Even if the game was reverted to vanilla, or just professions even, how does the economy deal with probably multiples of 10-20M characters getting max level profs for free? How do zones deal with the fact that all of these accounts are getting free max levels from xpacs and boosts? Face it. Making an economy based on leveling isn't interesting where nobody likes leveling anymore. A game full of resources isn't made productive by them when they're not even challenging on solo farm.
Even if the game was reverted to vanilla, or just professions even...
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It doesn't, game is shit and unfixable. Just let it die already.
>game was reverted to vanilla
nobody is asking for this, retard
Sure, bud.
What are you talking about.
How did Vanilla manage being vanilla? are you asking this? or do you think people want some insane mish-mash version of vanilla and retail for some reason? no one wants that at all.
Pretty much this. Since TBC this game has been an anal fissure that Blizzard keeps applying bandaids too to keep it alive, and keep the mouth breathing audience at bay.
I'll give it to them though. They single handedly made MMOs mainstream, casual, and dead.
People would return to the days of farming their own mats and having shit crafted for them
Gold is only a means for trade, but if its too unusable as a currency source like it is now, then it has no value, which is why being gold capped on WOW today is not hard, but also not necessary to do anything
I think you mean an anal [sunder]