What is the greatest kart racing game?
What is the greatest kart racing game?
CTR>2Fast Transformed>MK8>Diddy Kong Racing
Replace Double Dash with MK8
Double Dash>CTR>2Fast>Diddy King Racing
Supra Mayro Kratt.
All Stars Racing &Knuckles>MK8>CTR>Diddy Dong
Sanic Transformers.
It's the kart version of Outrun 2006, one of the greatest games of all time.
diddy kong . because of the fun gameplay and rich lore
Only one of them has Carrier Zone, Burning Depths and Sanctuary Falls
Fuck off nostalgic sonygger. CTR has nothing if you didn't play it back then. Same with the first Mario Kart.
I wish I had a chance to pick it up on Steam. I guess my shitty PSP copy will have to satisfy my urge to legally own the game.
Sunshine Tour and Galactic Parade were also glorious
mario kart double dash.
Sanic has the speed and the skill ceiling, MK8 has the better aesthetics and no Danic Patrick. None of the other games matter.
Sonic Kart Transformed is the final form of the genre, it has the exact balance of fanservice, speed, mechanics and challenge that you want.
which kart racer has the best online component?
I imagine mk7 and 8 have the most alive online community at this point
You can't play that one DLC map in Transformed, that automatically rules it out
Super Mario Kart.
>have to hunt all those sonyggers! xD Only nintendo games! xDD
Fuck off and die, fag.
>tfw only got to play ctr online with Sup Forums for a day then we all disbanded.
S&ASRF is both the greatest acronym of all time and the greatest cart racer of all time.
Except I shit on the first MK too. And Sonic is the best actually, on PC. I shit on nostalgic turds who defend games that simply don't hold up for anyone who hasn't played them in the 90s.
Mario Kart 8 is so damn polished. I'm honestly scared that the series can't get any better at this point.
>Except I shit on the first MK too
Take those same mechanics and get a real battle mode back in the mix and you'll have to perfect kart game.