last generation, easily 2012's GOTY. A great successor to games like Deus Ex and Thief 1 and 2. It's not a flawless game by any means, the difficulty was definitely too easy even on the hardest difficulty, but that doesn't change the fact the game is great.

>Inb4 some retard complains about Chaos

They don't know a world before the internet. When they don't know something and can't look up an answer in 5 seconds, they are immediately stumped and have no motivation to try out things. People have no curiosity these days and aren't willing to just test things and look around.


I enjoyed it as well, but for me, this is one of those games that I play once and have a blast and then never touch it again. Also that OP mission is my favourite, it was absolutely beautiful.

Are you in the wrong thread?

Modern gamers don't really play games. They watch youtube manchildren play games and they watch twitch/whatever streamers play games. Actually playing the game is quickly becoming a novelty.

>game tells player early on that increased body count feeds the rats and spreads the plague
>feeding rats directly is a mechanic to discard people you kill
>visibly see Dunwall go to shit over the course of the game if you keep filling the place with bodies and ruin people's hopes
>game ends with no Bad or Good morality, only what happened

It's disappointing how people don't understand that Chaos wasn't morality persay and that if the system only took into account ashing bodies to lower chaos, it would be perfect.

yeah because unless you play old games which most people don't then you're playing some shit made in the last 5 years.

>be an assassin
>guard tells me I can't go somewhere

fucking hell people

this, it's pretty scary

Because neither your day nor video games are actually hard and you should have plenty of mental energy left over to vent through recreational activities. If you have trouble living day-to-day, perhaps you should seek to improve your mental health.

>this is one of those games that I play once and have a blast and then never touch it again
That's funny, to me it's the exact opposite. I'm the kind of guy that almost never replays video games but I replayed Dishonored (and it's DLC) once because the game is fun both in a Low Chaos Ghost playthrough and in a High Chaos Mass Murderer playthrough. Not to mention it's cool that quite a bit of the game's story changes with it as well.

It's less about rats eating the corpses and more about there being fewer people to kill the rats.

Go live your own life buddy. Don't come on Sup Forums telling me how to live mine. I just want to relax after my 14 hour shifts. Not look around for some piece of shit that isn't relevant to the story.

Bodies disintegrating into ash should still count for higher chaos, although I could see the argument it should count less.

Less guards and civilians to take care of the rats = More bodies = More plague

I wonder. What happens if you go fully high chaos but save the two scientists? Is it even possible?

By "needing more hints" they decided to add 2 NPCs that tell you the answer within 2 minutes of walking through the door

Go play browser games you lazy sack of shit.

>Go live your own life buddy
>Don't come on Sup Forums telling me how to live mine


This. Games should have an auto-mode so i could just watch the game.

It's not since Oblivion. Games in general have been getting more and more handholdy since the early 90s. At some point (could have been around the time of Oblivion, but I would say it was maybe around Half Life) they crossed some threshold of casualization, but the roots go way back.

>but I can't think of anything else at the mo'

They had to add a bunch of lights to Half Life 2 to tell people where to go, because otherwise they would be stuck for hours going in circles.

New Vegas' first DLC came outright and said this as well through a blurb about the pipboy's convenience rotting your brain

I'd really like to see the average Skyrim player deal with quest directions in Morrowind

Yeah. That's why I like some of the recent stuff Sony has been producing. It's nice.

Instead of whining about le modern gamers how about you go play some games? There's plenty of excellent shit made the last few years. Just because Arkane had to put out more hints doesn't mean that "modern gamers" are just outright shite and retarded. There might be shit like, you know, the level actually being poorly designed on Arkane's part so hints were needed. Lady Boyle level wasn't particularly great because the inside was a chore with where you could actually go.

There'd still be less people to handle the rats, but the idea is mostly the fact that the rats would breed at a lower rate if they weren't being fed as much. One of the biggest thing of the game is the spread of infection, which is mainly the rats unless you do other things like poison the Bottle Street Gang's supply of elixir. By throwing bodies to the rats and summoning more for devouring swarm, it's putting the rate up higher.

But I can also see how it's more important to have more people, considering one person throwing one frag can take out a large swarm, while diligent guards will make sure to squash each one they find.

If you just want to watch a movie, go watch a movie.

If you actually enjoy anything about video games, then please explain what about video games you enjoy. Traditionally, the point of a game is to have some kind of challenge. It sounds like you just want to hold W for two hours while having a simplistic "story" shoved in your face. That's not a game.

I don't know why you would play the original dishonored when you could play deus ex or blood money. Guess I under estimate how limited most people's gaming experience is when they are impressed by shallow, shitty games

to be fair a lot of morrowind's quest directions were pretty bad, especially the quests that required you to find some random well hidden cave. That said its journal is still way better than the quest compass.

I VASTLY prefer morrowind's fast travel system though.

You asked why, I told you why.

The meta trolling in this thread is off the chain.

Yes i'd love to replay the same games over and over that came out decades ago.

Gaming isn't like literature or cinema, it's relatively new and there's only so much content, no one wants to play deus ex every time a similar game comes out to avoid anything modern.

they're fun

you're right

Perhaps because I don't want to play the same two games all my life? Fuck you.

>Just because Arkane had to put out more hints doesn't mean that "modern gamers" are just outright shite and retarded

At the very least it proves this level of ineptitude is the standard by which developers are gauging their audience.

And that enough people in the audience are sheepishly accepting what's being given to them to comfort developers into their opinion.

Average Skyrim player here
I, shamefully, admit that I wasn't able (when I tried) to play more than 2 hours of Morrowind, due to it's unfriendly UI and objectives indications...

People aren't really taught to think outside of the box anymore on top of

>Hurr durr people are retarded I'm so smart

You have no idea how the mission looked before they changed it.
You probably would have struggled too.

Designed for the lowest common denominator.

Stupid people are the easiest ones to brainwash, to advertise to. The stupid people are the ones who'll spend $100 on a new game while they're $400 short on rent. The stupid people are the ones who will buy a game because the television told them it was awesome.

And because your market is stupid people, you have to design your game to accommodate the kinds of things that stupid people do.

Stupid people can't follow spoken or written directions, so they need visible markers and waypoints. Stupid people can't infer, so they need plot points outright stated.

The problem is gaming went mainstream and started catering to the biggest money-making demographic in the world: Stupid fucking retards.

NO, I'm a special kid, I visit Sup Forums, I'm not like the majority of our society, I'm special! I'm the 1%! I can't be dumb!

>He actually believes this

15 year old detected.

I blame cell phones and the instant gratification culture we have.

Blood Money is my favorite game of all time. Deus Ex is also great, as is Hitman Contracts, as are Thief 1 and 2, as are the first three Splinter Cells, as is
Doesn't stop me from also enjoying Dishonored, a game that is also excellent and belongs in the same list as them.

I haven't played any new games in a while because I haven't updated my pc yet. So I watch a lot of let's plays to stay current.

Holy fuck can it be stressful. Retards walking around looking for shit that's super obvious. Most games have patterns and mechanics; figure out the pattern and it becomes laughably easy to advance. Yet these fucks stand around forever.

Some excuse it by saying "I'm trying to be entertaining AND play, its hard!" but fuck that. I grew up with siblings and parents, so maybe I'm used to multitasking, but it is not hard to play and talk at the same time, especially if you're bantering with a friend as many let's players do (do that exact reason)

Pisses me off so much I've really cut down and am working on getting my pc up and running.

Fucking hate following directions NPCs give me ala Morrowind style. Takes way too long to find a single fucking person at a market or some shit, and I don't want to write an actual, physical journal reserved for directions. I can see the charm, but fuck I prefer having a goddamn pointer at least. I don't to spend 20 minutes trying to find a bumfuck cavern in the wilds.

Pure autism

>NPC enemy tells me I can't do a thing
>I'd better give up on trying that then!

Imma bash u like a rat

dumbass playtesters have done nothing but hurt gaming in the past decade, I swear to fucking god

I dunno about it being 'easily' GOTY.

XCOM, Virtue's Last Reward, Sleeping Dogs, and Gravity Rush all gave it a run for its money for me

Morrowind's quests required reading, thinking, planning, exploration and so forth.

They were engaging in multiple ways.

Oblivion and onwards is just, "Go to the waypoint, kill the thing, go to the next waypoint".

There's no wonder, excitement, or mystery. It has become a chore.

>no argument
>muh m-meta t-tr-t-trooolling

>I don't to spend 20 minutes trying to find a bumfuck cavern in the wilds.
Then why go adventuring? If you want everything fun spaced tightly and brightly described go to a theme park

>they're fun

You've completely failed to answer the question, though. If you don't want any challenge, then why play video games? Why demand less challenge in something whose fundamental purpose before 2007 was to provide a challenge?

Explain the difference between playing your ideal video game, and holding the W button on a keyboard while watching a movie.

>due to it's unfriendly UI
It's not unfriendly, you're just retarded.

I blame CoD and Oblivion.

Fucking millennials ruined gaming

I've always not known what to do when I first played a new game. I would just fool around and try different things until I figured out what I was supposed to do. Discovery is part of the fun and it really annoys me when the game tells me what to do without my asking it to.

>They didn't even go upstairs because a guard told them they couldn't.

This country is literally ripe for autocracy

That seems like good game design to me by letting the player know subconsciously what to do to progress and make it easier to explore without fear of accidentally progressing. IMO it becomes dumbing down and handholding once it starts being overt

If I was an assassin sent to kill an important target at a party and the security guard told me not to go upstairs, the first place you should go is upstairs.

I don't care how subtle the hints were, if they were what OP's image says, that should be far more than enough information.

"Modern Gamers" are the stupid fucks that only started playing video games when "nerd culture" took off 3 or 4 years ago. They do not know shit.


>waiting 2 hours in line for a 2-minute ride

theme parks are shit

chill dude I'm actually a neet that posts on Sup Forums all day while playing RO2 all day.

I just wanted to contribute to this shitty thread where some guy actually cares what other people think about his video games.

Also, I blame Halo for the casuals of today.

>That gif.
Good job making his point.

That is most certainly the case

On the other side of the spectrum I couldn't play for more than 2-4 hours because by that point I became a dbz character flying around the map destroying everything with energy balls through the power of potions and enchanting.

>343 industries

Is it really not fun to have to think for your self and explore around? I'm not saying that everything should be hard to use but what fun is there in simply heading in a straight line and swiping at things? Does it not get monotonous?

I feel like casuals are fine with modern video games because they don't play it enough to get bored with the shallow features. Skyrim may look interesting for a few hours, and if you stop playing with that mindset, it'll seem like a good game (not really, but let's just say this is the case). If you're playing for longer though, that shine fades away and you're left with absolutely nothing.

Morrowind has more to think about so it keeps my attention longer, it's not a master puzzle finding out where to go or not using fast travel, but it keeps that shine from dulling for a little longer.

The bait is strong

If you are posting on this board, you are most likely between the ages of 21 and 36. If you are, you're a millennial. If you're older ir younger, what the fuck are you doing here?

>Modern gamers don't really play games.

This. If they played more often, they would not get stumped so easily.

>no arguments
>muh metatrolling

Personally, I can't focus on a game and talk at the same time. If I'm engaged with the game, whatever people say barely even pass into short-term memory.

It's actually a pain, because communication during teamplay oriented games is a bit hit-and-miss. I can't immediately call out locations, I forget the names of vehicles and start saying "the purple bike thing", because at the moment I'm saying that I'm in the middle of trying to brainpan and avoid getting brainpanned by some MLG exquake allstar.

The more casual the game is, the easier it is for me to talk about what's going on. The more intense the concentration required, the less I'm gonna say.

I was like you except I played morrowind after oblivion, I really tried to get into it and had to put it down a few times after just a few hours. The clunky/dated UI and sheer enormity/open endedness of it got to me. But I kept going back to it and on my third attempt it finally clicked and I really got into it. Its definitely one of my favorite games of all time now.

I really recommend you try it again. Make a redguard swordsman, its the best character build for a new player since you start with a MASSIVE 50 long blade skill so you wont have to worry about MISS MISS MISS quite so much. Go to Balmora right away and do the fighter's guild questline there, its basically the game's tutorial.

Steamlining is spread accross all genres.

As far as shooters go, I can argue that Goldeneye is more to blame than Halo.

skyrim ui is ultra shit tier though...
one of the reasons why i stoped playing it

>if you're born in 1981 you're a millennial
>although the majority of your childhood took part in the 90s while the other was the 80s
what the fuck are you even babbling on about

Help! I can't find Caius Cosades!

That's what you're intended to be

I love Morrowind but lets be real here, it had far more quests than oblivion but oblivion's quests were on the whole of much higher quality.

I have to admit that even talking to a friend over Skype causes me to fumble a bit more often, but yeah, seeing so many people claim to be "gamers" and fucking up so hard was hard to swallow.

That being said, I almost forgot how bad normies are at video games. I had a few people that only play popular games every now and again, trying to work a controller and their minds could not process more than one button at a time.

That polygon video about Doom? I'd say that's actually better gameplay than the average normie. It's honestly a little hard to be mad at let's players when you see gameplay far worse.

>I blame CoD
What does COD have to do with this?
>If you don't want any challenge, then why play video games?
For fun? Is this such a difficult concept for you to grasp? Not everything has to be a "challenge", games can just be "fun" sometimes, okay? Do you understand? Or are you too far up your own ass?
>Why demand less challenge in something whose fundamental purpose before 2007 was to provide a challenge?
No, the fundamental purpose of videogames has always been entertainment.
Here's a good example of a game that's challenging. But you know what? It's not fun. (well, maybe for the first ten minutes or so). Do want more games like QWOP that are challenging and actually the least bit entertaining.
No, of course you don't. Because you're not a retard. I hope.


>what the fuck are you even babbling on about

the actual definition of what a millennial is? They way it was defined by the guy who actually coined the term?

CoD Solo campaing is literally "follow the yellow point"

>not just dropping smoke bombs
>not just teleporting behind them
>not just unsheathing katana
Would-be assassins indeed

Not him, but "millennials" goes all the way back to ~81-82.

The gamers haven't changed, it's that more people are gamers. Now that games are more accessible, people who are less dedicated to them or less intelligent can play them.


go in random houses till you find a shirtless grandpa surrounded by skooma

>20 minutes
I get certain people excel at certain things, but it's really not that hard to read what you're given and find what you're looking for. Morrowind definitely had a few shit directions, but I don't think it was the norm.

>Play as super powered assassin man
>Some guy you don't know tells you that you can't go up there
>Buckle and just lounge about at the party for hours

The question is
Are modern gamers so bad because of linear cinematic experiences in games teaching them that they can't do anything?
Or are modern gamers bad because they are so stupid they can't infer anything?

The game tells you to kill a bad person.
You have superpowers. You are living in a society that is constantly doing evil things.

Most bad players are much more likely to just go in guns blazing instead of being whipped like a bitch

That's stupid

Millennials should be anyone born after 2000

That's fine. Games having some kind of subconscious indicator or hints that naturally fit with the level design is no big deal. Even Morrowind had signs pointing to where the villages were. It wasn't until Oblivion when there was a fuckhuge quest marker that basically said GO HERE

Millennials have been ruining the planet for a long time. Not just gaming.