Why is nobody talking about this game? It's literally the best SNES rpg out there

Why is nobody talking about this game? It's literally the best SNES rpg out there.

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uh, you mean secret of mana?

reminder square will never release the full, uncut version

Secret of memes got nothing on Live A Live if you think otherwise you should drink bleach.

Dragon Quest 4 was better

I want to enjoy it but my SNES's PC controller D-pad is fucking atrocious that I can't play it

/vr/ talks about it all the time

what full uncut version? there is a fan made rom called Som:Enhanced that has expanded dialogue by a fan but i havent heard anything about an official uncut version? what exactly was cut?

>mfw future chapter
>mfw youtube.com/watch?v=fJt94nYy1pg


Because it's a shitty meme RPG that nobody in japan liked and as such never got an international release, for good reason. It's slow, boring, and a clusterfuck of mechanics and design.

Treasure hunter G is where you should be going if you want high quality RPG on SNES. Literally the best, objectively, and unequivocally so.



The game was first conceived for the SNES-CD, but Sony being Sony ruined the deal by putting into contracts that they get all control over Nintendo's IPs. The game would have been far more open and the plot would have involved time travel as well. But because the SNES-CD never got made, these ideas were recycled into Chrono Trigger.

>sony is le bad meme
Kill yourself.

It's really not. That's not to say that it's bad, it's just not 'literally the best SNES rpg out there'.

It's got a great story but its combat is pretty repetitive and dull. Some of the mechanical stuff could be handled a lot better. The cowboy chapter was simply not built very well. The kung fu chapter rewards you for being a shitty master to 2/3rds of your students. And the medieval chapter, when you get past the shock of the story, is VERY dull and repetitive, and suffers the most from a thing that the whole game suffers from: very poor translation.

Please understand that I think this game is definitely worth playing and has a great story but I think that a lot of the praise it gets is at least in part due to being MY SUPER SECRET SNES GAME THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS PLAYED

If you want THAT, then Terranigma is a better overall game.

oh, I thought that read "live-a-evil

Sonyggers, everyone.

Jump off nearest cliff sonygger.


>but Sony being Sony ruined the deal by putting into contracts that they get all control over Nintendo's IPs
They intended to retain control over the disc format, not the IPs.

>company war faggotry
unless you're an actual Sony or Nintendo employee why would you even give a shit

Kids these days are spelling Secret of Evermore very strangely when talking about best SNES rpg's...

did somebody say best SNES RPGS?

Oersted did nothing wrong

mah nigga. rudra no hihou and treasure hunter G are tippy top tier. Shame all the plebs only know about bahamut laggy shit and live "with a dick in your ass" a live.

Bitch Bahamut Lagoon was comfy as fuck.

comfy is code for boring, always has been, always will be.
You shouldn't be able to get "comfy" with a game, it means it's not engaging.
It has shit mechanics anyway. Tons of them are broken or can just go straight up unused. treasure hunter G takes a big fat shit all over it.

he lost

to a ragtag group including at least two kids, an autistic robot, and a literal ooga booga caveman

Not all games have to be Call of Duty engaging. Games are meant to be there for you to relax so you don't have to be in work mode. Maybe you should go back to your FPS's.


>Why is nobody talking about this game?
gee i dunno man maybe it's because it's older than most posters on this board

This. The game is an experimental concept, same as the SaGa titles . But suffers from being too repetitive on its mechanics.

that said Buriki Daioh simply rocks.


>The kung fu chapter rewards you for being a shitty master to 2/3rds of your students
To be absolutely fair, unless you looked it up, you don't have any idea that only one of those guys gets out alive, based on how much you trained them.

When I first played, I actually went through everyone

And if we're going to take about Live A Live flaws, I found the Ninja Chapter to be more hectic than the Cowboy one.

Because Sup Forums has no taste

So you admit it's boring garbage that can't keep even a 5 year old interested? Right then.

I think it's one of those games where the idea is greater than the technology they had available.

The Space Chapter kind of loses it's tension when you realize that the Behemoth can't chase you through different rooms

>That pic

I miss when videogames were videogames and not marketing wrapped in libetard ideology

This is one of those games I would love to see someone take another crack at. Some of the chapters clearly didn't have as much love put into them and the balanced was kind of fucked (most characters had a ton of skills that simply wasn't worth using)

You could still come up with some cool chapters

>super hero
>world war
>modern day occult
>horror movie
>Sentai or masked rider

Never heard of this game and I played a crapton of rpgs back in the day. It's probably never made it to yurop.
I bought some of its music for theatrhythm tho, sick tunes

You're a fucking retard. My comment does not mean it's boring but you just admitted to being a Call of Fuckboy that can't enjoy a game with a relaxing atmosphere.

It didn't come out of japan, and it got fan-translated by Aeon Genesis.

I found the ninja chapter to be one of the most well put together ones. It's not that the Cowboy one was hectic, it's that it's poorly put together. And IT punishes you for being smart and getting the townsfolk involved and setting up traps. The way that benefits you the most in the long run in the cowboy chapter is to be a crazy asshole who takes on all the bandits by yourself.

>mfw the badass military guy survived

Future chapter finale was amazing

>this whole thread

holy shit. I used to wonder why on earth /vr/ needed a 'containment' board. Now I know the truth.

It's not to keep /vr/ out of Sup Forums. It's to keep Sup Forums out of /vr/.

Never fails when SoM is ever mentioned atleast one autistic Secret of Evermore snowflake appears and prompty vanishes.
SoE is fucking garbage:
Torn apart by critics
Sold like shit
Hated for merely of the thought that Square replaced SoM2's release with this turd.
No sequel

Great job

Funny how none that has anything to do with the quality of the game itself. Nice try though.

>No sequel

Fucking kek.

>Why is nobody talking about this game?
probably because it's over 20 fucking years old

If everyone were talking about it you'd just call it overrated garbage.

Face it, you're a hipster.

we heard you the first time, you fuck here's your goddamn (you) so you can shut up

Nice try.

Did it ever cross your mind that this game is over 20 years old?