Even if the game was reverted to vanilla, or just professions even, how does the economy deal with probably multiples of 10-20M characters getting max level profs for free? How do zones deal with the fact that all of these accounts are getting free max levels from xpacs and boosts? Face it. Making an economy based on leveling isn't interesting where nobody likes leveling anymore. A game full of resources isn't made productive by them when they're not even challenging on solo farm.
Even if the game was reverted to vanilla, or just professions even...
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It doesn't, game is shit and unfixable. Just let it die already.
>game was reverted to vanilla
nobody is asking for this, retard
Sure, bud.
What are you talking about.
How did Vanilla manage being vanilla? are you asking this? or do you think people want some insane mish-mash version of vanilla and retail for some reason? no one wants that at all.
Pretty much this. Since TBC this game has been an anal fissure that Blizzard keeps applying bandaids too to keep it alive, and keep the mouth breathing audience at bay.
I'll give it to them though. They single handedly made MMOs mainstream, casual, and dead.
People would return to the days of farming their own mats and having shit crafted for them
Gold is only a means for trade, but if its too unusable as a currency source like it is now, then it has no value, which is why being gold capped on WOW today is not hard, but also not necessary to do anything
I think you mean an anal [sunder]
>revert to vanilla
Well if you don't understand the initial demand, your answer couldn't have been right in any universe.
Oh you. Wouldn't it be four [sunder]s though? Threat and such.
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, but if you are saying the current players with all of their inflated gold and alts and shit wouldn't mesh well with a new expansion that embraced "Vanilla" values, then I agree.
Legacy servers would have fresh characters, but for the game to move forward without all of the bullshit it has adopted, the current roster of players would have to be wiped. For the game to truly abandon the casual nonsense (which won't happen under the current lead designers), the slate would have to be wiped clean. I believe an excellent opportunity for that kind of fresh slate would be some kind of ocean expansion, with sailing and shit like that.
>if you are saying the current players with all of their inflated gold and alts and shit wouldn't mesh well with a new expansion that embraced "Vanilla" values
>for the game to move forward without all of the bullshit it has adopted, the current roster of players would have to be wiped
Some disagree though. They could make the game much more sandbox focused even with all the max level stuff.. There has to be a demand for gear / gems / enchants though.
They could do what RS3 is going to do and introduce an arbitrary new currency with their new landmass (essentially expansion) so that players with boatloads of gold (Since gold is devauled to hell) cant just walk in and buy up everything
Opinions on optional Vanilla servers?
You know all the people who say that wow is casual never even saw naxx in vanilla right? They just moan for the sake of moaning none of them have valid points.
Biggest problem isn't that there is too much gold.
Its that gold has no value, they've made every aspect of value that gold have become simply cosmetic to the average player, the only people who give a fuck about gold are probably raiders, who need it for repair bills
You know vanilla had more content to do then naxx, right?
The actual benefit of having a profession though is making gold, at least until there's a reason to mass produce gear.
>Biggest problem isn't that there is too much gold.
That wasn't stated. The previous mats and zones were only worth leveling professions and character, and if a bunch of characters already are maxed and prof'd, the leveling and economic depth has been reduced.
That would require Blizzard to A) Not be lazy and B) Not cater to the whining vocal minority. I can only imagine how many people would piss and moan if their capped banks were rendered useless in one fell swoop. Then again gold is already fucking useless and everyone complains anyways.
Its not that blizzard is lazy, its just that Watcher only gives a fuck about end game raids and nothing else, he took over as lead designer in the middle of wrath as everyone who had any sense left to make titan, which got canned.
Really though, fuck this guy, he turned the game into a decent RPG into a shitty metagrind
What's the best Warlock spec for low level PvP?
All the people left designing and managing the game are head shaking yes men. I hope legion fails for the simple reason that this stagnant game, no stagnant genre can finally limp off into the sunset and get a restart down the line.
Shits getting embarrassing now.
Pretty much, the only hope for MMOs really is some indie game to get really big or have a dedicated and talented group of developers.
Honestly you'd think after the huge stink over nost people would sit back and go "Huh, there is a market for older style of MMOs"
Not samefagging but I suppose this is Sup Forums where people will cry samefag if more than one person disagree. For the record I am not that other guy he just set me off because I am the biggest knaak hater in the wow community, I fucking despise that edgy arsehole who change the whole universe for his two self insert charters in that god awful trilogy everyone praises.
He makes the most cringey stupid stories that play to the rule of cool more than metzen could ever dream of, he brutally raped night elf lore and the fact he made brox damage Sargeras which is one of the lamest yet jacked off to event in wow lore.
Fuck Knaak I hope he dies before he can damage wow lore anymore.
That guy is right about the dragon aspects, go read his novels about the dragons, how he pares his self insert ginger faggot with an elf waifu and overshadows the whole story with self insert faggotry.
People shit on Christine golden because she throws stupid romance but I'd kiss the bitch for killing both Rhonin and the Dragon dipshit.
like what leveling BS to 300? spending 3 hours clearing BRD spending a week and almost dieing grinding high warlord then despairing as you watched it decay if you left to sleep for a few hours.
Vanilla was not fun it was just an endless grind you nostagia faggots better put down your rose tints and smell reaility. Just because you used to corpse run from wetlands to westfall does not make it fun, it was a tedius mess and the quicker you nos fags get that the better.
Oh and before you say i did not play i was in beta for wow all them years ago.
Well gee, because the game hasn't become owrse of a grind.
If Naxx was all vanilla had to do I assure you the game would not be reguarded as highly as it is by nostalgia fags.
You sound like someone who doesn't even like MMOs.
Vanilla WoW is STILL so far around the curve for most devs that I don't expect a game of similar scale happen soon. It had staggering amounts of content and refined tech built upon the whole Warcraft-franchise.
If SOE had been an actual competent company, they could've made something groundbreaking with Everquest Next. Planetside 2 has proven that they have (or had) a great engine in their hands. BUT THEY FUCKING BLEW IT.
>like what leveling BS to 300? spending 3 hours clearing BRD spending a week and almost dieing grinding high warlord then despairing as you watched it decay if you left to sleep for a few hours.
Yeah, things like that. Actual content that was fun and worth doing.
>Oh and before you say i did not play i was in beta for wow all them years ago.
Sure thing buddy.
mandatory reading
That's really the problem for the genre now. The increasing production cost bloat that the industry is going through now will cause too many devs to not take a chance or play it safe and think they can get lightning in a bottle like WoW was.
Couple all that with the instant gratification that mobile/website games have bled into "standard" games, it's literally impossible for a AA or AAA dev constrained by a publisher to not follow the now dozen year old norm. And highly improbable for an indie dev to have the funds necessary to create anything to turn the tide.
While that guy makes a lot of good points, al lot of the shit he talks about has been put into practice and has created very shitty MMOs.
MMOs need to be a consistant, vast open world, not the smaller server meta based games hethinks MMOs should be.
I feel like this post was made by someone who just got a 4 year degree in economics and wants to flex this newfound qualification by applying it to situations he has absolutely no understanding of.
>theme parks have huge "becoming obsolete" issues
If you don't realize this, you don't play video games.
i play rs3 and i didnt even know that
>Even if the game was reverted to vanilla
You managed to fall completely flat before the first sentence was over m8.
How so?
Because literally nobody wants servers and characters from current expansions reverted to vanilla.
They want a fresh start server so free max levels and maxed out professions are such a complete nonfactor that its baffling, utterly and completely mind boggling that you would bring it up.
Then how would contemporary WoW be fixed? What would you call reverting the professions to how they were an xpac ago?
You're memeing. Even with vanilla servers, there still has to be a standard WoW.
>Then how would contemporary WoW be fixed?
Why would anyone care about doing this exercise in futility? You don't fix a car thats been wrapped around a tree.
>What would you call reverting the professions to how they were an xpac ago?
Completely irrelevent to anyones desires.
>Even with vanilla servers, there still has to be a standard WoW.
Once again, why should that matter? Having vanilla servers that are seperate from the retail servers is a given, there should be no interaction between the two and I am genuinely confused as to where you are making the connection.
>You're memeing.
caught redhanded.
>Why would anyone care about doing this exercise in futility? You don't fix a car thats been wrapped around a tree.
The engine's in the trunk, m8.
If plays are going to diss standard WoW, why would they get vanilla servers..
>everyone is mega rich in WoW now with like gold cap easily
>I'm lucky to have 5000-10,000 gold per character on my 10 level 100s
>I have to pay blizzard $ for my sub
kill me
>If plays are going to diss standard WoW, why would they get vanilla servers..
Because there is very obviously a demand for it? And if blizzard aren't going to supply then they should keep their fingers out of private servers.
WoW leveling can get fucked anyway, it's so boring.
how the fuck dude. Just doing dailies on one character gives you enough to buy a token every 20-ish days
>do dailies
>those quests that give like 10-20 gold per quest a day
>do dailies for tokens that cost 50,000 gold
Am I being trolled softly here?
They're already back online.
[Furious] [Butt] [Pounding] [For the Children]
[They Love Me In That Tunnel]
Does nobody here get nostalgic for how beautiful and peaceful WoD leveling was?
>all of these retards who didn't play vanilla think vanilla was the high point of WoW instead of BC
stop posting screenshots of this garbage expansion
How the ass do you get into beta?
Probably random
because of legal fuckery, blizz cant ignore a private server using their property when it has obviously come to there attention, like nostalrious.
They could. Even if they asked for all the money sans server costs / upkeep.