Why is nobody talking about this game? It's literally the best SNES rpg out there

Why is nobody talking about this game? It's literally the best SNES rpg out there.

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uh, you mean secret of mana?

reminder square will never release the full, uncut version

Secret of memes got nothing on Live A Live if you think otherwise you should drink bleach.

Dragon Quest 4 was better

I want to enjoy it but my SNES's PC controller D-pad is fucking atrocious that I can't play it

/vr/ talks about it all the time

what full uncut version? there is a fan made rom called Som:Enhanced that has expanded dialogue by a fan but i havent heard anything about an official uncut version? what exactly was cut?

>mfw future chapter
>mfw youtube.com/watch?v=fJt94nYy1pg


Because it's a shitty meme RPG that nobody in japan liked and as such never got an international release, for good reason. It's slow, boring, and a clusterfuck of mechanics and design.

Treasure hunter G is where you should be going if you want high quality RPG on SNES. Literally the best, objectively, and unequivocally so.